
Effective and Fast EMS Training @ Impulse Studio

How many times you made the decision to try to work out every week but you did not make it due to busy and hectic life? It always happen to me, I have been going to the gym and swimming session on and off over the years and I ended up giving up work out as I have a busy schedule. 
Impulse Studio, Bangsar

Thanks to the lovely invitation, I was given a chance to try out the EMS Training at Impulse Studio, Bangsar for the last couple of months. When I do my research online, I found out that EMS is stands for Electric Muscle Stimulation which is a total body workout with body current. The EMS training makes use of our muscles contract through electric impulses (bioelectronics) in normal state. By employing hardly noticeable external electro impulses, the natural effect is additionally intensified and an effective training can be achieved. Sounds cool and very interesting, isn’t it? 

So I decided to give it a try at Impulse Studio. On my first visit, Impulse’s staff had asked me the purpose of my training, for example, to tone and slim body or to build muscle etc and then they could plan the training according to your needs.

Then, my training begins.

My first session commenced on Wed, 3rd Aug 2016 at Impulse Studio Bangsar. Since it was my first session, I need to rest for at least a week before going to my next session. I couldn’t resists to take picture to show to my followers on social media platforms, and my friends and colleagues have been asking me about the EMS Training due to my very cool look in the special suit.
Second session was conducted on Wed, 10th Aug 2016. The trainer has given me more intensive training.

My third session falls on Wed, 17th Aug 2016. This time, I started to get used to the electro impulses and honestly I fell in love with the work out.

My fourth session was done on Fri, 2nd Sep 2016. I took quite a long break in between due to travel and period, oh yeah we couldn’t train during menstrual days so just rest and relax lar. This time, I felt more comfortable during work out but I felt extremely tired after and next day. It was a good workout though.
The 5th session happened on Thurs, 8th Sep 2016. The trainer has measured my weight before the session began. My weight was maintained as 50++kg, but my fat has turned to muscle which explain my sleek look where everybody compliment.

I continued my Sixth session on Wed, 14th Sep 2016; seventh session on Tues, 20th Sep 2016; eight session on Wed, 28th Sep 2016 and Ninth session on Tues, 4th Oct 2016. On the 9th training session, I had a weight measurement before workout. Sadly my weight was increased weight due to heavy meals and desserts during the holiday seasons, but luckily my fat did not increased. My muscle has increased but according to the trainer it’s probably due to weight increment. Oh well, I shouldn’t have eat eat eat non stop during friends’ gathering.
So my tenth session was happened on Thurs, 13th Oct 2016. It was my last session at Impulse Studio, I worked out harder than usual. Honestly, I am missing the work out there already.

What I like about Impulse Studio? The every friendly and encouraging Impulse Team and trainers, who always motivated us to work harder and push us further. Most importantly, there is no weight and only 20 minutes are needed. We don’t need to prepare anything as we work out in bare foot and EMS training suit is provided by Impulse studio. 
Though the work out is quite normal like slow jog, plank, side plank, high kick, squat and many more, but the impact is great. I felt the muscle contractions even after few days of the training.
Now, forget about those time-consuming and ineffective training sessions. Impulse Studio is my Holy Grail choice when it comes to get fit and healthy lifestyle. It really works as my friends, colleagues and family have been compliments my pretty silhouette and nice body shape ever since I started working out at Impulse. Not only that, I also feel more flexible, healthier, better metabolism and get tire less quickly.

There’s no excuse not to put our health first despite our hectic life. Effective and Fast EMS Training @ Impulse Studio is the perfect way to work out and stay in health.

For more information on Impulse Studio, logon to or like them on Impulse Studio Facebook page


  1. galia.vu010712:44 AM

    wow wow! It's cool. Before I already work out hard. It's really helpful make my body fit. :)

  2. I'm really interested in such a high impact workout without really swearing it out. Gym should be like this from the start. No more excuses not to keep fit and healthy.

  3. Nicely done Rane, it really seems to work out well for you :) Impulse Studio seems to offer quite great training sessions so will check it out on my end.

  4. Looks great, never heard of this new fitness trend. Maybe i should try it once.

  5. i need this workout too. want to be slim like you

  6. eventho you are already a really hot mom, but you still strive hard to be fit and better figure! salute!

  7. So cool! Would love to try this out. Maximizing the effect from working out

  8. nice one, now know where you go.
    hehe.. I need lose lots, so fat now!

  9. Keep going, Rane! Would love to see the ultimate result in the end.

  10. even while sweating it out , you still look so good weh! win liao lo.

  11. how do you maintain to look so pretty even after workout?! and this would actually be a perfect solution for me since I am too tied up with work to even exercise.

  12. Anonymous1:22 PM

    sexy mummy! keep up the active lifestyle! it's good to maintain health yo.

  13. Nice way to work out. Hot body mommy!

  14. Impulse studio sounds like a great way to work out! Espcially for those who are always rushing for time.

  15. I like the the EMS training also, it boost my stamina and also tone up my body.

  16. Haven't been exercising for a longgg time! I should really get myself back to work out after seeing your post ;)

  17. Looks like such an interesting exercise routine.. kinda scary too but you look great and I would love to give it a try myself... thanks for the share...

  18. This is new to me. Donno have impulse test while exercise before this. Maybe next time you can share how to maintain beautiful body shape. 😊

  19. I have not hit the gym for the longest time and need to go back to same routine again.

  20. I heard about the impulse training and it seem fun. Not sure they offer free trial for first timer?

  21. Looks awesome!! Motivated to work on my body too after reading this.

  22. Wow, I need this, hopefully can get rid my stubborn tummy fat >.<

  23. liking the tight inner suit.. shows off all my "curves". then i got more semangat to lose it! :P

  24. This is cool! Looks like a fun way to work out :)

  25. So cool!!!Look so funny!!!!

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