
Green Eco Initiative @ The School by Jaya One

We attended a very meaningful event last Saturday - the My Fin My life photo expo and photography prize giving ceremony at The School, Jaya One. We have seen students, divers and photographers gathered there to witness the prize presentation ceremony of the School’s My Fin My Life Photography Contest at around 2.30PM on 26th Nov 2016.
The event was held with the aim to create awareness to say no to shark fins. We are fully support this, and wondering how many of you still consuming shark fins? The removal of shark fins is very cruel, the sharks returned to the ocean without their fins are often still alive; unable to move effectively, they sink to the bottom of the ocean and die of suffocation or are eaten by other predators.  It is also create extensive implications for marine systems, Imagine there’s no more shark to eat the big fishes, the small fishes will be gone eventually as they are eaten by all the big fishes.
Actually, shark fins is tasteless, so why are we still consuming it?
Miss Jessica Yeoh of Tetap Tiara (M) Sdn Bhd (The School)

During the prize presentation ceremony, Miss Jessica Yeoh of Tetap Tiara (M) Sdn Bhd (The School) said, “My Fin My Life is an initiative by WWF-Malaysia to reverse the present scenario of high shark fin consumption in Malaysia by engaging the public and businesses to unanimously pledge not to consume shark fin soup and products. In line with the WWF-Malaysia goals, the School by Jaya One embarked on a creative journey to instill the idea of shark conservation via the love of photography.

Bio-Oil, The Skincare Solution for Expecting Mums

Pregnancy is a time where the woman’s body goes through miraculous changes to bring a new life into the world, and along with it comes many physical and emotional changes.

The most visible physical change will be to her skin, with the most common conditions being pigmentation, acne and stretch marks, all of which can affect a woman’s confidence during her pregnancy journey.

Up to 75% of pregnant women will experience pigmentation or melasma caused by hormonal changes. Increased production of melanin can result in the forming of dark patches on certain parts of the face such as the upper lips, nose, cheekbones and forehead.

Another very common condition caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy is acne. While some mums-to-be are blessed with the celebrated pregnancy “glow”, others may face elevated hormonal levels that causes over production of sebum that can lead to acne, reddened and inflamed skin, and eventual scarring that could remain for months.

Although melasma and acne are often temporary and will disappear after baby’s arrival, the uneven skin tone and unsightly scars can significantly impact the confidence of mothers during pregnancy.
A more long-term skin condition that affects 90% of pregnant women is stretch marks (striae gravidarum), which happens when the body grows faster than skin can keep up with and usually occurs from the second trimester onwards. When this happens, skin can feel uncomfortably dry and itchy while the stretched skin can leave behind markings that can remain visible years after delivery, making stretch marks number 8 in the top 10 body concerns for women. 

Worry not as Bio-Oil is formulated specially to help mums look and feel better. Trusted by thousands of mothers worldwide, Bio-Oil is clinically proven to improve the appearance of uneven skin tone, new and old scars and stretch marks, making it the No. 1 selling scar and stretch marks product in 23 countries including Malaysia.

Happy Teething = Happy Kids with SensiTeeth Kids

As a mother of 2 young girls, I am very concern on their health and beauty. I believe a good and healthy routine needs to be established since young, including Oral hygiene. Do you know that the development of primary teeth actually begins while the baby is in the womb? Yupe, the first buds of primary teeth appear in the baby's jaws at about 5 weeks' pregnancy. And at birth, the baby already has a full set of 20 primary teeth (10 in the upper jaw, 10 in the lower jaw) hidden within the gums.
Parents quite often ignore the baby teeth because they thought it’s unnecessary. In fact, Baby teeth help kid to chew and speak, and guide the permanent adult teeth into position, so it is important to take care of them right from the start. My dentist has advise me to start my kids’ dental care as soon as milk teeth erupt with a soft child’s toothbrush.
Then, from 18 months onwards, parents could introduce a small pea-sized amount of children’s toothpaste and guide them to brush teeth and along the gum line twice a day – in the morning and before going to bed at night. Regular tooth brushing is important for both children and adults, because it helps to remove the bacteria and plaque that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Kid’s gradual replacement of first dentition begins at around age of 6. Guess what, my elder daughter’s first permanent molar tooth was formed at age 5! By age 12, the child would have 28 permanent teeth already.

