
‘Build a Backpack and So Much More’ with Dugro® So Much More Campaign 2017

Being a mother of two daughters, I am concerned about the health and well-being of my kids. It is always important to start them early on healthy food choices. To make it easier for myself, I always emphasize on food that is high on nutrients, especially for my kids who need the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals to help them grow and develop.

To me, milk is a no brainer because it is something that I have always served to one of my daughters. She isn’t ready to drink fresh milk yet, hence she is now drinking Dumex Dugro 4, a growing-up milk brand for 3 - 6 years old. My grandmother, my mother and my sister grew up with Dumex. And now, it’s my turn to provide my kids with the nutrition they need.

Milk provides nutrients that are essential for good health, especially the ones that kids tend to miss out, like calcium and vitamin D. According to the Malaysia Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, it is recommended for kids to consume 2 servings of milk every day[i]. My daughter starts her mornings with a glass and ends her day with another glass. Dugro is formulated with DHA, lcFOS and 15 vitamins and minerals, hence I don’t have to worry that my girls missing out on essential nutrients.

The ability of children to prevent sickness (immune system) also relies on the health of their stomach where bacteria thrives. Well, there are good and bad bacteria but if the stomach system is thrown off balance, it will leave them vulnerable and weak (more bad bacteria). My daughter used to suffer from constipation, but ever since she started drinking Dugro, her digestive issues have improved. Fruits and vegetables are also good sources of vitamins and minerals which benefit my kids in many ways. These nutrient-rich foods will help build up their immune system and promote healthy bowel patterns.                              

I brought my daughter to the Dugro ‘So Much More campaign’ recently at 1U Shopping Centre because I wanted to know more about the growing-up milk brand which she has been drinking. My daughter and I had so much fun taking part in their interactive games and activities. All we needed to do was obtain all 3 stamps from each activity booth and we are entitled to redeem a free printed photo at the photo booth. Among all the games, my little one loved the fishing game the most! She played it over and over again like three times at the roadshow! I enjoyed the most when both of us had our mother-and-daughter moment together. :)
My younger daughter is a loving and caring kid. Even at the young age of 4, she would always share her toys with her cousin sisters and even strangers. She loves to sing and dance, and she has recently learnt in reading poems too! Looking at her achievements at an early age, I feel very blessed as a mom. My hope for my two daughters are for them to grow up healthily and being happy, so they can reach their full potential and so much more.

The best part of the roadshow was that both of us get to ‘build a backpack’ together. Just purchase 6 packs of 900g of Dugro (any variants) at the roadshow, moms can redeem a unique code and redeem a customized Dugro backpack! There are plenty of badges to choose from. I have selected airplane, hot air balloon, balloons, train and yellow ducky because these are her favorite ones. Her name was attached on the backpack and I have a dedicated message for her too. I hope she appreciates and remembers it forever!

My girl loves her bag a lot! She has been carrying it since the moment we got it from the roadshow. I am impressed with the quality of the backpack because it looks pretty sturdy and strong. Since it has her name on it, now she can bring the backpack to her pre-school without worrying mixing up with other kids’ backpacks!

Besides, Dugro® has a 24/7 Careline whereby mothers can call for tips, advice and support if they have any questions on how to provide so much more for their child. I would encourage moms to try it out. The Careline experts are made up of experts such as nutritionists, dietitians and former nurses. Dugro will be having ‘Build a Backpack and So Much More’ roadshow throughout the countries from 1st Mar 2017 until 30th Apr 2017. For more news and updates on Dugro® Campaign, moms can visit for locations, and Malaysia’s Facebook page (@DumexDugro), or call Dugro® Careline on 1800-38-1038.
Click to view Dugro's Dear Mom TVC

[i] Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, (page 41)


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Hahaha i literally laughed out loud when I see the photo of your girl carrying the bag. Looks so big!! Nice campaign anyway! 😂

  2. Your daughter is so cute =)) Looks like you both had so much fun there.
    It is always nice to attend campaign like this to get to know more about product we are giving to kids, especially now that we have so many brands of formula out there.

  3. I actually grew up on Dumex as well but I believe the formula was different last time. What great mom-daughter bonding time you had.

  4. Always can't my eyes away from your daughter! Super cute and adorable as usual! The sweet word and encouragement for your daughter is really important too =D

  5. AIyo, your message so cute! Im sure shes really happy to get a bag with a message by her mama :)

  6. Your Daughter sure looks like a proud owner of a new bag!! It looks really good and with all that personalisation I'm sure she loves it!

  7. I like this kind of campaign, very hands-on full of empathy. Every backpack owner will be more proud to carry them everyday, because its personalized.

  8. Awww. So sweet. If only I have children. I am sure she's gonna bragging to her friend about the bag. haha

  9. event look good and funny! btw your daughter is super cute!

  10. I Love to read about a parent who cares about their kids' healthy living lifestyle. Nice bag

  11. l Love to read about a parent with care about their kids' healthy living Lifestyle. nice bag

  12. Awww...this is like so sweet....the customized message is so touching.. <3

  13. Good that you start to educate them from young. Your family certainly beautiful Rane.

  14. Great post and cute bag :)

  15. I like the bags too, so cute and personalized :)

  16. nice message for your sweet, and the backpack looks cute on her!

  17. am pretty sure you all had an amazing time there at the event

  18. Looks like a fun and amazing event! Your daughter Jia Xuan look so cute

  19. I grew up drinking that milk as well, last time they had a membership for kids which was so fun

  20. My wife is also a huge advocate for healthy and nutritious meals for the kids. It really help motivate the kids if they get a nice backpack to carry their favourite foods.

  21. Awh your daughter is too cute Rane, and the picture of her carrying the bag is adorable! Looks like a great event too.
