
‘Grow Amazing’ Initiative by Anmum™ Essential Educates Parents about Brain Development

You can see your child growing taller and stronger, but have you ever wondered if their brains are developing equally well? Unlike physical growth, development of the brain can’t be easily observed.

“As parents, it’s natural to always want the best for one’s child hence it’s essential to understand how a child’s brain grows,” said Irene Cheah, Marketing Manager of Anmum Malaysia. “This is why Anmum Essential is pleased to introduce Grow Amazing, a new educational initiative to help parents understand how their child’s brain grows and what supports its healthy development.”

Most people don’t know that brain cells start developing by about the 28th day of pregnancy[i] and by the time a child is born, there are approximately 100 billion brain cells[ii] hard at work! However, it’s not just the number of brain cells that matters, it’s the number of connections too.

During early childhood, these connections grow exponentially – each brain cell can form 2,500 connections with other brain cells when they are born. But by age 2 or 3, these connections would have multiplied by 6 times![iii]

“Connections, also known as synapses, are how brain cells communicate with each other. Early experience and the external environment stimulate the formation of brain cells connections. The more stimulating the external environment, the more connections will form,” explained Wendy Goh, Scientific and Nutrition Manager at Fonterra Brands Malaysia. “These connections between brain cells are important as they support learning, memory and other cognitive abilities.  Stimulating activities and the right nutrition such as DHA and Gangliosides support brain development.”

DHA and Gangliosides (GA®) are found in the brain and play an important role in brain development.  DHA helps to build brain cells[iv] and Gangliosides[v] help to support the formation of brain cell connections. Rapid brain growth during the first three years of life is important and could affect a child’s cognitive, social and emotional growth and development.

However, research showed that 1 out of 4 toddlers in Malaysia consumed 40% lower than the average daily GA® intake[vi]. Besides animal based food such as meat and eggs, GA intake can be increased by consuming milk and milk products. Anmum Essential is formulated with DHA and Nuelipid for higher levels of GA®, and contains no added sugar****.  In addition, Anmum™ Essential also contains gut-friendly prebiotics FOS and Inulin, together with other important vitamins and minerals to support children’s overall growth.

Stay informed about how to support a child’s brain development with Grow Amazing and learn Amazing Facts about a child’s brain at  

[i] Tau GZ & Peterson BS (2010). Normal development of brain circuits. Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews. 35.147-168
[ii] Ozar M. (2012). Curriculum of preschool Education: Swedish approach. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3(22), 248-257.
[iii] The University of Maine. (2011). Children and brain development: What we know about how children learn.
[iv] Lauritzen L et al. (2016). DHA effects in brain development and function. Nutrients. 8 (1), [6].
[v] Palmano K et al. (2015). The role of gangliosides in neurodevelopment. Nutrients. 7,3891-3913.
[vi] Khor et al. (2016). Correlation between dietary intake and serum ganglioside concentration: a cross-sectional study among Malaysian toddlers. BMC Nutrition. 2:74

vii Scientific American. Do People Only Use 10 Percent of Their Brains?”

****Sucrose, Glucose Syrup Solid, Corn Syrup Solid, Brown Sugar, Dextrose, Lactose, Fructose, Honey and White Sugar are defined as ‘sugars’ and ‘added sugars’ under CODEX Standard 212-1999 and CAC/GL23-1997. CODEX develops harmonised international food standards guidelines and code of practices. Under Malaysia Food Regulations 1985, Sucrose, Brown Sugar, Dextrose, Glucose, Fructose, Honey are defined as sweetening substances. Under Australia New Zealand Food Standard Code-Standard 1.12, Glucose Syrup, Maltodextrin and other similar products are defined as ‘sugars’.

1 comment:

  1. Khasait susu Anmum infacare memang bagus untuk anak anak. Biasalah budak tengah membesar kan. Kena banyak makan makanan berkhasiat. Anak anak mana suka makan sayur. buah pun belum tentu. harapkan susu je
