
Mamonde Go-to-Face Creams: Discover Your Skin’s Perfect Moisturizing Match

Our skin reacts to the environment and weather condition. Harsh weather conditions such as a blazing hot weather, hot and humid tropical weather or freezing cold climates, either way – our skin gets affected.

With Malaysia’s hot and humid weather, our skin perspires and it also causes the T-zone to be oily. Many question the need to incorporate hydration and moisturizing care in their skincare regime when they perspire heavily. The idea of using a moisturizer seems counterintuitive as many concurred that applying a moisturizer would aggravate the skin condition, thus resulting in skin redness, clogged pores and breakouts.
No matter what the weather condition or skin type, experts recommend sticking to a skincare regime that is custom-fit to your skin needs. Hydrating and moisturizing care is important for all skin types but choosing the right one is important.

A blanket recommendation hardly comes in handy, since one’s skin type and needs vary one from another. Mamonde, the flower inspired skincare and beauty brand provides 5 simple steps in helping you discover your skin’s perfect moisturizing match.
1. Identifying your Skin Type - Picking the right skincare products always boils down to knowing what you intend to achieve. So, start by identifying your skin type if you haven’t had a clue of the kind of moisturiser that will fit your skin best.

• Oily skin is usually a result of excess sebum production in the sebaceous gland to complement the dry skin surface. It is important to replenish oily skin with vital oil and hydration for a well-balanced skin condition. Oily skin will simply need a more light-weight, gel-textured formula. Inspired by the Narcissus plant, the Mamonde Floral Hydro Cream that is formulated with the Water-Cycle Technology helps lock and sustain hydration in the skin. It is also infused with low molecule hyaluronic acid to enhance the skin’s water storage effect.

• On the contrary, dry skin often feels tight and appears dull. A person with dry skin may benefit from a richer and denser moisturiser cream. Mamonde’s Moisture Ceramide Light/Intense Cream is a must-have in your skincare regime if your skin is dry, sensitive and rough. A moisturizing and repairing cream for dehydrated skin/damaged skin, the Mamonde Moisture Ceramide Light/Intense Cream fortifies the skin with Ceramide (an ingredient extracted from the Hibiscus) to keep the skin well moisturised at all time. The Moisture Ceramide comes in handy when you are travelling to a cold climate country.

2. Decide if You Need Additional Benefits (i.e. Whitening/Anti-aging)

• Anti-aging In many ways, it is never too early to start investing in functional creams. Research has suggested that by the age of 25, a person’s metabolism is likely to slow down, and this is when the skin starts to degenerate. If tackling wrinkles, saggy skin are in your top priority list, then the Mamonde Age Control Cream is what you need to incorporate into your skincare routine. The Age Control Power Cream is infused with shea butter- a botanical ingredient to help provide abundant moisture to the skin and at the same time maintain a healthy-looking skin. To top it off, it also reduces fine lines and wrinkles by filling up any rough skin texture, making skin firm and supple. • Whitening & Brightening Always out in the blazing sun? Then you may also want to include whitening/brightening care as part of your skincare routine. The Mamonde Pure White Ultra Active Cream helps maintain bright flawless skin despite the effects of the heat and UV. It is formulated using only the buds of the white Magnolia flowers before blooming, which contain the highest content of the active ingredients to help improve on skin tone that has worsened over time and at the same time provides moisture to the skin to slow down the aging process.

3. Try out Textures/Scents - Continue your search with testers if you happen to be at the skincare counters. Apply a bit of the product (preferably to your face and not on your hands, unless you have sensitive skin) to see how it feels when the cream rubs in, and how it makes your skin look. While there is no scientific study on how scent can affect the skin, fragrance is still important. If you like the scent of your moisturizer, applying moisturizer daily becomes a bit of a treat and you will soon discover that your skincare routine becomes second nature. Mamonde Face Creams come with sweet flower scents (i.e. Narcissus, Hibiscus, Magnolia and Camellia) that are sure to invigorate your skin day and night!

4. Give it a Fair Trial - Unfortunately, finding your perfect moisturizing match might take some experimentation. While it is tempting to just collect a load of samples and try them all before committing to a product, this is not the only way to resort to because you will never be able to use a sample product long enough to witness the end result. By all means, consider step 1 to 3 and if the products fit within your budget, then you may want to purchase them to give a fair trial. Assuming that you haven’t had an allergy reaction upon using the product, persevere through and see how your skin feels once it had time to go through its full regeneration cycle.

5. Seek Experts Advice - Still struggling to understand your skin’s needs? Consider seeking recommendations from the experts! While it may be costly to arrange for an appointment with the dermatologist, the expert’s advice could help save you from buying dozens of moisturizers that do not fit you.
Alternatively, you can head over to any Mamonde beauty counters to learn more about the different types of moisturizer creams offered; or speak to the beauty adviser to discover your skin type and needs! Mamonde beauty counters are located at Aeon 1 Utama, PJ, Aeon Mid Valley Megamall, KL, Parkson Suria KLCC, KL, Aeon Bukit Indah, JB, Aeon Tebrau City, JB and Parkson Gurney Plaza, Penang.

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