
浪漫土耳其之旅 Part 7

吃饱后,我们便走下山坡去搭有轨电车( tram )浏览伊斯坦堡。
首先我们来到了鼎鼎著名的蓝色清真寺(Sultan Ahmed Mosque)。这里刚好还在维修所以我们花了很短的时间便游览完毕。有趣的是,在蓝色清真寺旁边的草场,我们看见猫猫狗狗在那里躺着,也没有人会去赶走它们。这跟马来西亚真的很大的不同。
在蓝色清真寺对面,也是鼎鼎大名的圣索菲亚大教堂(Hagia Sophia Museum)。我特别喜欢它粉红的围墙,感觉浪漫无比。

[Skincare] Antipodes Blessing Anti-Pollution Light Serum

My favourite New Zealand natural skincare brand – Antipodes has once again won my heart with their Blessing Anti-Pollution Light Serum. It is a super-light face oil offers protection from city pollution. The poor air quality in the city stresses skin and may affect its function, risking signs of premature ageing like dark spots and uneven tone. Hence, it is essential to keep skin clear and fresh with this daily natural barrier against pollution particles featuring skin-brightening marshmallow bloom and liquorice root that target micro-pigmentation.
Packed with revolutionary antioxidants obtained from Venanza grapes and Asian ginger that neutralise free radicals as well as vitamin C-rich kiwi seed oil and nourishing avocado oil that strengthen the skin. Antipodes Blessing Anti-Pollution Light Serum is truly a game-changing serum.

The Vegan approved Antipodes Blessing Anti-Pollution Light Serum is ideal for all skin types, especially oily skin.
To use, just apply to cleansed skin in the morning prior to using a moisturiser by placing a small amount on your fingertips and using upward strokes, apply to the skin of the face and neck.


Sports brand PUMA is giving their iconic 80s running shoe; FAST RIDER a fresh look for 2020. The all new FUTURE RIDER and STYLE RIDER dynamically combines futuristic and retro designs with its vibrant colour combos and nostalgic style nods to the next generation of playful, casual-cool street style.
The FUTURE RIDER shows off a sleek white midsole and Formstrip as well as black suede overlays and drops in a vibrant blue colour paired with red and neon green or juxtaposed with bold 80s colour splashes like neon green, pink, orange and violet. The new FUTURE RIDER also references the past with a corrugated outsole inspired by the original FAST RIDER’s Federbein conical studs, in addition to a TPU heel stabilizer for added balance.
The STYLE RIDER carries a bit more flash, featuring a nylon upper and suede overlays in bright and black. The shoe boasts a striking midsole in vibrant red and white, plus new shock-absorbing RIDERFOAM for high rebound. This is all topped off with a retro-inspired corrugated outsole and the white Formstrip.

The PUMA RIDER will be launched in Southeast Asia with the introduction of MAYA, @mayaaa.gram — the region’s first ever virtual influencer, and a symbol of Southeast Asian pride. Maya will front the PUMA RIDER campaign alongside three new regional ambassadors - Ismail Izzani from Malaysia, Tosh Zhang from Singapore and Adipati Dolken from Indonesia.

Paul Immigrations Reviews: Apply for Singapore PR Effortlessly

I have never thought of migration until these few years. While my children are growing up, I wish to migrate to a better environment for their future. It lets me think of “Meng Mu San Qian”, a story of Mencius's Mom who moved house three times to find a good environment for Mencius to live and study. Now I am in the same situation.

My dream environment for my children is a safe country with highly education people and a free place for us to do anything(not against law, of course). Speaking of all this, Singapore has it all.

As a neighbour of Singapore, I love how beautiful the country is. It is a safe country with low crime rates, and a dream place to work for many Malaysian like myself. In fact, not only we Malaysian love to migrate to the Lion City, many other people from International would love so too.

The strong economy in Singapore is really attractive to investors and workers. While the good education system attracts parents like me, who would love to give their children the best that they can. More importantly, the food in Singapore is really delicious, and I believe we could enjoyed a quality of life in this little red dot.

So, I have did some study on Singapore Permanent Residency application and I have found out Paul Immigrations, that can help us applying Singapore PR effortlessly. Let us find out more about this consultancy below.

Paul Immigrations Reviews: Your PR Specialists

Based in Singapore since year 2016, Paul Immigrations provides services to foreign individuals who wish to apply for permanent residency in the Lion City. Over the years, the company has served more than 15,000 satisfied clients. With the company’s years of expertise and as well as comprehensive knowledge of the permanent residency process, they have consistently achieved a high percentage of PR approvals.

How Paul Immigrations Can Help with Your PR Application

Paul Immigrations aim at providing foreigners with professional assistance and valuable insights, to help them gain competitive edges in their Singapore immigration applications. Hence, they strive to be the trusted market leader in helping foreigners to establish their futures in Singapore.

The company’s professional team offer all sorts of services with regards to the permanent residency process including the key insights, craft personalised cover letters, organise all necessary documents, expert guidance throughout the entire process, prepare additional documents and minimise hassle & time wastage.

CTOS SecureID - The First Dark Web Monitoring Service to Safeguard Malaysian Consumers from Fraud and Scams in S.E.A

We are always Online in this Digital era, that make us expose to Cyberthieves that can use the Internet as a tool to rip us off easily. Hence, we should be cautious when using the Internet and most importantly, install security app to prevent us from fraud and scams.

