
Attention Women! Do You Know How Iron Strong Are You?

This post is dedicated to all women, so, women (and guys who are care for their loved ones) please read on. Ever wonder why women had brittle nails, cold hands and feet, are constantly tired, weak or pale; experienced chest pains, fast heartbeat and shortness of breath or have constant bouts of headaches and dizzy spells? If you’ve said yes to one of more of these symptoms, you may just be iron deficient.
Official launch of FERROVIT and FENZA!
L-R: Pn. Ernie Syafika, Consultant of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd.; Chef Sara Khong, Author, Recipe Developer, Food Writer & Stylist; Mr. Balaji Rajagopal, General Manager Malaysia & Singapore of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd.; Ms. Victoria Foo, Sales and Marketing Director Malaysia of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd. and Ms. Teh Ya Shin, Product Manager of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd.

Well, you’re certainly not alone! As we know, women’s nutritional needs change during menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. A woman’s reproductive life means that her nutritional needs differ greatly from those of a man. While Iron is an essential mineral required to deliver oxygen to all cells of the body. Men need about 10 micrograms a day, menstruating women need about 14 micrograms a day. The iron needs of older women revert to those of men.
Take charge of your ‘iron’ health today!
L-R: Pn. Ernie Syafika, Consultant of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd. and Chef Sara Khong, Author, Recipe Developer, Food Writer & Stylist.

On the MEGA We Care IRON FEAST DAY not long ago, we got to learn more about Iron deficiency through this education based food event aimed to raise awareness on iron deficiency anemia symptoms with a call to action before it descends into anemia. Thanks to Mega Lifesciences, one of the leading pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies headquartered in Bangkok and a proponent of “Prevention is The Best Medicine” for organizing such a meaningful event.
Delicious servings of iron rich food at the MEGA We Care Iron Feast!

It was indeed a fun interactive event which featured a cooking demonstration by popular Chef Sara Khong and a delectable iron rich feast, also witnessed the unveiling of MEGA We Care’s new iron supplement Ferrovit and nutrients for pregnancy care, Fenza; officiated by Mr. Balaji Rajagopal, General Manager Malaysia & Singapore of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd.
Mr. Balaji Rajagopal, General Manager Malaysia & Singapore of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd. giving his opening remarks

Speaking at the event, Consultant at Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd.’s, Pn Ernie Syafika binti Zamri said, “Women are especially susceptible to iron deficiency as opposed to men. The reason being, women starting from their teens, lose blood each month during their menstrual cycle attributing to one of the most common reasons women are likely to suffer from anemia1. If their iron source is not replenished through diet or by other means, they may suffer from Iron Deficiency Anemia or IDA. IDA is a common type of anemia that happens when the body does not have enough iron to generate red blood cells. Most women don’t realise their lack-of-iron symptoms or its consequence to their health or even address their condition thus affecting their well-being.”
Pn. Ernie Syafika, Consultant of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd. shares on the significance of having adequate iron especially among women irrespective of their age and life cycle stage.

1 Women's Health Care Physicians. (n.d.). Retrieved from

IDA can also be attributed to a lack of iron in your diet, body’s inability to absorb iron or it produces red blood cells too slowly (due to viral infection, radiotherapy), blood loss during injury or surgery, internal bleeding or pregnancy. “Adequate iron intake among pregnant women and lactating mothers is important to provide nutrients from breast milk to baby and to maintain their good health thereafter,” added Puan Ernie Syafika.
FERROVIT, a 3 in 1 iron supplement for patients with anemia or pregnant women with anemic symptoms.

Ferrovit, a 3 in 1 iron supplement for patients with anemia or pregnant women with anemic symptoms, is in softgel capsule form in a blister pack of 50s1. Each vanilla flavoured softgel contains iron as Ferrous Fumerate, Folic Acid and Vitamin B123. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended Ferrous Fumarate offers a high % of elemental iron at 33% or 330mg/g.2,3. The non-metallic, easy to swallow Ferrovit recommended dosage is one capsule twice daily after meals or as directed by a physician3. Ferrovit is best taken without milk, coffee and tea.
FENZA, comprising 19 vitamins and mineral supplements for pregnant ladies and lactating mom.

Fenza, comprising 19 vitamins and mineral supplements for pregnant (pre-natal nutrient) and lactating mothers (postnatal nutrient) for healthy mums and babies; also comes in softgel capsules in a blister pack of 30s4. Each softgel capsule contains Ferrous Fumarate, Beta-carotene, Vitamins E, D3, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Pantothenic acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine, Copper, Biotin, Tuna Oil and DHA6. So, how do mums consume Fenza each day? The recommended dosage is one capsule once daily with a meal or as directed by a doctor or pharmacist.

1 Ferrovit Product Indication
2 C. Brugnara. IRON 2009_CAPTURE: 21. 512-529
3 G.Suraj et al. J.K Science. October-December 2001.3 (4): 160-165
4 Fenza Product Indication

Enlightened media were also treated to a cooking demonstration of easy-to-prepare healthy breakfast comprising an iron rich beverage, main and desert by Chef Sara Khong. A popular author of four cookbooks, recipe developer, food writer and stylist, Chef Sara Khong also shared the perils of being iron deficient adding on to guests’ learnings.
Media members had their “iron knowledge” tested via on-site Iron Quest contest which saw them shopping for iron rich foods at Jasons Food Hall with an allocation of RM 50.00 per media. With each “shopper” given a shopping time of 10 minutes, the frenzied search for iron-based goods added on to the learning experience. Pn Ernie Syafika and Chef Sara Khong selected the winner with the correct indication of iron rich goods and vegetables. Congratulations to the winner!

Mr. Balaji Rajagopal, General Manager Malaysia & Singapore of Mega Lifesciences Sdn. Bhd. said, “Today’s MEGA We Care Iron Feast Day reaches out to Malaysian women of all ages and at various life cycle stages to raise awareness of the importance of adequate iron supplement intake to meet their daily needs for overall well-being. This is aligned to our vision and commitment of providing quality products & services to our consumers through constant improvement and innovation.”

Prevention is always better than cure. Both Ferrovit and Fenza are available at all leading pharmacies nationwide including Caring, Guardian and other local pharmacies. Ferrovit retails at RM 20 per pack of 50 capsules whilst Fenza retails at RM 48 per pack of 30 capsules respectively.

For more information on Ferrovit and Fenza, please visit:


  1. terima kasih atas perkongsian ini. menarik produk ni. bolehlah nnti saya share dengan kawan perempuan saya dan juga mak saya nnti. :) terima kasih share ya

  2. 1s time dngar jenama ni... bila baca semua info tu.. hmm not bad.... sesuai sngat utk mereka yang nk jaga kesihatan ni.. harga pun takde la mahal mana.. nnti nak try usha usha juga la.. TQ utk info ni..

  3. Baguslah produk ni teritamanya buat wanita macam kita yang sentiasa struggle. Lebih tenaga dan sihat setiap harik kan

  4. iron memng penting ye dalam tubuh badan..baru tau pasl produk ni..boleh dicuba ni
