
[Review] NanoMD® Bright Skin Whitening Tablet

Many Asians, including myself, dream to have fair skin. They said, 一白遮三丑, which means a white complexion is powerful enough to hide seven faults. However, sadly to share that my skin is slight tan because of my gene and long hours at outdoor under Malaysia's hot and sunny weather.
I constantly looking for solution to brighter skin. I used whitening skin care, I apply sunblock everyday, and I go for whitening facial frequently too. One day, my good friend has introduced me the new NanoMD® Bright Skin Whitening Tablet. It is the World's latest and most advanced supplement for skin protection, nutrition and brightening.

It sounds very interesting and hence I decided to give NanoMD® Bright a try. Developed in Boston, USA by multi-disciplinary team of world-class researchers and developers, NanoMD® Bright is a skin whitening tablet suitable for everyone.
Clinical studies on this new discovery were published in 2018 prestigious clinical research journals. The NanoMD® Bright represents the cutting-edge scientific discovery in nutrition and nano technology in a one-tablet-a-day form. It is the most powerful supplement that is able to add years of healthy, glowing skin.

The NanoMD® Bright is infuse with nano technologies that radically improves its skin brightening potential. The use of the product is protected by one or more U.S. and other International patents, and hence we could be assured of its quality.
The human body's largest organ – skin, is greatly benefits from NanoMD® Bright's novel 3-way impact. Beside its unique brightening and sun protecting action, NanoMD® Bright was clinically proven to regenerate and thus increase levels of of support the overall condition of blood vessels. They remain supple and flexible which allows for nutrients to reach the organs keeping them healthy. All thanks to it's unique ingredients including Pycnogenol®, an European pine bark extract that is a safe and evidence-based premium natural antioxidants ingredient; photo protective tomato phytoconcentrate that helps in neutralizing the harmful effects of UV light; and L-Cysteine, an amino acid that are able to bond in a special way to maintain the structure of proteins in the body and help in the formation of collagen, hence promoting healthy skin.
Each box of NanoMD® Bright contains 30 tablets which is for 1 month supply. Each NanoMD® tablet is individually protected in double layered foil blister to ensure Freshness of each tablet until consumed.
It is easy to consume, just take one tablet daily. I prefer to take it with my juice to boost up my morning. 
NanoMD® Bright works for me, personally. I started noticed a fairer complexion on my skin 2 weeks after, especially on my dark knees and elbows. I have completed a box of NanoMD® Bright now. I like how it made my skin tone more even, I also noticed the small pigmentation on my skin becomes lighter. It's so good to see my skin glows from within.
I do wish to continue taking NanoMD® Bright to see a better results. It is a simple and safe way to get that brighter, glowing skin that we wished for.
NanoMD® is GMP and Vegan Certified, it is available in Malaysia starting 2019. Please note that NanoMD® Bright is NOT available online, it is available only through physician offices and a consultation with physician may be necessary to evaluate whether you may benefit from the use of this novel product.
For more information on NanoMD® Bright, head over to

NanoMD® Bright is available in Malaysia and Singapore, exclusively at selected prestigious esthetic clinics below:

Prestigious esthetic clinics nearby where the 
NanoMD® Bright is currently available in Singapore and Malaysia are:

Sliq Clinic - (Malaysia)
The Retreat Clinic - (Malaysia)
Alainn Clinic - (Malaysia)
SHENS Clinic - (Singapore)
TES Clinic  - (Singapore)

Keep in mind that the safety of supplements in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been established. And hence do consult your doctor.


  1. Look you skin more glowing and young, pretty to, NanoMD® Bright more improvements..nice info.

  2. I keen to try out this product after reading your review. It seems good to brightening my dull skin. The effect looks instant and great outcome. Sure wanna check this out!

  3. Wahhhhh ! Moga terus constant makan tablet untuk brighter skin ye u. Bagus tablet tu. Tapi kulit u dah bright dah,hehe... Tapi tulah bukan setakat bright kan kulit je kan. Untuk skin protection pun yes :)

  4. Wahh patutlah sis tengok awak makin cantik and berseri-seri..kisahnya sedang amalkan produk ni ya. Sis kena cuba jugak lah..nak jugak nampak cerah dan kulit berseri seri..maklumlah umur makin meningkat ni kulit makin kusam

  5. I can see the changes Rane! As for me, i prefer tablet more than others type because it will give faster result since they work inside our body. I guess i want to try. Hehehe

  6. Bagusnya ada testimoni.. 👍👍
    Lebih meyakinkan untuk di cuba NanoMD® Bright Skin Whitening Tablet ni bila dah nampak keberkesanan ya before after. Cuma kita ni lak jenis tak berani makan ubat-ubat tablet gini. Huhuuu... If ada altenatif liquid lagi menarik kot

  7. I think ur skin complexion is good compared to mine... Now I know what i should do to get skin like urs

  8. Wow... there is product to look more brightening now. Good to have this product which is help our skin getting better from inside and outside.. for whom is want to get more fairer skin can this this product..

  9. Nowadays, there a lot of product range for your skin to look fair. Its ok to consume it as long as no negative side effect in future..

  10. Wow, whitening tablet pun ada. Normally, I tengok yang cream je. Terbaik. Ada another option untuk tampil lebih cantik. Good info

  11. Mula2 i ingat krim tapi rupanya ianya tablet. Menarik juga sebab just consume untuk dapatkan kulit yang cantik

  12. Nampak gayanya saya sendiri kena consume produk nilah kalau nak kulit cantik dan putih. dah letih kena perli hitam ni. hehe

  13. Looks working on you! But, I am quite skeptical to consume tablet type product, scared of any unknown ingredients or adverse reaction. Unless I am very sure on its safety and content. Preferable gel base or lotion type products.

  14. Nampak lebih mudah nak consume sebab kapsul sahaja. Hehehe. nampak berseri Rane sekarang. Nanti nak cari. hehehe

  15. How much and where i have to buy in kedah?got serious pigmentation problem

  16. Hi nak tanya u makan before breakfast or malam nak tidur??

  17. Hi Siti, I eat every morning before breakfast
