
The Body Shop Earth Day Plant Giveaway: Save Earth, Save Life, Protect Our Wildlife Species

The Body Shop Malaysia celebrated Earth Day by giving away 1,000 saplings at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. It was The Body Shop Malaysia’s fifth year in giving away free tree saplings, collaborating with Free Tree Society to encourage Malaysians to commit to a greener environment. This year, aside from improving our environment, the event also focused on protecting our wildlife species such as the Malayan tiger that are critically endangered.
Each plant have it's own benefits

As a company, The Body Shop Malaysia seek to protect and enhance the planet, and they have come to realise that habitat loss, largely caused by farming expansion and intensive harvesting of forest products, is arguably the greatest threat to our planet’s biodiversity. This is important to us citizens of the world, but also specially threatens the future of key parts of our supply chain. As a business that aims to be environmentally sustainable, protecting endangered habitats is vitally important to The Body Shop.
Datin Mina Cheah and Dato Simon Foong up and early to support the good cause of saving our environment and our tigers

Our planet is constantly losing trees each year due to deforestation, land development and bad forest management. Datin Mina Cheah, Managing Director of Rampai Niaga Sdn Bhd shared her concern: “The rate of deforestation that is happening currently will lead to an alarming stage if nothing is done to save the planet. The future generation will not be able to enjoy the benefits of a greener environment. Wildlife are constantly facing threats such as our Malayan tigers which could cause extinction if there’s no stop or control over the massive destruction. We have the power to make positive changes in the world as a business and have the responsibility to do that; but also every one of us including our customers, have the power to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Therefore, in conjunction with Earth Day, we are back again to make an impact and to create public awareness on the importance of planting a tree to save our planet and to save our iconic Malayan tigers”.
The Body Shop Malaysia has been giving away free plants on Earth Day for the past four years, and with a growing positive response last year, this event was held at the heart of Kuala Lumpur this year! The Body Shop teamed up with Free Tree Society to distribute free tree saplings of 18 different species at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. Plants were given out to members of the public with The Body Shop employees and Free Tree Society volunteers explaining how to care for the plant that they chose to adopt.
At this year’s free plant giveaway, they were delighted to have partnered with ZKE Recycle for an upcycling workshop for customers (old glass fragrance bottles from The Body Shop were used to make oil lamps). Also thank to Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and FWS for their support.

During the event, The Body Shop along with Wildlife Conservation Society collected signatures to save the Malayan tigers. The Body Shop launched a petition campaign to call upon our government to send 2,000 army personnel to patrol Peninsular Malaysia Rainforests. There are only 200 tigers left, they urge all Malaysians to support this campaign to prevent our Malayan tigers from imminent extinction and to increase our tiger population. Citizens can show their support by signing the petition in any of The Body Shop stores or online at We wouldn’t want our future generation to know the existence of a tiger from a poster or a stuffed toy.

The Body Shop encourages every individual to take part in creating a sustainable and greener environment by planting a tree, re-using and recycling products as well as educating the younger generation about the importance of caring for the environment.

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