I have introduced toothbrush to them before my 2 girls hit 1 year old. They are used to brush their teeth twice a day. Choosing a right and safe oral care products become my priority and I always in search of the best ones.

Symphony Life That ‘70s Run Opens for Registration

Calling all running ‘kaki’, the fun run wellness carnival - Symphony Life That ‘70s Run is open for registration. We all know running brings a lot of good health, as the saying goes, “Health is Wealth”, and on that note, Symphony Life Berhad is organising the Symphony Life That ‘70s Run, which is a 5km fun run.
 Symphony Life That ‘70s Run
Venue: BizWalk, Taman Tasik Prima, Puchong
Date: 15th January 2017
Time: 7:30A.M.
Route: 5km
Registration Fee: RM70.00 (inclusive of event drifit t-shirt, finisher medal, lucky draw entitlement, freebies, light refreshment etc)
Registration Deadline: 15th December 2016

Symphony Life That ‘70s Run is a retro-themed run (back to the1970s). All participants are encouraged to dress up in outfits from that era to take part in the run. Imagine all the colourful and funky fashionistas running on the track yo!

Along with the 5km route, there will also be 2 dance checkpoints. This is very interesting as participants are required to follow a few simple  ‘70s dance moves by the dance instructors to be entitled to the finisher medal. 

At the finish line, a mini fest will be held for the participants and public. There will also be free health check counters and health related product booths will be setup along with children activity stations and a variety of food trucks too.
The registration fee for the run is only RM70.00, and registration closes on 15th December 2016. The fee is inclusive of event drifit t-shirt, finisher medal, lucky draw entitlement, freebies, light refreshment etc. There is also an early bird discount of RM10.00 for participants who register before 30th November 2016.

Porcelain and Perfect skin with Nanowhite’s Triple Treat

Have you ever dream of owning a Porcelein and Perfect skin? We could now achieve it with  the help of Nanowhite’s Triple Treat. With Nanowhite, good things come in threes! They have recently launched their triple treat for skin to enjoy lasting fairness, smoother skin and instant glow.
Nanowhite’s Triple Treat

Curious on what are the three new stars of the Nanowhite lineup? Read on....

1)      Nanowhite Double Action Whitening Gel-Cream (40ml tub  at RM39.90)
Forget about tired, darker skin with Nanowhite Double Action Whitening Gel-Cream. Nanowhite Double Action Whitening Gel-Cream is here to make bright complexion lasts with its Nanowhite Super Antioxidant™ with unique capsule essence contains concentrated Vitamin E and C. Upon application, the Nanowhite Super Antioxidant™ capsule with concentrated Vitamin C and E is released to neutralise the free radicals, thus protecting our skin’s radiance.
This allows for maximum efficacy, thus doubling the whitening effect. Other than delivering resilient fairness, this ultra-light and easily absorbed product also minimises appearance of dark spots.

2)      Nanowhite Skin Renewing Aqua Gel (140ml bottle at RM44.90)
A fair skin looks best when it is smooth and fresh. This is where the Nanowhite Skin Renewing Aqua Gel wows. The gentle, non-abrasive exfoliating gel removes the unsightly black heads and dead skin cells, leaving your skin silky and renewed.

Protect You and Your Family From Scars with Hiruscar and Hiruscar Kids

Hiruscar and Hiruscar Kids, a scar care brand, launched the ‘My Hero-Scar’ campaign to raise awareness among parents on the importance of outdoor play time for children’s physical and psychological development. The campaign also aims at encouraging parents to allow their children to explore and enjoy outdoor activities without worrying their little ones getting permanent scars from bruises and scrapes as long as it is treated properly with the right scar care product.

