
Potatoes USA Powers Up The Fit & Athletic

US Potatoes has always been synonymous with nutritious diets and meals for many Malaysian households. From our beloved curry chicken, baked potatoes, mash potatoes, crispy hash browns to many more favourite dishes, we consume US Potatoes almost every day. In fact, this is good as potatoes provide the carbohydrate, potassium & energy that you need to perform at your best.
We were honoured to be invited to Potatoes USA’s “POWER UP WITH US POTATOES” event held at Sime Darby Convention Centre recently. There, we learnt the goodness of U.S. potatoes and the importance of potatoes in the diet of athletes from the expert.

Potatoes = Performance

In Nutrition Today, a reputable US journal, it is suggested that a balanced diet high in natural, quality carbohydrate rich foods like nutrient-densed potatoes may be optimal to improving physical performance among elite endurance athletes. Numerous studies conducted over the past 40-50 years also suggested that carbohydrates are a primary macronutrient for sustaining and improving athletic performance.
Welcome Speech by Ms Sarah Reece, Global Marketing Manager of Potatoes USA

In fact, Potatoes contain 620 milligrams of potassium. With more potassium than a medium-size banana, potatoes are perfect for aiding muscle, cardiovascular and nervous system function during long endurance events.
Globally, potatoes are gaining buzz as a performance food. During the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, the newly-released Olympian Menu acknowledged nutrition is now a critical part of athletes’ strategy to win. It was reported that the PyeongChang 2018 athlete’s village kitchen has 180 chefs serving 7,000 meals a day at its peak and potatoes have been a main staple.
On the International sports scene, especially in the US, potatoes have been used as a high-energy good carb for athletes to fuel up for their competitive endurance events.
Thanks to Potatoes USA for bringing this important potato fitness message to Malaysians. Popular sports/fitness coach Noel Chelliah from DailyMuscle Lighthouse & and triathlon gold medalist Kimberly Yap were enlisted to headline a showcase of potato nutrition with an emphasis on the characteristics and nutrients essential for improved athletic performance.
Noel Chelliah is a well-known Fitness Leader / Certified Health Coach. He shared that in order to eat right – one needs to calculate daily food intake and the right amounts of carbohydrates/protein/fat. Potatoes fit the bill as a well-balanced nutritious food.

Kimberly Yap, a Fitness trainer and two-time SEA Games triathlon gold medallist shared how US Potatoes can power start the body for intense competitive sports. She shared the nutrients/ energy requirements for triathlons, discussed potato ‘power’ carbs and how high energy fuel foods like potatoes impact competitive sports performance.
Noel Chelliah & Kimberly Yap

They expounded how potatoes are good for daily nutritional meals, weight management and sports. Potatoes are also being utilised as a fuel for fitness buffs and sportspersons.

We were then came to a fitness session focused on high intensity fitness and how a potato recipe/drink can boost an athlete pre-work out and replenish energy post work-out led by both led key fit & athletic.
At the same, if seeing is believing, then tasting is affirmation. Celebrity Chef Muhammmad Naim Ramli, popularly known as Chef Naem has demonstrated 3 recipes for the athletes using U.S Potatoes as a key ingredient. We also got to power up with the nutrition food made by US Potatoes as key ingredient after the workout. We felt recharged, and energetic with the nutrition US Potatoes after the intense fitness session.

As a winner of Hero Oven TV3 2016 and host of numerous cooking shows namely Dapur Panas TV3, Dapur Bujang HYPPTV, Dapur Western HYPPTV, Chef Naem created three ‘delicious & fit’ recipes, they were U.S POTATO JACKFRUIT SMOOTHIE, CHICKEN TOMYAM U.S HASH BROWN and ON-THE-GO U.S POTATOES. We will share his recipes on our following blog-post so that you could follow and make these nutritious yet delicious dishes for you and your family at home.

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