
Taiwan Beauty: Exploring The Business Opportunities

Calling all beauty lovers, a visiting delegation of eleven (11) Taiwanese leading beauty brands have formed an alliance to promote and further grow the popularity of Taiwanese beauty industry. The Taiwan Beauty Alliance landed in Kuala Lumpur to introduce and to share the beauty of their brands. This beautiful exchange assembled the Malaysia top 2 health, beauty and personal chains--Guardian and Watsons as well as beauty companies and bloggers to discover the 11 top Taiwanese beauty brands. 
 (From left to right)
1. Tasha Hsiao, Director of Taiwan Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡臺灣貿易中心主任蕭春
2. Chiang, Jung-Hua, President of Yuan Workshop Co., Ltd. 阿原工作室股份有限公司總經理江榮
3. Jayang Hsieh, President / Founder of Gettingpoints Biotechnology Inc.
4. Roy Hung, Assistant Manager of Shen Hsiang Tang Co.,Ltd 盛香堂股份有限公司協理洪若
5. Caleb Tang, CEO of Herdsman Enterprise Co., Ltd. 牧人企業有限公司總經理 鄭桂
6. Dora Mok, Secretary-General of Persatuan Anggun Menawan Malaysia (PAMM)
7. H.E. Mr. Chang, James Chi-Ping, Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Malaysia  駐馬來西亞台北經濟文化辦事處代表章計平閣
8. Steven Ko, CEO of Hair O’right International Corp.  歐萊德國際股份有限公司董事長葛望
9.  Eric Wu, CEO of DR.WU SKINCARE CO., LTD  達爾膚生醫科技股份有限公司董事長吳奕
10. Steffi Lin, Sales Manager of Beauty Essentials Ltd. 美之本股份有限公司經理林荺
11. Akira Jou, CEO of Dr. JouBio Tech Corp 森田生醫股份有限公司執行長周俊
12. Andrea Hu, Assistant Manager of Tenart Biotech Limited 十藝生技股份有限公司外貿協理胡慧
13. Helen Ho, Sales Manager of The One Cosmetic International Co., LTd.
 Taiwan Beauty Power – a Networking Event in Malaysia” is organized by Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) , Taiwan and implemented by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and Taiwan Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur, aims at promoting the "Taiwan Beauty Alliance" with selected 11 Taiwanese distinguished beauty brands which possess 5 major features: biotechnological, medical, innovative, fashion-forward and green. Both new and long-standing brands are among these 11 members. For example, 76-year old Cellina is a collective memory among Taiwanese people. On the other hand, 23.5'N has been a rising star since its establishment 6 years ago. 

According to H.E. Mr. Chang, James Chi-Ping, the Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Malaysia, the average of export growth rate of Taiwan beauty industry has been increased by 16.6% in the past 5 years. As one of the key industries in the country, Taiwan beauty industry is also recognized as one of the most developed ones in the world. The medical technology in Taiwan is ranked as the top in Asia and the third in the world. On top of that, with impressive creativity, outstanding fashion, green technology, and other environmental advantages, it is undoubtedly for the local industry to create professional world-class beauty brands with safe and effective products. 

“Due to the steady growth, Taiwan beauty industry has established more than 1,000 cosmetic brands. The sale of facial masks is exceptionally impressive with more than 100% of growth rate in the past 5 years. In order to fight for a stand at the international marketplace, the "Taiwan Beauty Alliance" was officially formed this year and it will be one of the primary marketing properties of TAITRA for the year.” 

The representative of "Taiwan Beauty Alliance" Steven Ko pointed out in his speech that it is the very first time that excellent Taiwanese brands united in an alliance to explore the overseas market together. Those brands were selected based on 5 qualifications, including creativity, brand strength, MIT (Made in Taiwan), number of certifications won, and its potential in the overseas markets. The 11 honourable alliance members are DR.WU SKINCARE, Yuan, NARUKO founded by Niuer (the godfather of Taiwan Beauty industry), MASKINGDOM, DR. JOU Biotech Corp, and other health and beauty companies. 

“Other than launching and introducing excellent and value-added MIT beauty products to South East Asian market, the primary goals of this event are to build up and strengthen collaborative relationship between Taiwan and Malaysia, to seek potential business partners and subsequently create new business opportunities.” 

The 11 well-known Taiwanese beauty brands (Alphabetical Order by Brands Name) that have joined the networking event are listed below;

23.5'N / A rising star making good use of Taiwanese manufacturing process

CELLINA / A 76-year old, collective memory among Taiwanese people

DR JOU / Its masks gain high popularity in Asia

DR. WU / Taiwan's No.1 dermatological brand

FOR BELOVED ONE / The star product--Bio fibre mask has laid a solid foundation for a successful brand in Asia

MASKINGDOM / MASKINGDOM creatively integrates elements from aboriginal tribes with their cosmetics masks

NARUKO / Founded by Niuer--the godfather of Taiwanese beauty industry

NEOGENCE / Perfectly combines dermatology and bio-tech

O’RIGHT / The most environmental-friendly haircare products

PSK / PSK's Pearl Cream has been sold more than 1,000 times the height of Taipei 101 building

YUAN / Famous for its excellent herbal application 

You might also stand a chance to win amazing prizes consists of products from all the 11 well-known Taiwanese beauty brands. Good luck.

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