“Technology and the urbanized environment these days keep our children from enjoying the mother-nature as we used to do when our generation was growing up. Children are very active and may fall and sustain from injuries while they are playing outdoors. More often than not, parents would prevent such incident from occurring again. Instead of protecting their children at all times and preventing them to participate in any outdoor activities, parents should let children be children – allow them to be adventurous because it is part of growing up. Hiruscar and Hiruscar Kids offer an efficient and convenient solution to make sure adults and children don’t keep scars but only good memories from their outdoor activitiesUltimately, the ‘My Hero-Scar’ campaign aims to provide parents the assurance that while children can be active and adventurous, they do not have to worry about children’s scars as they are well taken care with Hiruscar and Hiruscar Kids,” said Koon Yin Pang, Senior Manager, Consumer Health Lead, Marketing Management, Consumer Health of DKSH Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Ms. Pang, Senior Manager, Consumer Health Lead, Marketing Management, Consumer Health of DKSH Malaysia Sdn Bhd. explains during the launch that we are all susceptible to cuts and little injuries in our everyday life that might lead to permanent scarring. However Hiruscar and Hiruscar Kids, young children and adults are able to enjoy the essential moments in life as these products help to break free from their scarring conditions.

Often, parents believe that their children are safer indoors. Technology and an increasing range of home entertainment make it easy to keep children from playing outdoors. According to a study done by the regional parenting portal, 98% of parents in Southeast Asia allow their children to use IT devices regularly.[1] 41% of these children aged between three and eight years old spend more than an hour per sitting on their devices.[2]
(L-R) Dr. M.S Priyadarshini, industrial and organizational psycologist and Ms. Pang Koon Yin, Senior Manager, Consumer Health Lead, Marketing Management, Consumer Health of DKSH Malaysia Sdn Bhd. officially launch the ‘My Hero-Scar’ campaign. 

Comfortable & Durable School Uniform by Professor

I have been looking for comfortable and durable school uniform for my elder daughter ever since she enroll to primary school. As a mom, I care for my daughters and I wish to provide them very best for their children 24/7, 365 days a year. Since she will be wearing the school uniforms for more than 8 hours a day, under the hot and humid weather in KL, in the typical classroom without air-cond, a good quality school uniform is necessary to keep her comfortable and focus on her study.
I have been recommended a Malaysia home grown uniform brand, 'Professor' by friends and colleagues. When I did my own research, I found that Professor is established since 1982, and it has been caring and clothing many Malaysian children for the past 34 years! From their humble beginnings with a small shop in SS2 to 12 outlets throughout Klang valley now, they still strive to provide affordable, comfortable, durable and most importantly high quality school uniform to our children.
It sounds really promising. Hence I brought my girl to Professor outlet at SS2 to try out the uniforms. Apparently there are 2 range of Professor school uniform, the Professor Red Label which is their signature label with better quality and extra-large sizes, and the Professor Green Label which is a cheaper range. Since the Professor Red Label’s price is reasonable to us, we opted to the Professor Red Label.

New! Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne

Making heads turn, locking gazes and imprinting unforgettable memories through a very vital sensory that is the scent. Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne is the kind of fragrance that makes a woman has her own signature scent to be recognizable among the rest. After successfully introducing this fragrance range in Indonesia, Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne has become the number one fragrance of choice and it is about to top Malaysian market with its elegance and glamourous touch.
Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne range has the distinctive aroma that will awaken your positive emotion, such as the citrus note which sparks up the refreshing, revitalizing and energizing mood for us to be charged for everyday activities. Undoubtedly, a fresh and elegant-scented body will manifest confidence and attractiveness in you. These are the auras that are exuded from the kind of women that we normally see as being center of attention, head-turners and memorable. Therefore, a fragrance that matches perfectly with a woman’s inner aura and character definitely will boost her self-esteem to interact with everyone around her as well as making others feel intrigued to bond with her. In short, Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne paves the way for success and relation with others through the power of scent.
Simply spritz just a little fragrance of your choice from the new elegant glass shaped bottle of Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne to have that confidence and outstanding vibe of attractiveness gleaming from you. Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne is certified Halal by MUI for a peace of mind for Muslim users. Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne is designed in bold gradient colours to differentiate each from its character.Each spray will definitely trail you with the loveliest scent that will “ignite your charm reach your star”.
Syahirah Vitalis Eau De Cologne range includes four scents and notes for every woman to choose from:

Swiss line Cell Shock Essences that is Essential for Everyday

Swiss line, the renowned skincare brand from Swiss has once again presented to us their latest innovative delivery to tackle the physical manifestations of aging skin.
L: Ms Barbara Lacobucci, International Training Manager of Swiss line
R: Mr. Yip Wei Yin, Chief Operating Officer of Cheerful Marketing Sdn. Bhd.

