
Sun Life Malaysia Sets Malaysia Book of Records for Most Green Energy Generated with Sustainability Bicycle

As a mother of 2 lovely girls, I strongly believe in healthy and sustainable living. We only have one Earth and are utterly dependent on it for our survival and well-being. Hence, we should be leading a life that has little impact on the environment.
I am glad to know that Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad and Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad (collectively Sun Life Malaysia), a life insurance and Family Takaful provider respectively, has spent a year-long efforts in championing healthy and sustainable living to empower Malaysians to live healthier and brighter lives, and earned a spot in the Malaysia Book of Records.
Left: Celebrity actor and Sun Life Malaysia Brand Ambassador, Hairul Azreen
Right: Raymond Lew, CEO and President/Country Head of Sun Life Malaysia

Set during Sun Life Malaysia’s three-day #AHealthierEarth event at Publika Shopping Gallery, the remarkable record was for “Most Green Energy Generated with Sustainability Bicycle”. Throughout 2019, the Company placed sustainability bicycles at all its Brighter Lives Roadshows in shopping malls and key events which saw more than 7000 Malaysians pedalling away to generate a total of 2,500 Wh of electricity.
The energy generated are then converted into monetary value amounting to RM2,750 to assist HOPE worldwide Malaysia (HOPE), a charity organisation that focuses on helping the urban poor community, with their center’s electricity expenses.
The #AHealthierEarth event represents the culmination of a series of sustainability and community outreach initiatives focused on bringing brighter lives to Malaysians. Throughout the year, Sun Life Malaysia has successfully impacted many Malaysians through workout sessions and free health screenings for the public and health awareness programmes for the underprivileged.
At the same event, Sun Life Malaysia also reimbursed RM7090 (equivalent to 10 months’ worth of electricity expenses) to 10 underprivileged beneficiaries for their consistent participation in the health programmes organised by HOPE.
Raymond Lew, CEO and President/Country Head of Sun Life Malaysia

Commenting on the event, Raymond Lew, CEO and President/Country Head of Sun Life Malaysia said, “As a life insurance and family takaful provider, it is our unwavering commitment to ensure all Malaysians have adequate financial protection for their future peace of mind and to ultimately, enjoy a better quality of life. This #AHealthierEarth event is the perfect encapsulation of that commitment and we hope it will inspire more Malaysians to play a proactive role in living healthier lives and safeguarding the long-term future of themselves and our planet.”
The #AHealthierEarth event was also headlined by the appearance of celebrity actor and Sun Life Malaysia Brand Ambassador, Hairul Azreen. He said “I am very proud and happy to be a part of today’s meaningful event. I hope that more Malaysians will be inspired by Sun Life Malaysia to live more sustainably and healthier for the long term.”
Participants at the #AHealthierEarth event had fun at the many activities held throughout the event. From Terrarium building workshop with Hairuz Azreen, Acai bowl/sorbet making session by Cabana, clown & giant Jenga session, face painting session and many more. It was indeed a meaningful event that encourage healthy and sustainable living for a healthier us and the earth. Thanks to Sun Life Malaysia.

Do check out Sun Life Malaysia and their array of community outreach initiatives at for more meaningful events like this.

Connect with Sun Life Malaysia on their Facebook | Instagram | YouTube


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