
D’Danze Academy Presents Enchanted Forest 2017

Enchanted Forest: The Story

Imagine you’re an incredibly curious child.

Everything around you is a mystery – who painted the sky blue, where the rainbow ends, what it feels like to fly like a bird and to dive like a fish – and you absolutely have to find out the truth, to uncover the answers to your questions, or that nagging feeling inside just won’t let you sleep at night.
Now imagine that in your house, there is a mysterious chest. It looks so very much like the treasure chest in that swashbuckling pirate adventure storybook Momma reads to you some nights. The only difference is, while the pirates got to open their treasure chest and marvel at the sight of their newly acquired riches, you are not allowed even a peek into the chest.
Why? Nobody will tell you why.

Jamie was that exact child, in that exact situation. A bad combination indeed, for that nagging, burning little “why” was the very “how” that the forbidden chest was opened. Out came the Curses – Poverty, Sickness, Depression, Hatred, Pride, Desire, Indolence, Cowardice – bringing misery and destruction to all mankind. 

In the wake of such a tragedy, Jamie was approached by a little pixie. It took a little comforting and coaxing, but eventually, the child got up, determined to make amends, and followed the pixie into the Enchanted Forest.

The Curses were out there, and there was no way to recapture them. Instead, all Jamie could do was seek out the five Jewels.
But… why?
Its influence from myths and folklore of various cultures, most notably the Greek myth of Pandora’s Box. While the majority of the items are original pieces choreographed by senior and junior teachers, Enchanted Forest also adapts repertoire from George Balanchine’s Jewels and Alexander Gorsky’s The Little Humpbacked Horse.

Enchanted Forest takes place at the Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC) on December 15th (8pm), and December 16th and 17th (2pm, 8pm). Tickets are priced at RM98 and RM68, visit or call (03) 4065 0001 to purchase. Student tickets, which are also available for a Buy 10 Free 1 promotion, are available for the December 15th (8pm) show only, call Suzanne Liew at (016) 222 8022 to purchase.

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