Not resting on its laurels, Swiss line has turned its attention to tackling a new era of skin’s threats – the urban and environmental stress that devastates the health of our skin. On a daily basis, the skin is exposed to a barrage of toxins in our food, water, and the air we breathe. These toxins which are absorbed into our bodies give rise to cellular toxicity which continues in a vicious cycle. The healthy cells fight to get rid of the toxins, and in doing so, produce a lethal residue of metal components. Over time, the cells produce harmful chemicals that impaired cell rejuvenation, thereby causing an aging effect. Externally, micro-particles from home and industrial pollutants inflict the skin’s surface resulting in dullness, dryness, fine lines and over-pigmentation, all of which ultimately lead to loss of tone and firmness of the skin.
L: The Swiss line Cell Shock Facial Boosting-Essence
R: The Swiss line Cell Shock White Facial Brightening-Essence

Swiss line’s research is proud to announce that they have found a clinically proven, modern formula that tackles “urban stress”. The Swiss line’s Urban-Detox Complex which will be added to more subsequent products from the brand, is formulated with specific protein fractions from Moringa seeds to shield skin from environmental pollution, while a Nasturtium stem extract promotes the role of cytoglobin as an oxygen carrier, facilitating intercellular exchange and diffusing toxicity.

Swiss line is arresting the vicious cycle of cellular toxicity - a major factor in aging skin - in its track with the launch of its improved formula for the Cell Shock Facial Boosting-Essence and the Cell Shock White Facial Brightening-Essence

The concept of “facial essence” with “urban stress” is built on the idea of an essence which offers daily protection to skin from pollution and stress, and at the same time, boosting the skin’s own detoxing capacities.

Follow Me Buy & Donate Campaign 2016

Follow Me, a brand under Tohtonku Sdn Bhd has launched the Follow Me Buy & Donate Campaign 2016 that is currently ongoing from 20 October 2016 until 30 November 2016 to help raise funds for Rumah Caring Old Folks Home.

Located in Kajang, Selangor, this non-profit old folks home, caters not only to citizens aged between 50 years to 95 years, but it also shelters wheel chair bound old folks who require special needs and attention.
According to Wendy Yap, Founder of Persatuan Rumah Caring Kajang, the home has been grappling with the rising cost of operations and provisions in the last few years. Apart from the daily basic household needs, nursing service and cost of health supplies are also increasing.

“The average cost of running the home is about RM14,000 a month. We are left feeling helpless at times without financial aid. Therefore, we are really grateful to receive donations from corporate and individual donors,” said founder, Wendy Yap.

Eat, Drink and Be Merry This X'mas with Festive Food and Confectionary from Crabtree & Evelyn

Christmas is the joyous season to have a festive feast where we enjoy eat, drink and be merry with our loved ones. A bounty of delicious and decadent baked goods, confectionary and preserves awaits you from the Crabtree & Evelyn Feast for the Senses Christmas collection
This season, Crabtree & Evelyn is celebrating the excess of Christmas with a festive banquet that comforts and delights the senses, featuring seasonal fruits and festive spices, rich in taste, flavour and smell.

Biscuits are made for Crabtree & Evelyn in Lancashire by a fourth generation family business, bakers of the finest biscuits for more than 40 years. Let’s see what are there for us to choose from Crabtree & Evelyn Biscuits & Bakery collection;
We had made some very delicious traditional English trifle with Crabtree & Evelyn’s biscuits during the media preview.

McDonald’s Storytelling Contest Live Auditions Tour Now in the Central Region

McDonald’s Malaysia hosted a live audition session for McDonald’s Storytelling Contest in the central region at McDonald’s Mutiara Damansara and McDonald’s Sec 3 Shah Alam last Sunday. 
Contestants during live audition at McDonald’s Mutiara Damansara.

