
World Sleep Day 2019 with AmLife

I got to know about World Sleep Day last year all thanks to AmLife. This year, AmLife International Sdn. Bhd. returned with its World Sleep Day tribute for the fourth year in a row. I am honoured to be invited to the AmLife sleep health showcase event which is co-hosted by the World Sleep Society on 11 March 2019.

Held at Sunway Resort Hotel, AmLife's sleep health showcase has attracted tremendous media, bloggers and guests to attend and know more about how to achieve better health through better sleep. Since I arrived earlier, I took the chance to do the free HRV test and AmPower Platinum Blanket Trial. It was my first time taking HRV test, and I am quite upset with my bad result. Looks like I really have to start taking good care of my health and instill healthy habits.
The AmPower Platinum Blanket Trial was rather interesting. My hand was covered with the newly launched AmPower Platinum Blanket for 15 minutes.
The result was amazing, my hand was sweating like mad just by covering with the AmPower Platinum Blanket without any movement. It proves that the AmPower Platinum Blanket helps us to improve our lymphatic circulation, rejuvenate our skin and enhance our metabolism while we sleep. How cool is that?!

Now, let's see what the expert has to say about this amazing AmPower Blanket.
Founder and President of AmLife, Mr. Lew Mun Yee is a firm believer in natural healing through deep sleep. Devoting his life to helping others achieve quality sleep, Mr. Lew developed a full solution to help people regain health through good sleep. He said, “AmLife believes that everyone should have dreams and should chase after them. In our journey to realising our dreams, we need to have a healthy body to pursue those destinations, and more importantly, enjoy the journey and the fruits of success.”

Mr. Lew Mun Yee also shared the new tagline of AmLife, “Life, Redefined,” AmLife is spearheading the movement to enable Malaysians achieve better health through better sleep, thus redefining their lives. AmLife has recently repositioned themselves as a total sleep health expert – this means they are looking into more holistic ways to improve sleep, as well as address sleep-related matters including health, beauty, and wellness. Their diverse range of products is a testament of their intent to break into the total sleep health market.
Incorporating this year’s World Sleep Day slogan, “Healthy Sleep, Healthy Aging,” AmLife introduced their innovative, sleep health products which included the debut of the AmPower Platinum Blanket, an anti-aging technology from Japan which assures its user not only quality sleep, but also to wake up feeling restored, refreshed and rejuvenated. AmLife had also teased their other pipeline sleep products including supplements to improve wellness, expected to be introduced later this year, which are projected to provide a Year-on-Year growth of 80%.

Mr. Lew explained, “While the current health market is expansive, the natural sleep health market is virtually an untouched sector. With research done on sleep health conducted by world-renowned research company, The Nielsen Company, we know that consumers are looking for natural treatments to improve their sleep quality.” He continued, “This has shaped our business strategy of which is to provide natural, technologically-driven solutions to help people sleep better.”

Giving insights on the Sleep Health survey by The Nielsen Company, Mr. Edward Yong, AmLife’s Health Consultant said, “9 out of 10 Malaysians suffer from one or more sleep problems, with 78% Malaysians feeling that poor sleep could cause health-related issues, and 47% said that it can cause beauty or skin problems.” He continued, “Everyone agreed that it is important to seek solutions when facing sleep disorders, with 43% Malaysians looking at natural solutions to aid with better sleep.”

Looks like we Malaysian really needs to look into our sleep habits seriously.
AmLife has also invited the international speakers cum sleep experts, Dr. David Samson, Assistant Professor in Biological Anthropology at the University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada, and Dr. Koyabu Miki, Integrated Chinese & Western medicine practitioner from Japan to share their professional views with us.

Dr. David said, “Humans rely on sleep for cognitive function, yet sleep the least of any primate.” He continued, “Sleep is critical for a strong mind as poor sleep has been linked to mental disorders, for healthy aging whereby quality sleep protects adults from age-related cognitive decline, and to reduce the physical signs of aging.” Dr. David further explained, “An estimated 300 million people in Southeast Asia suffer from insomnia, and sleep apnoea, among others.”

Concurring with Dr. David, Dr. Koyabu stressed on the importance of quality sleep to promote healthy aging and prevent lifestyle-related diseases. He said, “Sleep is important to let the brain and body get rest, on top of ensuring the hormones are balanced, and improving immunity to diseases.” He continued, “To ensure we age healthily, we need to ensure we practice good sleeping habits.”

To recognise AmLife’s effort to promote sleep quality in the international arena and their efforts in sleep education in the region, the World Sleep Society, an international organisation founded by the World Sleep Federation and World Association of Sleep Medicine, presented the 2018 Distinguished Sleep Award to AmLife at the event. This is AmLife’s second time winning this award – a testament to their efforts in the sleep-health arena.
Mr. Lew Mun Yee (left) receiving the Distinguished Activity Award from World Sleep Society presented by Dr. David Samson (right)

The launch of AmLife AmPower Platinum Blanket.

Dr. Koyabu Miki, Mr. Lew Mun Yee and Dr. David Samson at the World Sleep Day media event.

AmLife will continue championing the cause of good sleep for healthy aging by continuously bringing more natural sleep-aids that does not require medication or invasive injections into the Malaysian market. AmPower Platinum Blanket is sold at RM 8,600. Good news to my readers, you can get it at only RM6,800 by using my special code AL08. Please call Evi at +6-012-2160266 to enjoy the promotion. Hurry as the promotion code is only valid until 30 June 2019. 

For more information, please visit

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