
Sunfeet International Rehab Centre @ Petaling Jaya

I remember seeing my relatives suffered from foot pain due to diabetics. Back then, they could not even find a pair of shoes that fit them and thus they couldn't go anywhere but stayed at home almost all the time. Then, I also noticed many young kids have foot problems like flatfeet, toe walking, pigeon toes, bowlegs, and knock-knees. Not only kids, a healthy adults could be suffering from flat feet, bunion and other foot issues.
It was rather sad but I am happy that there is a one stop foot rehab centre for us now. I found out that there are shoes designed for diabetics patients, and the kids' foot problems could be prevented, adult's bunion issue could be corrected with the help of orthopedic from Sunfeet International Rehab Centre.
Situated inside Super Pharmacy Megastore PJ, Sunfeet International Rehab Centre is a Malaysian home grown center that focuses in orthotic services & prescription, as well as orthotic and prosthetic products to satisfy the needs of the ever growing orthotics and prosthetics care in our country. 

Sunfeet International Rehab Centre has the specialist that are able to provide professional consultation and correction to mobility training to build confident for their patients. It also offers professional consultation and rehabilitation to its patients whereby the holistic approach allows patients to feel at ease and in control while giving the special attention and care to their feet.
L: Me; R: Dato Dr. Edmund Lee

During our visit to Sunfeet International Rehab Centre last Saturday, the founder, Dato Dr. Edmund Lee has explained to us more on the centre and the services available there. In fact, Dr. Edmund is the third generation of the orthopedic family. It was his late grandfather who has passed on early this year wishes to open a Rehab Centre to benefit the people. Hence the grand launch of Sunfeet International Rehab Centre a few months back.
We all know that preventive is better than cure. As a parents of two lovely girls, I am happy that we have a professional orthotic and prosthetic Rehab Centre right here in Malaysia. I can send my girls there for a free foot check at Sunfeet International Rehab Centre regularly. 
The centre is huge and clean, plus facilitated with many facilities like occupational therapy, sports rehabilitation, prosthetics, podiatry, orthotics, pedorthics and physiotherapy.
During my foot check, I have diagnosed with slightly high feet. That's the reason of my frequent back pain and it is advisable to make a custom-made ORTHOTIC insoles. 
There are a few steps involve in custom-made ORTHOTIC insoles including analysis, making the mold, and many more. 
One of the step: molding

By wearing shoes with the orthotic insoles, I would get the right arch support to relief from back pain. I am glad that I found out this early and start preventing it from getting worse.
Do not take our feet for granted until it's too late. Bring your family and kids to Sunfeet International Rehab Centre for a free foot check and consultation today. Let the professional diagnose the problem and provide the right solutions to our foot.
Sunfeet International Rehab Centre Address:

BlkC, 18 Jalan 19/1, Seksyen 19
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

For enquiry, please call +6-013-528 3939 

Business Hour: 10am to 7pm daily

Sunfeet International Rehab Centre Website | Sunfeet International Rehab Centre Facebook Page


  1. Bagus ade rehab centre macam ni. kesihatan kaki akan terjaga dan dapat membantu mengenalpasti masalah kesihatan hanya melalui kaki.

  2. good sharing for our health services

  3. Membantu mereka yang mempunyai masalah pada kaki. Mungkin kalau ada flat feet sesuai ke sini untuk tengok tahap kesihatan kaki.

  4. i pun nak buat alas kasut untuk kaki I sebab I perlukan kasut yang selesa untuk kaki I.. thanks for sharing

  5. I need this so much , thanks for sharing . My cinderella feet need a cinderella shoe..hahaha

  6. this is good! we are too 'distracted' focusing on other parts, we often overlooked out feet healthiness. i should get mine check also lah. hmm

  7. tak pernah dengar psl ni..tapi ianya sangat membantu bagi mereka yang mengalami masalah kaki

  8. pertama kali tau pasal sunfeet ni..bgsunya boleh buat alas kaki ikut kaki kita

  9. Thanks for your sharing.

    It's an alternative for not comfortable shoes issue..

  10. Macam best.. boleh cuba ni..

  11. Good centre for those who have leg difficulties. Awesome.

  12. Jangan kata muka je nak keja jaga .. kaki pun perlukan belaian dan sebenarnya extra penjagaan sbb dlm urusan seharian dah tentu banyak pergerakan dilakukan.

  13. Very good sharing and good service for better health. i wish to check my feet status too

  14. Good info. Thanks for sharing. Best kalau dapat kasut yang ikut keselesaan tapak kaki kita.
