
Herbalife Nutrition Urges Malaysians to Combat Obesity

Obesity statistics ring alarm bells in Malaysia since years ago, even our Prime Minister has urged Malaysians to have a balance nutrition habits to combat obesity. Global nutrition company, Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) has recently held a 1st Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Conference for us to understand more on it.
Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board Member Dr. Chin-Kun Wang has highlighted the role of balance nutrition in supporting the fight against obesity and expressed concern on how often it has been underestimated in the region during the conference. Dr. Wang is an expert in metabolism and nutrition, and the president of the International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Food, and also council member of the Federation Association of Asian Nutrition Societies, said, ”with the percentage of overweight and obese people in Southeast Asia having risen from 19.8% in 2010 to 22% in 2014, consumers need to be more aware of the associated health challenges – such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer associated with being overweight and obesity. While there are many known ways to fight obesity, adopting balanced nutrition habits is generally considered a safer and more sustainable way to combat obesity for most population groups.
Dr. Wang added that It is important to calculate calorie intake and consuming high quality protein are important habits to cultivate in weight management. With the various flavour of Soy Protein from Herbalife, we could have nutrient diets every day without worrying excessive intake. Soy Protein can prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and reduced the risk for some cancers.

Together, let’s combat obesity with balanced nutrition habits.

1 comment:

  1. A good products as I consume their loss weight products.
