
[Review] Korean Powder Eyebrow Embroidery @ Beverlyn Beauty

As I am celebrating my Birthday today, I would like to give myself a like because I have braved myself to get my first every eyebrow embroidery done recently, like finally! As a typical Chinese girl, I was born with very less eyebrow, so does my mother, sister and other family members. I have spent a lot of time drawing my eyebrows every day for the pass years of my life. Whereas my family and friends have done their eyebrow embroidery many years back but I was still very hesitated. Well, I guess I was scared by those scary aunties' green eyebrow embroidery while I was a little kid.
Thanks to the new technology, we don't have to look like any scary aunty anymore. No more traditional tattooed-on brows but the trendy korean inspired beautiful eyebrow. I have seen many natural eyebrow embroidery of my friends and hence I have decided to give it a try last month.
L: Your's truly & R: Beverlyn

Thanks to a lovely invitation, I have visited Beverlyn Beauty at Menjalara to get my Korean Powder Eyebrow Embroidery done by the pretty and skillful Beverlyn.
Beverlyn is a friendly lady, she first drew eyebrows on me, then she put on numbing cream on my brows for approximately 20 minutes. After that, Beverlyn unwrapped and started blade my brows. She has used the dark brown color on me as she thought it is suitable for me.
The process took more than an hour on me. According to Beverlyn, it's depends on individual's skin, some people has easy absorption skin that took less than an hour to complete. During the blade process, I felt a bit pain but its bearable as numbing cream was applied prior to the process.
Beverlyn will provide the petroleum gel for us to put on the brows for 3 nights. Following days my eyebrow started to peel, it felts itchy at times but I have controlled myself from scratching and let it felt off by itself for longer effect.
Now I have also just completed my touch up at Beverlyn beauty last week. I am happy with my eyebrow embroidery that look so natural. It have save my time a lot and I can have perfect eyebrow everyday!

According to Beverlyn, the result will last for 2 years plus depending on skin condition. She is offering the service for RM 600 with one time touch up.
For those who are interested, you could join my giveaway as I am giving away RM 50 voucher to you. You just need to comment below, tell me why you want to try out the eyebrow embroidery with your name and email address.
For more information on Beverlyn Beauty, visit
Address: 65-1-1 Jalan Medan Putra 3/62d,

Medan Putra Business Center (1 floor Above ADME Boutique)
Tel: 0122026777


  1. Wow, it took 1-hour for you..
    Btw, worth it if it's long lasting, for 2 years.
    Amazing result btw

  2. I have not try Eyebrow Embroidery before. They seem expert to me as your eyebrow look natural.

  3. Anonymous8:55 PM

    looking natural! they sure did a good and proper job~ - Joysofyz
