
I Tasted My Daughters’ Milk, What About You?

As adults, we always try to eliminate too much sugar intake in our daily diet because we know that too much sugar will lead us to various diseases like obesity, type II diabetes and heart disease. Hence when we order Teh Tarik, kopi o, or natural fresh fruit juice, we always request for less sweet, or even without added sugar. But, hold on, what about our kids? Do you know how much sugar they are taking each day?
As a parent, I strongly believe we need to monitor our kid’s diet and sugar intake daily. It all starts with the essential food for the kids – the milk they drink every day. Have you tasted your kid’s milk yourselves? Not surprising that many parents do not taste their kid’s milk themselves.
To experiment further, I decided to taste my girl’s milk myself. I have used Brand X and Y in this test. Firstly, Brand X does not only smell sugary, it also tastes very sweet, hmm I would not want to give it to any kids because it’s just too sweet.
Brand Y is the most natural one and has a smooth, less sweet taste. Guess what, Brand Y belongs to Anmum Essential which has No Added Sugar.

I am definitely switching my kid’s milk to Brand Y as it tastes the best and most natural to me. We should trust our taste buds, and decide the best for our kids. After all, we want to give them the good nutrition, without the unnecessary added sugar isn’t it?
Other tips to know if your kid’s milk contains added sugars and syrups or not, we could read the label. Avoid anything such as brown sugar, corn syrup solid, dextrose, fructose, glucose, glucose syrup solid, maltose, maltodextrin, and white sugar as these are added sugars which are not good for kids if taken too much.

Let’s see the reaction of other mothers that have tasted their kids’ milk in the interesting video below:
As you see, if kids know how to differentiate, we as parents should take responsibility and be extra cautious of what we give to them. After all, we only want to give the best nutrition without anything extra to our kids. I am now certain that my kids are getting the right nutrients for their growing needs, without Added Sugar.
Sugar? No, thanks! My kids are sweet enough. :)

Request a Free Sample and try Anmum Essential today at


  1. Gosh I didnt know that we have to check the sugar content in kids milk. Always thought that they are safe for consumption. thank you!

  2. My kids never try Anmum before so far....... Nice shoots.. bonding!~

  3. No harm try on kids milk. The only kids will gain more nutrition. I think I will be in your situation choose Anmum if I have kids.

  4. never try kids milk before...but i think taste is good...because kids love nice and delicious food~~

  5. I always encourage mummy to try the milk before letting the children to drink. To play safe just in case.

  6. I've tried my nephew's milk once but it was sweet!
    I thought that was normal though.
    Better suggest my sister to change the product. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I dare not try kids powdered milk as I am not too much of a fan of powdered milk.. I prefer fresh liquid milk... hehehe

  8. I don't have kids but if I do one day, I expect I'd be eating and tasting all their food and drinks before feeding them! Isn't that how it should be? LOL

  9. Sometimes kids milk taste good. I used to try on my niece's milk. It is chocolate flavor, and it taste good. Haha.

  10. thanks for reminding... something parents just forget to monitor everything, especially the drink and food.

  11. So important to not include too much sugar into kids diet as it will leave them to be more inclined to sweeter items.

  12. Good that the milk is not sweet as putting too much sweet into kids could lead to obesity

  13. if its good for babies, then I think its also good for adults :)