We are much honored to be invited for becoming a judge at McDonald’s Storytelling Contest Live Auditions at McDonald’s Mutiara Damansara outlet. We were delighted to find out that there are so many talented and confident kids in Malaysia. We are thankful that McDonald’s Malaysia is organizing this Storytelling Contest which is a great platform for the kids to perform and win amazing prizes.
Datuk Aznil bin Haji Nawawi and me. :)

As part of its nationwide tour, the shortlisted participants for the live auditions were selected from hundreds of Instagram video entries. Held for the first time ever on a big scale by McDonald’s Malaysia, the contest offers up to RM70,000.00 worth of prizes to be won including a family holiday to Warner Bros Movie World theme park in Australia as the grand prize. The Grand Finale will be held on the 3rd December 2016 with details on time and venue to be announced later.
It was such a joyful day for these children to finally meet Ronald McDonald during the live auditions at McDonald’s Mutiara Damansara.

McDonald’s is excited to be in this journey to nurture and identify the next storyteller in Malaysia. Through this contest, it is an opportunity to build stronger families within our communities. 
With overwhelming number of entries from the central region, another live audition will be held tomorrow in McDonald’s Putrajaya and McDonald’s Titiwangsa respectively. We can’t wait to watch more excellent storytelling soon, you go, kids!

Crabtree & Evelyn FEAST for the SENSES Christmas Collection

The joyous festive season is fast approaching! This year, Crabtree & Evelyn invite us to warm the hearts of loved ones with its Feast for the Senses Christmas Collection. Presenting to us an undiscovered world of mysterious elixirs and unexpected ingredients’ combinations, rooted in the British Christmas tradition.
Join Crabtree & Evelyn for an extravagant gala of jubilant revelry, where Christmassy boughs and delicate porcelain ornaments twinkle in the light of Noël® candles, where the air is filled with the scent of exuberant seasonal bouquets and twisting garlands, redolent with the perfume of precious pineapple, delicate rose petals, resinous woods and herbs.
Set your senses alight with treats that tantalise the taste buds, fragrance that delights the senses and opulent creams and lotions that indulge and lavish the skin.


This year, Crabtree & Evelyn Feast for the Senses collection includes three key icons which have a special place within British Christmas celebration: Fig, Pineapple and Earl Grey. Each has influenced the fragrance and flavours within the Crabtree & Evelyn Feast for the Senses Christmas collection and has inspired our limited edition Christmas scents of FESTIVE FIG, ROSE PINEAPPLE, and SPICED EARL GREY that is suitable for you, and for your loved ones too.
Let the festivities begin…

Introducing FashionValet Bridal for Women-on-the-go

“Don’t stress, we’ve got your dress.”
We love what we seen on the Grand Launch of FashionValet Bridal that was held at St. Regis Hotel Kuala Lumpur. With intricate lacework, fresh takes on classic silhouettes, endless yards of tulle and jaw-dropping trains that still feel inherently aisle-worthy. 
FashionValet, Southeast Asia’s leading one-stop fashion e-commerce portal, is venturing into a new category, dedicated to future brides – FashionValet Bridal. Known for its wide selection of women apparel ranging from clothing to beauty products, shoes, accessories and more, this new category will reinforce FashionValet’s position as the go-to web portal that offers the best online shopping experience.

“We aim to be present at all stages of a woman’s life – whether it’s her first day of college, first date, first day at work, having her first child or other milestones. The one thing we were missing was the biggest day of her adult life. Now, we can proudly say that FashionValet has become every woman’s life companion,” commented Vivy Yusof, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of FashionValet. 

The beauty of FashionValet Bridal is the ability to browse a wide selection of wedding dresses from the comfort of your own home. Avoid the hassle of driving from one boutique to another and coping with the stress of having to divide your time to manage wedding preparations such as catering, distribution of wedding invitations, venue booking and other necessary arrangements. Most importantly, one does not have to be burdened by a hefty price tag of purchasing a wedding dress. Designs available at FashionValet are made for every customer at affordable prices, ranging between RM1,800 to RM5,000. 


As the year end festive seasons is approaching, its time for us to take good care of our skin to get that beautiful glowing skin. We have encountered ENCHANTEUR PARIS, a brand famed for its French inspired fine fragrance EDT range, where its body care products are also infused with similar fine fragrances to provide women with a complete top to toe all day freshness. 
Living under our hot weather conditions coupled with hectic lifestyles, women relish having a slather of lotions or serums to protect and care for their skin daily. For that added confidence, ENCHANTEUR PARIS Deodorants will further enhance one’s splendour.

