
50,000 breakfasts for Malaysian commuters

There are many reasons a healthy breakfast should be a daily routine for you and your family. But if it is not, help is on the way! October is Dutch Lady Breakfast Month and the No. 1* milk brand will partner Kellogg’s to give away 50,000 sets of breakfast for free from 21 to 31 October at various LRT stations in Klang Valley!
Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad (DLMI) advocates Malaysians to boost their daily nutrient needs by pairing their breakfast with a glass of milk. “Breakfast is the first nourishment our body gets after 8 to 12 hours of fasting from the last meal. It fuels our body and brain by providing the nutrients we need for the day ahead. This is why a nutritious breakfast is important to give us a strong start to the day,” said Ms. Ramjeet Kaur Virik, Marketing Director, Consumer Dairy, DLMI.
On the left: Mr. Tarang Gupta, Managing Director of Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad
On the right: Mr. Anoop Abraham, Managing Director of Kellogg’s South East Asia

The benefits of eating breakfast are proven. Children and adolescents who habitually consume breakfast are more likely to have better micro and macronutrient intake, less likely to be overweight or obese, and more likely to have higher physical activity levels. 1

Studies also showed that breakfast skippers were 1.34 times more likely to be overweight2 than breakfast eaters who are likely to have a better total dietary intake, including key nutrients such as sodium, fibre, and folate which helps in maintaining a healthy weight.3 Breakfast also fills you up and helps to avoid overeating or snacking later in the day.
Despite the benefits of eating breakfast, we would tend to skip it most of the time. Mornings are usually the busiest time of the day for most families and working adults. For urbanites, waking up early to beat the jam is crucial to getting to school and work on time. According to My Breakfast Study, 1 in 4 Malaysian children, aged 6 to 17 years old, skipped breakfast at least 3 days per week. 2

This is mostly due to insufficient time to prepare or eat breakfast. According to the Asia Pacific Healthy Breakfast Survey, the key reasons Malaysians decided to skip breakfast are convenience and accessibility, lack of time and the amount of effort required to prepare breakfast.4 Interestingly, 75% of respondents make breakfast decisions based on convenience, while 39% on health benefits and nutritional value was at 37% with the least consideration.4
Although it is easy to skip breakfast, it is crucial to make starting the day with a full, nutrient-dense meal as our top priority. In fact, a nutritious breakfast can be easily accessible and quick to prepare, such as pairing your breakfast with ready-to-drink milk.

“Milk is one of the most nutritionally complete beverages. It is recommended by the Ministry of Health Malaysia to include milk as part of our daily balanced diet under the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines food pyramid,” said Ramjeet.

Ramjeet continued to emphasise that Malaysians are consuming way less milk than our body needs to reap its nutritious benefits. “According to the Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey 2014, adults are consuming only 0.4 glasses of milk per week as opposed to the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines recommendation of 1 to 3 glasses per day. 5 Children did not fare any better, based on SEANUTS, Malaysian children drink only half a serving of milk a day, only 5% of children actually meet the recommended 2 servings of milk daily”. 6

She added: “It’s difficult to get all your nutrient needs in one meal and breakfast should provide 20 – 25% of our daily nutritional need.7 The commonly consumed Malaysian breakfasts, such as nasi lemak or sandwich do not provide sufficient amount of nutrients we need in the morning They usually fall short of protein, vitamin D, calcium and energy. However, when you pair your breakfast with a glass milk, nutrient intake for breakfast can be easily achieved”.

Zooming in on the nutritional benefits, calcium in milk helps children develop strong bones and teeth8 and adults to maintain healthy bones mass8 to help lead an active lifestyle. Besides calcium, milk also provides other essential nutrients that our body cannot produce on its own, like protein.
Protein in milk serves as the building blocks of our muscles, bones, hair, and nails,9 and it also plays a major role in various biological processes, including the formation, regulation, repair, and protection of our body.

“With each glass of 250ml of Dutch Lady PureFarm or +Protein milk provides not only calcium but high-quality protein too. Besides that, milk contains other essential nutrients such as vitamin D, A and B2. So drinking a glass of milk at breakfast is the easiest way to boost your nutritional intake in the morning,” said Ramjeet.
DLMI is calling out to all Malaysians to boost their breakfast nutrition with a glass of milk this October! In conjunction with Dutch Lady Breakfast month, Dutch Lady collaborates with Kellogg’s to give out 50,000 sets of FREE breakfast containing milk and cereal at 10 LRT stations from 21 to 31 October, 6 to 11 am! So why not start your day strong with Dutch Lady milk, even if you are on-the-go!

For more information on dates and locations (LRT stations) to get your free breakfasts, please visit Dutch Lady Malaysia Facebook at or

* Based on Retail Index Service for Liquid Milk category for the 12 months ending December 2018 in Total Peninsular Malaysia. (Copyright © 2019, The Nielsen Company (M) Sdn Bhd)
  1. Adolphus, K., Lawton, C. L., Champ, C. L., & Dye, L. (2016). The Effects of Breakfast and Breakfast Composition on Cognition in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Advances in Nutrition, 7(3). doi:10.3945/an.115.010256
  2. MyBreakfastStudy of School Children: Findings, Implications & Solutions, Symposium Abstracts, 3 December 2015, Nutrition Society of Malaysia. (2)
  3. Fayet-Moore, F.; Kim, J.; Sritharan, N.; Petocz, P. Impact of Breakfast Skipping and Breakfast Choice on the Nutrient Intake and Body Mass Index of Australian Children. Nutrients 2016, 8, 487.
  4. As reported in The Star, (2019, August 2) This Is What Malaysians Think About Their Breakfast. Available at
  5. Current nutrient intake among Malaysia, Adult: Finding from MANS 2014, THE MEDICAL JOURNAL OF MALAYSIA, VOL 70 SUPPLEMENT, PP 12
  6. Koo HC, Poh BK, Lee ST, Chong KH, Bragt MC, Abd Talib R, SEANUTS Malaysia Study Group. Are Malaysian Children Achieving Dietary Guideline Recommendations, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2016 Jul; 28(5_suppl):8S-20S.
  7. Grovenor & Smolin, 2002
  8. MOH (2010). Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (as at December 2010). Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya
  9. Role of dairy protein for developing countries, 2017. Jan Steijns.

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