
Stay Safe with Digi Family Safety App

Child abduction case has always happening in our country, many children have been reported missing recently. As a parent of two lovely girls, I am very worrying their safety especially I am a working mom whom don’t have time to take care of them 24 hours. While my daughters are taken-care by trusted caregivers, I have never taken their safety for granted.
Thanks to the latest innovation and technology, Digi has launched their Family Safety App recently. As a Digi user, I get to try them out for FREE, yay!

According to the Digi, Digi Family Safety App is a solution for people like us who want to know that their children or elderly relatives are safe at all times. Parental controls give parents additional ability to put restrictions in place for how their children use their smartphones. I believe most teenagers have their own phone in this tech-savvy era, so this app is great for us parents to stay connected with our kids.
With Digi Family Safety App, we can enjoy a lot of features including;

1. Family Location - Locate your family on your smartphone or the web in real time. I love this feature the most, as we can keep track of our kids in real-time without worrying the limitation of distance.

2. Geo-fencing - Create safety zones for family members. For example, I have make the home and my caregivers’ home as the safety zones for my kids.

3. Notifications - Be alerted when family members arrive or leave the designated areas.
4. Check-ins - Check-in regularly to let others know where you are. I actually do love check-ins function as it shows us where our kids are checking-in.

5. Panic Alert - Send an emergency alert with your location to all family phones. This is another powerful function for my kids to send a panic alert to us when any emergency happens.
6. Parental Controls - Control by rating what apps can be used. Restrict App Store and In App Purchases usage. As a parent of two girls, this is great function for me to control their usage on the phone.

7. Phone Security - Find and ring any family phone if lost or stolen. We could find our phone with this function now.

Digi Family Safety App comes in 2 options, namely the Freemium and Premium.

Freemium plan allows the user to connect up to 2 family members, check your family members’ location whenever you need, check-in on a specific location (for example when our kids get to school), create up to 2 Safety Areas to get automatic geofencing alerts, see how was the day by glancing your Family Activity, and immediately alert all family members by sending a Panic Alert.

For Digi customers, you can register yourselves by SMS ON FAMILY to 20000. Digi customers get to try Premium for Free, and Cancel anytime. To start your 30 days FREE trial, simply send an SMS with command 'FAMILY PREMIUM' to number 20000. Once the 30 days trial is ended, Digi customers just need to pay RM 5 per month to continue the plan.

Premium features all basic features plus additional features of add up to 7 family members, Limit the apps your kids can use on their Android Phones and Tablets, Restrict the phone numbers your kids can make calls to and receive calls from, Create up to 20 safety areas, Remotely lock, ring or wipe any device in your account, Get real time location from your family. What’s more? Digi has a plan to introduce a wearable soon too, so that kids with no smartphone can also be part of the Family safety app.
Digi Family Safety App supports Android Wear as well as Apple Watch, how cool is that.
So, moms and dads do check Digi Family Safety App out for the safety of our loved ones It is available in Google Play Store and Apple iTunes. Don't live a lifetime of regret for not taking care of our kids’ safety.

For more information, please visit


  1. only know that Digi got this kind of function!!should try it !!

  2. What a useful app this is for young families. It really does give peace of mind to parents.

  3. Great that Digi provide such services especially to us with children. Will check out the App for the safety of my Little Angels.

  4. *cries I'm not a Digi user. Don't think I need this yet though. Maybe when I have kids because then confirm worry a lot where they are.

  5. Wow~ Now only know Digi got this feature. It's great for the parents.

  6. Oh, I didn't know Digi has this app. Will check it out.

  7. I'm Digi user but i just know this function after seeing your post! Gonna try it

  8. Such an useful app it must be! I would love to try out.

  9. I am not a Digi user but this is a very good app. Keeping track of family is good.

  10. Hope other communication services can come out with the similar idea for their users as well! Definitely is a great app! :)

  11. love digi's creativity of coming out something useful. this is definitely helpful to parents at large.

  12. Oh I didn't know that Digi even had this. Will certainly check this out as this is very helpful to a lot of parents out there. Cheers to the share!

  13. Great safety app from Digi, wanna explore it too :)

  14. digi has really upgraded their service...luckily i am a digi user...weeeee

  15. Wow another innovative app for family. Its quite user friendly also.

  16. I love the package that offer by DIGI. Stay connected with your friends and family with the affordable package that offer by Digi. I proud to be Digi user.

  17. This looks good and heard something similar with iPhone sometime back.

  18. Which kind of apps do you use?
    I found here highster mobile app and have been using it for a few a months already

  19. Don't you think if your kid will reveal you spying on him/her he would be really angry and wont trust you anymore?
