
8 Habits Of A Highly Organized Person

How truly organized minds work are still a mystery to many of us. It is often said that our space reflects our mind. What causes you stress on the outside – for example, if your rawang property is a cluttered home – is what causes frustration on the inside. Whether it is your closet, your life or your thoughts, people often lament that they cannot seem to get and stay organized despite pouring in all their best efforts.

So how do organized people stay organized? It’s in their habits of course! Identity-based habits, which originate from within, are always more successful than goal-based habits because they originate from within. So, you need to begin establishing habits from the inside out. So have an affirmation of the person you actually want to be, and back them up with small daily actions (your habits) to help you become that person. Read on for the top 8 habits that you can affect to keep your own life organized.

1. Know what you like and stick to it.

Knowing what you like and what you don’t is the first step to forming a highly organized routine. For example, you know the kind of face wash or the kind of shampoo you like to use. This information may seem to be shallow, but it is quite useful. What it does is that it creates less confusion and clutter in your bathroom. Every morning, you will not be wasting your time and space wrestling with a test laboratory of 25 different bottles of products. Rather, you will be content with your favorites. So learn what you like, and stick to it. This naturally makes it easier to deal with the cookie-cutter that doesn’t hold a candle to your favorite items.

2. Spend fifteen minutes every day staying organized.

Making your endeavor to stay organized a daily effort, rather than cleaning and organizing once in a blue moon, is a better method of keeping the clutter at bay. Keep your daily cleaning time from fifteen to twenty minutes max. Sort through your mail right away as soon as you retrieve them from the mailbox. Put things back to their original spot once you’re done using them. These small, daily steps will help you avoid any chance of having junk piles of mess all over your space which will renegade hours of your Sundays spent on cleaning up.
3. Learn to say “no”.

Learning to say no is the first step in stopping clutter from entering your life, whether it be material or emotional. The holidays, for example, are when Calendar Clutter comes the most, which in turn leads to mind clutter. Learn to be selective with what you say yes to. This frees up your time and your space for you to focus on those that mean the most to you, whether it be friendships or belongings.

4. Let other people have their mess (but in an organized way).

Just because you like to live in a clutter-free environment, doesn’t mean others will feel the same way. For example, your significant other may be more prone to messing up your space. Give each person a space with which you can do whatever you want within the area, as long as it is contained. Hey, your house, your rules. But don’t end up micromanaging someone else’s stuff. Once in a while, yes, but not all the time. It’s a system that works well with significant others, kids as well as pets (not that we are comparing your significant other to a child or a dog, let’s be clear).

5. Let go. Often.

Learn to let go of the things that don’t matter. Whether this is in the form of that shirt that you no longer wear, or that personal relationship that you’ve had enough of. When you admit to yourself that you no longer need it, it frees up space in your life and creates room for things that do fit your life. For example, perhaps you have tons of clothes that you have outgrew, but you’re still holding on to it just to “have it”. That is the beginning seeds of clutter and you just don’t need that kind of baggage in your house. Let go and be free.

6. Make your bed first thing in the morning.

Unless your bed is full of dozens of pillows, it shouldn’t take you more than 2 or 3 minutes to make your bed in the morning. Although this doesn’t automatically make your house any tidier, it does encourage you to start tidying up more by giving you a starting spritz in your step. Hang up your clothes and return things to their shelves instead of gathering them up on your sheets and tilted pillows. What’s more, wouldn’t it be a nice treat to come home to a tidy, inviting looking bed at the end of the day?

7. If something is broke, don’t fix it.

Unless the item that is broken has major value attached to it, either sentimental or monetary, consider how much time it will take to fix it. Weigh your options. Is the time spent worth the effort and the annoyance? If you can spend the time elsewhere to better your life, is fixing that broken mirror really worth it? We’re not encouraging waste. What we’re asking you is what is the value of your time.

8. Be giving but only of the good stuff.
When cleaning out, we tend to get rid of a lot of stuff. Whether they are clothing, handbags, linens or anything else, resist the urge to dump them on friends and family. Think about it this way, you’re getting rid of it because it’s useless, why would you give dump your clutter on people you care about? Ask yourself if what you’re giving to a person is of value. Would you personally want to receive something like that? Keep in mind that your responsibility is not only to live in an organized life in an organize home, it is also to encourage others to do the same.

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