
A Woman's Journey Through Health 3.0 Workshop by Feminine & Menarini

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” by Thich Nhat Hanh

As a woman, we always tend to love others more, like our family members, spouse, children. But in fact, we need to accept ourselves and love ourselves more. Because it affects the quality of your relationships, your work, your free time, your faith, and your future. Hence, I like to join woman empowerment workshops and events to understand more about myself, and try to love myself more.

This 4th August 2018, I was honoured to be invited to join the 'A Woman's Journey Through Health' 3.0 Workshop organised by Feminine & Menarini again. This time, the workshop was held at the elegrant Le Méridien Kuala Lumpur with over hundreds of 25 to 45 year-old ladies participants in the beautiful grand ballroom.

All the participants just need to pay RM 25 enrollment fees to enjoy a delighful day at the 5 star hotel. The workshop started from 10am until 4.30pm. We all get to learn about scar treatment, oral contraceptions, how to overcome joint pain, tips for healthy skin, breast inspection, asthma during pregnancy, balanced diet. They have also provided free breast check for participants who are interested.
I was honoured to be on the stage to share my testimonial on using Dermatix Advance. As I delivered via c-section twice, you can imagine the ugly wound and scar of the operation. I have tried a lot of scar treatment creams and gels in the market. But some of them are too rich and made me feel itchy and not comfortable after application. One day, my friend has recommended Dermatix Advance to me. I can't wait to try it out. I like its silicone gel texture which is absorbed by my skin instantly, and it's not oily. It contains a unique vitamin C for effective lightening. I just need to gently apply it on my scar to lighten, soften and flatten. Other than that, I have also found Dermatix Advance something being helpful at home, especially when my daughters had falls from sports and mosquito bites. 

Now, my children can explore and learn without having me worry about their scars!
Sharing with you all some tips for scar management below:

1. Use natural soap and luke warm water to wash off the scar before apply any medicine.
2. Protect your scar from exposure to sunlight.
3. Use silicone scar gel.
4. Never use harsh soap or anything that contains irritants on the scars.
5. Don't scratch the scars before it is fully recovered.
6. Avoid cream or lotion that result in clogged pores.

With this, everyone could have beautiful skin and feel more confident everyday.

It was indeed a well spent day to learn, and get to know new friends through the workshop. The hotel has provided delightful food and beverages for all of us. Not only that, all participants gained knowledge and received a big goodie bag worth more than RM 200. All thanks to the generous sponsors from Feminine magazine, Menarini, Dermatix Advance, Caring Pharmacy, Clinelle, Uniqo and ParkCity Medical Centre.

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