
Hada Labo Beauty Workshop with Liu Yen and Xiao Kai @ 1 Utama

Beautiful skin, anytime - This is the philosophy of Hada Labo.
Hada Labo has held its beauty workshop at 1 Utama Shopping Center for a few years in a row. As a fan of the brand, I did not miss the chance to attend this workshop and meeting the famous beauty gurus that purposely flew from Taiwan every year.

This year, it is even better. As there was not one but two gurus appeared at the beauty workshop, they are Guru Liu Yen and Guru Xiao Kai. One forever green lady and another one oppa小鲜肉 from Taiwan. Plus, the emcee of the workshop, 988 DJ Cheryl was very good in interacting with fans.
According to the gurus, hydration is essential for beautiful skin. Gently pat Hada Labo Super hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Lotion on face so that it penetrates into skin for an intense boost of hydration. One simple step for soft, supple and bouncy skin. Hada Labo Super hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Lotion comes in Light texture and Rich texture depends on skin needs.

We could also wet some facial cotton pads with Hada Labo Super hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Lotion and leave them on the skin as a hydrating mask, it is advisable to put it on for 10 minutes. Aside from that, we could also use it on our neck for neck care.
They have invited 2 volunteers, a guy and a lady to go up the stage for live demonstration. Choy Peng, our blogger friend was the lucky lady on that day that has gotten the chance to interact with the gurus in close distance. Both of them have great difference after using the products. Their face are glowing, moisturizing and radiant even looking from far behind.

The workshop ended with Q&A sessions and lotsa prizes to be won. There was this teenage girl of only 16 who has also joined the Q&A session and won herself some prizes from Hada Labo. Yeah, it’s good to start taking care of our skin since young.

Hada Labo Super hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Lotion has a new High performance Penetrating and Deep Moisturizing (HPP&M) technology that able to actively infuses 4 types of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) to fully hydrate skin from the surface to inner skin layers for significantly soft, smooth and supple skin and prepare skin for enhanced absorption for skin care ingredients. Most importantly, it is free of fragrances, mineral oil, alcohol and colorant that suitable for all skin type.
Hada Labo beauty workshop was collaborated with Watsons Malaysia; they had setup a promotion roadshow with a huge stage at 1 Ground Floor, 1 Utama Shopping Center (Old Wing). The event has attracted a lot of celebrities, bloggers, and public on the sunny afternoon.

For more information on Hada Labo, like their Facebook page at

1 comment:

  1. I honestly want to give hada labo a try..but I can't seem to agree with the product itself...T.T i end up with lots of breakout after
