
Green Eco Initiative @ The School by Jaya One

We attended a very meaningful event last Saturday - the My Fin My life photo expo and photography prize giving ceremony at The School, Jaya One. We have seen students, divers and photographers gathered there to witness the prize presentation ceremony of the School’s My Fin My Life Photography Contest at around 2.30PM on 26th Nov 2016.
The event was held with the aim to create awareness to say no to shark fins. We are fully support this, and wondering how many of you still consuming shark fins? The removal of shark fins is very cruel, the sharks returned to the ocean without their fins are often still alive; unable to move effectively, they sink to the bottom of the ocean and die of suffocation or are eaten by other predators.  It is also create extensive implications for marine systems, Imagine there’s no more shark to eat the big fishes, the small fishes will be gone eventually as they are eaten by all the big fishes.
Actually, shark fins is tasteless, so why are we still consuming it?
Miss Jessica Yeoh of Tetap Tiara (M) Sdn Bhd (The School)

During the prize presentation ceremony, Miss Jessica Yeoh of Tetap Tiara (M) Sdn Bhd (The School) said, “My Fin My Life is an initiative by WWF-Malaysia to reverse the present scenario of high shark fin consumption in Malaysia by engaging the public and businesses to unanimously pledge not to consume shark fin soup and products. In line with the WWF-Malaysia goals, the School by Jaya One embarked on a creative journey to instill the idea of shark conservation via the love of photography.

There were approximately 40 entries to the contest. The winning photos were printed in postal size and displayed at The School, Jaya One. The photos are very amazing and empowering.
L: Patrick Ong

The winning entry went to Patrick Ong, with the captions of “When the buying stops, the killing stops”. He has walked away with a Nikon Keymission 360 as the grand prize winner, congratulations to him.

The 5 other consolation prize winners are Chan Hoi Yee, Nicole Ng, Felix Goh, Ahmad Fathullah Bin Marzuki and Adam Hew. Congrats to them too.
Miss Jessie Chew from WWF Malaysia

Miss Jessie Chew from WWF Malaysia said, "Its important that we have more and more partners in supporting our conservation initiatives. We aim to educate and create more awareness for the younger generation in hopes to take out the Shark Fins dish in the menus of restaurants national wide.
In-conjunction with this event, the Leo Clubs in Selangor were invited for a day camp at The School. They had the opportunity to take part in creating a shark model from recycled and used materials. Eco schools were also present to perform and conduct an eco-drumming workshop too!
The students from various schools and colleges also went around the mall to encourage the public to pledge to the My Fin My Life initiative to stop eating shark fins! Apart from that, they also visited the recycling center at the mall to learn the innovative way of automated recycling process.

Let’s start to protect the poor sharks from ourselves. To be a shark hero and pledge to support this cause by logging on to


  1. This sounds like a great event. I like that it serves an important purpose.

  2. Yes, I always feel upset when people consume shark fin just because to fulfill their lust. I mean sharks are rare, we should have protect them rather than killing them to fulfill our lust. Support this campaign definitely~1

  3. Such a great event to bring out the awareness to the public! hope there will be more of event like this in the future =)

  4. What a wonderful awareness programme this was. We need to continue to educate the masses on why we should stop eating shark's fin!

  5. Great and meaningful event, I pledged on the spot by signing in their website :)

  6. Just read about it on another blog too! Great cause I must say.

  7. For good cause! I never try shark fin before.

  8. are :( I love having shark fin too but then i guess i just have to stop, else there're more sharks get killed
