
New! Online Streaming & Entertainment Platform in Malaysia - HiBaby.TV

It’s Sunday night and I’m imsonia due to too much of coffee today. I am feeling so boring as all of my friends and family are in their sweet dream right now, and I have no one to talk to.
Hence I was trying my luck to surf the Internet to see if any new entertainment available to me. And lucky me I found this very interesting entertainment, the brand new Online Streaming & Entertainment Platform in Malaysia - HiBaby.TV
HiBaby.TV gives me a brand new online interactive experience. I do not only get to choose to listen live broadcast online, I can also chat and interact with the pretty & handsome hosts, plus take part and level up my online profile there too. It’s a platform to meet new friends and I could also choose to reward the hosts with virtual gifts that translate to real life earnings.
The video streaming was fast and featuring live content from hundreds of hosts all across Malaysia as well as overseas. As a user, we get to enjoy the latest pop tunes, as well personal favourites picked by hosts, and even get to listen to the talented hosts sing along too.

HiBaby.TV’s pretty and famous hosts include Hugo Wong, Sophie, Lyndie, Peggy, Nicole, Stephy, Julianne, Tracy, Evon Lew as well as Riri Chao from Taiwan.  Included in the list were the Established Asian Reggae and Dancehall star, Sasi The Don and the reigning Miss World Malaysia 2016, Tatiana Kumar. It is really a happening platform to keep us occupied.

When I searched further,  I found that HiBaby.TV actually had their grand launch at FUZE Club, Kuala Lumpur on 29th September 2016. It was a very happening launch event as it was emceed by Kay Silva and Nadia Hasnan, and attended by hosts from the platform, HiBaby.TV viewers, celebrities, beauty queens as well as social media influencers.
It is founded by a group of passionate individuals from all over Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and South East Asia. HiBaby.TV has a simple vision, which is to urge talented & beautiful personalities all over Malaysia to come forward to join the big team.
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Vijian Chan, CEO of HiBaby.TV said, “HiBaby.TV will grow and support passionate & talented individuals over time. Programs were arranged with a few hosts including Nadia Hasnan on Food, Music, Travel, Scuba Diving & etc. We provide a platform for those with talents & beauty to earn money from the comfort of their own home and be streamed live to viewers worldwide."

HiBaby.TV is already available on Google Play Store for Android smartphones and laptops as well as iOS App Store (coming soon).

With HiBaby.TV, we would never get bored again even in insomnia nights. For more information, go to HiBaby.TV's Facebook page at and website at


  1. That's a new and interesting tvshow! Now no longer can say bored if at home, because you can chit chat wit you favorite host anytime anywhere!

  2. Good to see a brand new entertainment platform!

  3. Interesting. The one who involved are the social influencer right? does it mean bloggers like us can be part of them?

  4. such an interesting channel. Time to stick to tv again

  5. Sounds like it could be quite fun! Need to go check it out soon. thanks :)

  6. The concept sounds good. However, I am not excited about it. I can just put that down to age factor. I am past the age of celebrities already. LOL

  7. My cousin is a talented person and I'm sure she love to join the team too. Looks interesting.

  8. nice! i heard there's an opportunity there to earn while being a star! :D.. have you signed up too? :D

  9. Everyone looks gorgeous and attractive! I hope I can identify some familiar faces soon!

  10. Wow~ A new entertainment show via online? Interesting =D

  11. I read about HiBaby everywhere. Hope they dish out quality entertainment for long time.

  12. The launching event looks so grand =D It's an interesting entertainment platform to view and try!

  13. The concept of this is certainly very interesting and its quite nice that people can stay interactive and entertained when they log on to the platform too. Will check it out.

  14. this feels like it is going to be big... and I do like their concept.. hope they will be around for a long time...

  15. the hosts look very pretty. i hope the content is exciting as well!!

  16. A very interactive social platform. It's truly something different :)

    P.S.: I've followed you on instagram, hope you can return the favour!

    Let's stay connected :)

  17. I clicked in once, the interactive experience with different hosts was quite interesting :)

  18. wao~ i saw many bloggers talking about this entertainment platform.. it must be interesting !

  19. Not good to watch shows at night as it gives you even more difficulty to shut down your mind.

  20. Have been reading about this everywhere lately. Have yet to try it out :o
