
A Woman’s Journey Through Heatlh with Menarini

As a woman, I always look after my health and try to learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And when I grow older, I started to worry about menopause. Reason being, I have seen a few of my aunts have been suffering from menopause, from anger, anxiety, tired, bad skin and hair condition, and even depression.
Last Sunday, I was glad to be invited to the ‘A Woman’s Journey Through Heatlh with Menarini’ workshop happened at Saujana Ballroom, Saujana Hotel Subang. It was a sunny day to spent with all the beautiful woman. I was happy to see a lot of woman turned up that day, and some even came with mother daughter pairs! It was a great day to learn more about woman’s health and things we need to take care.
Firstly, Dr. Ho Choon Moy, the consultant O&G of Pantai Cheras has shared with us the wonderful years and the golden years of a woman.

When we are in our wonderful years, we are young, energetic, and enjoy intimate relationship. With the frequent sex, we could get pregnant easily during the wonderful years. Some are plan, but most are unintended. Unplanned pregnancy is the main reason to abortion which is illegal in Malaysia. And hence abortion is also dangerous for us as it will be done in non government recognize clinic or so. Hence, it is very important to know how to prevent from conceive using contraceptive method.

Each year, contraceptions prevents 188 million unplanned pregnancies, which results in 112 million fewer abortions. Contraception gives women opportunities to pursue education and lead a normal life, and the best part is, there are modern methods which are more reliable ways of preventing pregnancy than traditional techniques now. The modern methods include the short term contraceptives: barrier (using a condom), oral daily (hormonal), patch weekly (hormonal), vaginal ring monthly (hormonal), and injection 2-3 months (hormonal); as well as long-term contraceptives: 3-5 years of non-hormonal procedure, 5 yearly hormonal procedure and 3 yearly implant hormonal procedure.
I was told that non-contraceptive benefits of combined pills will improve acne skin, regulation of menstrual cycles, treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and many more.
Now, in case of emergency, there are also some emergency contraceptions available. For more information, do consult your doctor to get professional advice ok.

Now come to the Golden years. This is a nightmare to many women as we have our final menstrual period, and post-menopause happens 1 year after the last menstrual period, Peri- menopause begins anytime from 40 years old onward until the beginning of post-menopause. In conclusion, menopause is a natural and inevitable event that happens on average at age 51 years. According to some research, women spent more than one-third of our life in the postmenopausal years. Feeling scared already? Don’t! In fact, Dr. Ho told us  that menopause is a new beginning. We say good bye to PMS, our children is graduating, finally we have time for ourselves and our friends, continue to grow wiser and empowered, and have fun, enjoy plus live life to the fullest!

So, don’t let menopause scared us. In fact we shall accept it and embrace it.
There were some booths set up at the main ballroom for participants to join and redeem goodie. I was attracted by Pupulex skincare for acne skin as well as atopiclair skincare for the sensitive skins. In fact, I am using atopiclair cream for my girls since few years ago to fight eczema. Menarini has also setup a booth to provide free analysis to us.
The participation fees were all donated to Mr. Ragunathan family. His family is suffer from financial problems with too many kids, and we hope that his life is better with our donation.
Not forgetting to take a pic with the pretty emcee, Christina Wong

It was truly an inspiring day for me, thank you Menarini for organising the A Woman’s Journey Through Heatlh workshop.


  1. This is interesting... and yes, as women we do need to take care of out health... it is good they had so much fun activities while help educating us..

  2. Looks like a really meaningful event babe! A journey through health is definitely great for any woman to discover.

  3. how is the product? Can't wait for the review!

  4. Such a meaningful event and as a women, we should learn more how to car about ourself as we aging faster compare to guy.

  5. Definitely need to be more understand about women health journey! It's a very important knowledge =D

  6. Love the write up on this dear - any initiative for health is always something to be greatly informed on - plus they had tons of activities too, so that is wonderful as well.

  7. "Dr. Ho told us that menopause is a new beginning. We say good bye to PMS, our children is graduating, finally we have time for ourselves and our friends" - this part sounds like the highlight. I shall wait for the day to come...

  8. I still think Malaysia has a long way to go with their prude mentality mindset. We should be given a choice with what we want to do with our pregnancies not forced to keep if we are unable to. Not like they are supporting us financially also.

  9. looking sweet as always rane! :) nice writeup, and a good event and cause.

  10. The talk was informative for all women like us. Great that it is part of the charity too.

  11. wow.. didn't know there's a malaysian menopause society! great awareness and eduation for all women out there!

  12. very informative, didn't know there are so many contraceptives out there. and agree with you, with better health, we as woman, can live beautifully.

  13. This is really good for us women to understand and take care of us at different stages.

  14. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Really informative post. =)

  15. It was a great workshop and learn a lot of tips also. Hope they will organize it again.
