
Simple Lifestyle Changes for Better Blood Health

Aneamia is a common desease especially for women. Always we seen people especially ladies suffer from aneamia, due to we have to go through monthly menstrual or pregnancy. 

In fact, Aneamia is often the result of insufficient supply of healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin needed to carry oxygen throughout the body Causes of anaemia:
Abnormal menstrual bleeding, deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals for production of red blood cells, chronic illness such as inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure and acute and chronic infections, and increased breakdown of red blood cells due to intensive physical training. The most common cause of anaemia is iron deficiency.
Anemia is a condition in which the amount of haemoglobin or number of red blood cells is insufficient to meet the body’s physiological needs. It is often the result of nutritional deficiency, genetics and chronic diseases. And women face a higher risk of anaemia due toiron loss during menstruation and pregnancy.
Do you know we could actually prevent and even cure for anaemia? By eating a certain food and diet that increase iron absorption. There are a few iron rich food including dark-green leafy vegetables, such as watercress and curly kale, iron-fortified cereals or bread, brown rice, brown rice noodle, raisins, pulses and beans, nuts and seeds, white and red meat, fish and tofu.
Besides, there are also Iron supplement which is a solution to correct iron deficiency anaemia, for better daily performance without hassle. My family and I have been consuming Sangobion, which is a product of Merck - the world’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company for innovative, top-quality high-tech products in healthcare, life science and performance materials.

Sangobion is an iron supplement that replenishes iron stores and increases red blood cell levels in the body. It consists of the full range of vitamins and minerals that is necessary for production of red blood cells, and contains Vitamin C to help in increasing absorption of iron. It also contains Sorbitol which helps to reduce incidence of constipation commonly caused by iron supplementation It also fights the symptoms of anaemia such as fatigue, paleness, weakness, lack of concentration and dizziness. Sangobion helps to increase red blood cell levels to optimize oxygen needed in the body, so you could perform at your best throughout the day.

Lastly, I have been trying to avoid the obstacles in maintaining good blood health for example coffee & tea intake (which will reduce iron absorption), vegetarian diet, meal skipping habit, low meat consumption.

By adapting these lifestyle changes, I can feel my blood health improvements. I do not feel as tired whenever I workout now. I also feel energetic even when I am working long hours in the office. So, let’s start our simple lifestyle changes for better blood health now.
Do visit to try out the 'Anaemia Meter' questionnaire, a way for you to find out if you are at risk of anaemia.

For further information on anaemia, visit


  1. Thanks for sharing this important information about anemia. And the products looks so suitable to take care our health

  2. Most peoples have anaemia but they unaware of it till blood test done. It is good to know it and iron is the best supplement to it.

  3. I have a couple of friends who suffer from aneamia. Really feel sad for them. I will inform them about Sangobion.

  4. I really feel I need to try some Sangobion too.. I may have some anemia as I am quite often tired for no good reason....

  5. Thanks for the sharing about Anaemia! I always intake Vitamin B and Iron supplement too =)

  6. Thanks for sharing on this. I think it's important that more people are aware of this. :D

  7. wow, hamper of health!
    oh no, i love coffee so much, and it will reduce my iron absorption. i should consider this product.

  8. Blood health is really very important.. Great hamper..

  9. This brand is good, I have been taking it also for my light Anemia condition :)

  10. the product sounds good. i should take Sangobion to be more focus.