While indulging in the captivating scents from the EDT to the body lotions and serum, down to the roll on deodorants and body mists, a woman will then be fully prepared and ready to transform ordinary days into days filled with endless magical moments with ENCHANTEUR PARIS.

The ENCHANTEUR PARIS Parfum Body Care Range is available in 3 mesmerizing scents as listed below;

ENCHANTEUR PARIS Mon Amie Range inspired by sheer happiness. A scent that perks up your day and best suited for casual outings with friends. A light and refreshing scent of Mon Amie is beautifully infused to match the ENCHANTEUR PARIS Mon Amie Light & Fresh Parfum Lotion. ENCHANTEUR PARIS Mon Amie also offers Double Moisture Parfum Serum with Ultra Hyaluronic Hydration & Olive Oil, which is perfect for immediate intensive and all day hydration while smelling delightful with the Mon Amie fragrance infused in the serum. Enhance the lively and charming scent with the ENCHANTEUR PARIS Mon Amie Whitening & Refreshing Parfum Anti-Perspirant Deodorant or ENCHANTEUR PARIS Mon Amie Parfum Deo Mist to ensure all day freshness.

How to Shop Till You Drop and Not Break The Bank

今天的标题是,How to Shop Till You Drop and Not Break The Bank,也就是如何疯狂购物却又不用担心钱不够用。你应该很怀疑,在马币贬值,马币4.30 兑换1美金的时代,通货膨胀,万物起价的年代,我们的钱实在是不够用。哪里可能享受疯狂购物呢?对吗? 

但是,日子再难,生活还是要过, shopping 还是需要的,对吗?很高兴我找到在 USJ One City Mall   Jalan Jalan Japan,那里售卖便宜,精致,来自日本的二手货。

其实这个潮流原自于90年代 Bookoff cooperation 开创了日本的二手货市场。现在它在日本和世界各地已经有多过800间分行。日本人的家园一般上都很小,容不下很多东西。所以富裕的日本人时常把崭新甚至全新的货物丢掉。日本人珍惜他们拥有的物品, 也希望别人爱惜他们的物品,所以他们会小心翼翼地使用他们的物品。我们都知道日本人注重尊严,所以他们不会把物品转送他人,而是通过 Bookoff cooperation转售,从书本到车子都一样。至于衣服,不是因为他们需要钱而转售,而是要清理空间好容下最新的衣裳。日本年轻人通常每个季节更换两次衣裳。 
 Jalan Jalan Japan 负责人

到了Jalan Jalan Japan我们好像进入了一个购物天堂。琳琅满目的产品就好像去寻宝一样,充满期待和惊喜。 

从名牌时尚,大牌包包,手表,玩具,漫画,动漫玩具,运动器材,乐器,旅游用品,小孩用品,婴儿手推车到家具。可真是应有即有。其实不是所有物品都是使用过的,我们还看到全新,还贴着价钱贴的货物呢。但是价钱实在是实惠,从  RM 2 开始就有交易了。 

Talika @ Kens Apothecary

Talika, the French beauty brand renowned for its suprememly restorative anti-ageing skincare and light therapy innovations is now available at Kens Apothecary. Since 1948, Talika has been drawing on natural treasures to develop unique and innovative skincare products that allow each skin to reveal its natural beauty potential.
Whether it involves a technique of Ayurvedic medicine, a NASA study on light radiation, an ancient Chinese remedy or a unique cosmetic treatment, Talika takes advantage of nature’s vital energy and uses it in targeted products for the benefit of skin cells. Much more than a simple brand, Talika offers a life philosophy and a unique vision of beauty, based on the balance between body and spirit, the continuous and virtuous exchange between the world and cells.
As a living entity, Talika sets itself the task of sharing these discoveries and is committed to revealing the natural beauty of women in all stages of their lives.

More than a mission, it is a true reason for existence. The Talika products available at KENS Apothecary are;

Lipocils Expert® (10ml tube |RM 219) and Eye Therapy Patch which is a Re-usable anti-fatigue patches to visibly erase eye contour wrinkles 6 patches + 1 case for RM275, or Refill (6 Patches) at RM 215.