
More than Just a Food Storage with Mitsubishi Electric’s LX Grande

Ever since I quit my work few months ago, I have been spending more time at home, which is good as I have more time to cook for my family. After attending a few cooking workshop, I am into cooking now. I always buy fresh vegetables and meats from the grocery during weekends and cook it in the following days. However, I have noticed that my vegetables and meats spoiling too fast even when I keep them inside my fridge most of the time. I know it's time for me to invest in one of the best refrigerator.
Coincidentally, I was invited to the launch of the latest Mitsubishi Electric’s LX Grande refrigerator last week. I was gladly attended the grand launch to find out more about the fridge.
Mitsubishi Electric’s LX Grande 4 doors refrigerator comes with even greater quality, saves energy, and environmental-friendly in a minimalist and sleek design. Available in Silver and Black color, LX Grande looks luxury and striking from it's glass door finish with modernized LED control panel which is hidden from sight, but unveils itself simply with a gentle touch. It's so elegant and it looks like an art piece in the kitchen.
Adapting the French door design, LX Grande's wide internal space of 760mm made it perfect for large platters and ensuring maximum storage capacity.
But what made Mitsubishi Electric’s LX Grande refrigerator different from the others are indeed the latest features. It is not just a refrigerator to store your food & drinks,and among the multiple features to share, one of it is the innovative Japan technology called “Supercool Chilling”, which keeps food fresh for longer (5-7 days) without the need to defrost before cooking. The “Supercool Chilling” technology keeps the temperature at -3°C to 0°C to keep food fresh for longer, we don't need to worry about thaw frozen items in room temperature anymore.
Behind the sleek door of LX Grande, there is a non plumbed automatic ice maker with a separate water storage case. To ensure the water is clean and safe to drink, Mitsubishi Electric designed all the parts of the water case can be segregated individually for easy cleaning on top of the already installed filter. My hubby would definitely loves this continuous supply of ice cubes function.
LX Grande also comes with drawer compartment design which made food storage organization a lot more easier. I especially love its independent vegetable drawer that comes with Mitsubishi Electric’s “Vitamin Factory” technology where the LED light built-in to acts on the chlorophyll of the vegetables by stimulating the photosynthesis process and preserves the reducing sugar to maintain the freshness of vegetables for a longer time. Yay to crisper greens, juicier fruits and blueberries that burst with flavors, even weeks after we have brought them home from the market.
LX Grande is also energy efficient, all thanks to Mitsubishi Electric’s Neuro Fuzzy Inverter technology. It records one’s usage patterns and constantly monitors temperature within refrigerator and adjusts operation of the compressor accordingly, resulting in energy efficiency as well as quiet operation.
I really wish to get Mitsubishi Electric’s LX Grande refrigerator for this Christmas, I bet you would be amazed with it too. Do check this stunning refrigerator out in store and bring home one or more for this New Year.


  1. Babe you pose dekat peti ais pun nampak seksi dan cantik lol.. will check ouy this product brand soonest

  2. Wow its good to know that it can keep the food fresh for for 5-7 days. And the best part is no need to defrost before cooking. Its totally make our cooking job easier.

  3. I think everyone wants that kind of fridge. It just so awesome, the size is big and the design is totally the bomb. Tai tai like us would probably drooling for this one

  4. Bestnya dapat peti ais ni.ada space utk letak sayur & buah secara asing. So tak ada la letak semua sekali macam skrg ni.ermn,agak2 berapa la price ni :)

  5. wah so nice. i really need a fridge that lasts longer for vege and meat. but how much is it?

  6. Peti sejuk idaman kalbu. heheheheeh. I nak peti sejuk ni. Jimat elektrik, ruang besar, Tak perlu bekukan bahan basah dan tahan seminggu! Lepas tu touch panel dia canggih!

  7. I wish i could bring home one too..that is so spectacular refrigerator a housewife ever wish..haha

  8. Wah , peti sejuk ni keluaran design terbaru eh , nampak macam luas je kan .

  9. Do you want this fridge? Hehehe it's very cool because we like to buy kitchenware that we like to cook

  10. i wanna have huge! boleh letak stok utk sebulan!

  11. menarik... petisejuk macam ni boleh letak dekat dalam bilik tidur..

  12. wah besarnye peti ice ni. kawasan penyimpanan barang pun luas.pasti mak Ika suka peti ice iniuntukdi belinya.

  13. Best sangat kalau dapat fridge besar macam ni. Macam-macam boleh isi. Rasa macam nak tukar fridge jer 😁

  14. The fridge look spacious and the design is cool. Not sure the price will be expensive or not. But will consider this for my new house.

  15. Can I have LX Grande for my Xmas present please Rane? So beautiful and the best is, tak perlu defrost!

  16. Hari itu, ada plan nak angkat satu... but xde ruang nak letak dekat rumah sekarang nie... If pindah rumah lain nanti, baru plan beli satu...
