
Happy Teething = Happy Kids with SensiTeeth Kids

As a mother of 2 young girls, I am very concern on their health and beauty. I believe a good and healthy routine needs to be established since young, including Oral hygiene. Do you know that the development of primary teeth actually begins while the baby is in the womb? Yupe, the first buds of primary teeth appear in the baby's jaws at about 5 weeks' pregnancy. And at birth, the baby already has a full set of 20 primary teeth (10 in the upper jaw, 10 in the lower jaw) hidden within the gums.
Parents quite often ignore the baby teeth because they thought it’s unnecessary. In fact, Baby teeth help kid to chew and speak, and guide the permanent adult teeth into position, so it is important to take care of them right from the start. My dentist has advise me to start my kids’ dental care as soon as milk teeth erupt with a soft child’s toothbrush.
Then, from 18 months onwards, parents could introduce a small pea-sized amount of children’s toothpaste and guide them to brush teeth and along the gum line twice a day – in the morning and before going to bed at night. Regular tooth brushing is important for both children and adults, because it helps to remove the bacteria and plaque that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Kid’s gradual replacement of first dentition begins at around age of 6. Guess what, my elder daughter’s first permanent molar tooth was formed at age 5! By age 12, the child would have 28 permanent teeth already.

I have introduced toothbrush to them before my 2 girls hit 1 year old. They are used to brush their teeth twice a day. Choosing a right and safe oral care products become my priority and I always in search of the best ones.

SensiTeeth Kids offers a complete range of kids oral care, from mouthwash to toothpaste for different age groups. The products available are as below;

SensiTeeth First (40ml) - ideal for baby from 6 months old to 3 year old
SensiTeeth First toothpaste is suitable for baby’s teeth and gum as it is free of fluoride and contains 8% Xylitol. This super mild toothpaste is ideal for the first step in introducing your baby to a lifelong habit of good oral care. Comes with a pleasant blueberry flavour, it is safe if your baby swallowed it. 

SensiTeeth Kids Toothpaste 500ppm (50ml) - ideal for kids from 3 to 6 year old
SensiTeeth Kids Toothpaste 500ppm contains 500ppm Fluoride and Calcium, which helps strengthen kids’ teeth, fight plaque and prevent tooth decay. My younger daughter who are 3 year old love its blueberry flavour a lot. She is able to spit out toothpaste after brushing a few months ago so its safe for her to use this toothpaste.

SensiTeeth Kids Toothpaste 1000ppm (50ml) - ideal for kids from 6 year old onwards
This is mild toothpaste with Fluoride-Calcium combination 1000ppm for strong defense against tooth cavity and ensuring strong teeth Myrrh. My elder daughter who are 7 year-old love this toothpaste as it has a nice strawberry flavour, and it helps her to combat cavities.

SensiTeeth Kids Toothpaste 1450ppm (50ml) - ideal for kids from 6 year old onwards
This is a gentle yet effective toothpaste with Fluoride-Calcium combination 1450ppm. Comes with pleasant strawberry flavour, kids would love it but cavities don’t.

SensiTeeth Kids Mouthwash 100ppm (250ml) - ideal for kids from 3 year old onwards
This is my first time seeing a Mouthwash for kids! I am delighted to introduce it to my girls as I love using mouthwash because I know brushing is not enough. Mouthwash helps to reduces plaque and germs left behind after brushing, it also provides protection against tooth decay and gum irritation.
Like other Mouthwash, SensiTeeth Kids Mouthwash comes with a small transparent cup to measure and pour the Mouthwash. My girls felt awkward the first time using it, but they have get used to it after using it for a few times. They love the delicious blueberry flavour, and they now have a complete oral hygiene which I felt reassured.
Most importantly, SensiTeeth Kids has a unique formula that combine Fluoride and Calcium to ensures protection against tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel, it has passed EU tested for Superior safety, it is also Free from Parabens, aromatic, Gluten, allergens, SLES, soap and colour. My children love the refreshing taste of SensiTeeth Kids’ toothpaste and mouthwash. I would definitely use it for my kids and also recommend the parents to use it for their kids too.
SensiTeeth Kids is now available exclusively in Guardian and selected independent pharmacies. Good news is, you can obtain a FREE SensiTeeth Kids Sampling by filling up the simple survey form at 

For more information on SensiTeeth Kids, like their Facebook page at SensiTeethMY 


  1. You are right that oral hygiene is extremely important and the routine has to be established from you. I like the photo of your two princesses at the bottom of this post.

  2. I have a very sensitive teeth when I was younger, this might be the best brand for that. Btw, your kids have a nice teeth :)

  3. Oh these are cool. Keeping kids teeth stronger. Do they have these for adult?

  4. the packaging so cute!!!! I would like to intro to my friends~~
