
Althea Turns 2

Happy 2nd Birthday to Althea, our favourite online seller for Korean beauty products! Wishing you many many more happy years to come, don't forget to keep bringing us the awesome deals ya.
In conjunction with the 2nd Birthday, there are many exciting things happening on Althea. 
Some of them are as below;

Exciting Althea Birthday 3 - 31 July 2017 -

  • Limited Edition Althea Birthday Box design that looks like a cake!
  • Birthday Kits for lucky early bird shoppers
  • Birthday sample pack for lucky early bird shoppers
  • Birthday Sales & Promotions for customers
  • Althea Birthday Giveaway Festival for customers (free products every other day in July to add into cart)
  • Althea Beauty Box July - Birthday Makeup Box (theme) 3/7 released
  • Weekly Lucky Shopper Contest to win Althea credits
  • Instagram #AltheaTurns2 Contest - snap & show your decorated birthday box to win amazing prizes from Althea!
  • 20 days of Beauty Giveaway on @Altheakorea (Instagram)
For more information, go to . Do check out Althea's Facebook & Instagram as well.


  1. I saw this box in some other places also. Always cool to receive such quality treats.

  2. Yay I love Althea! Can't wait to see what you got from Althea!

  3. Always Love Althea and the great deals you can get there

  4. Wow so many boxes, can't wait to read your unblocking review ;)

  5. Happy 2nd anniversary to althea, love the products and deals that they have.