Just recently, CTOS launches CTOS SecureID, a fraud protection and credit monitoring service to combat the growing problem of identity theft, fraud and scams, as well to help monitor a consumer’s credit health. The new version of CTOS SecureID includes Dark Web monitoring service which is the first of its kind to be launched by a credit reporting agency in South East Asia.
From left to Right: Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab, CEO of Cybersecurity Malaysia, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd (CTOS), Captain CTOS, a well-known film and TV star, Hisyam Hamid.

I was honoured to be invited to the grand launch of CTOS SecureID on 18 Feb 2020. Officiated by Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab, CEO of Cybersecurity Malaysia, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd (CTOS), Malaysia’s largest credit reporting agency, unveiled the service to the public, along with Captain CTOS, a well-known film and TV star, Hisyam Hamid.

CTOS SecureID's subscribers will get alerted for any changes in their credit profiles such as new credit applications, missed payments, credit limit changes, closure of credit facilities, bankruptcy, litigation cases and also alerts for personal information found in the dark web. This enables consumers to be more proactive instead of reactive in safeguarding their identity and managing their credit health.
“With the numerous data breaches occurring not just in Malaysia, but worldwide, and with the growth of online transactions and digital footprints on social media using multiple platforms, there are more ways than ever for our identities and data to be stolen,” said Dennis Martin, Group CEO of CTOS. “In the first six months of 2019 alone, 4.1 billion personal records were leaked globally due to data breaches.1 Many criminal elements use the Dark Web for the sale and purchase of people’s data, and our new monitoring tool allows us to alert consumers if their personal information is detected on the Dark Web. Additionally, the included Takaful coverage that's up to RM20,000 which provides peace of mind if you become a victim of fraud.”

[New Anti-Aging Skincare] Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Eye Serum

As my age is catching up with me, I need some “stronger” skincare to maintain my youth. I have tried many types of skin care and facials along the year. And this year, I have decided to give Retinol infused skincare a try. I was hesitate all the while because I was worried it will irritate my skin.

In fact, Retinol is a popular ingredients in anti-aging skincare. This Vitamin A derivative works wonder in lighten lines and wrinkles on our face by stimulate collagen production. It can also improves skin tone and color and reduces mottled patches. Sound great, isn't it?
As a fans of Murad skincare, I am excited to give their newly launched Retinol Youth Renewal Eye Serum a tried.
Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Eye Serum is formulated with latest technology and best ingredients below;

Retinol Tri-Active Technology
A fast-acting retinoid, a time-released retinol and a retinol booster helps fight lines and deep wrinkles.

Cotton Wool Grass Extract
Delivers 24 hours of hydration to minimize dryness.

Marine Kelp Complex
Helps visibly lift for revitalized, youthful-looking eyes.

Most importantly, it is free from Parabens Sulfates Phthalates Gluten and Animal-Derived Ingredients. Hence it is suitable for any skin types with aging concerns.

浪漫土耳其之旅 Part 6



拍完照后我们到处走走。小镇大概有四五个小街,街上茶饮小吃一应俱全,我还在这里看到 watsons 呢! 

浪漫土耳其之旅 Part 5

睡醒后,我们在Urkmez Hotel享用早餐后便启程要去以弗所 (Ephesus)。刚好酒店负责人问我们要不要跟一对法国夫妇共享的士,那样会省下的士费。我们答应后,酒店负责人便帮我们呼叫的士了。

从酒店去以弗古城很靠近,一下就到了。爱琴海畔的以弗所又译艾菲斯 ( Ephesus/ Esef),是地中海东部保存的最好的古典城市,是体验和感受罗马时代生活的好地方。

浪漫土耳其之旅 Part 4

我们乘搭Kamil Koç的夜巴从Goreme 到Pamukkale需要9个小时多。在车上有免费水和 USB Port 充电。路途中还会停几个站让乘客上厕所。 
我们在凌晨5点多抵达目的地 - Denizli 巴士车站。在这里下车后我们便找地方坐下,和去厕所洗刷换衣。这里的厕所需要投进1里拉才能进去。梳洗后我们在车站吃 simit 作早餐,然后便去储藏行李了。这里的行李储藏费蛮便宜的,但是感觉不是很安全,呵呵。 

之后我们便乘搭小巴去棉花堡( Pamukkale)了。这天早上雨下个不停,好纳闷!我们下车后遇到了当地旅行社的一个负责人,原本很健谈的他后来一直要卖我们棉花堡团 (sit-in couch),我们拒绝了之后他也不想搭理我们了。 

浪漫土耳其之旅 Part 3

第三天,也是我们在 Cappadocia 卡帕多奇亚的最后一天。我们快快享用了早餐便赶去 Galeri Ikman拍照。
在早上不到10°C 的天气,我们穿着婚纱躺在地毯上,无人机就像是一个大风扇一直吹着我们,可是一面拍一面发抖啊!还好出来的照片和短片是美美的。 

之后,我们赶快回酒店换衣去参加 Green Line Tour 了。 Green Line Tour 比 Red Line Tour长,从早上9点多到傍晚6点多左右。我们去了鸽子谷(Pigeon Valley),成千上万的鸽子飞行于山谷中,好壮观啊。

Personalized Cotton T-Shirts by Printcious

Cotton t-shirt is everyone's everyday wardrobe essentials, do you agree? Not only they are comfortable, they are also easy to style for a casual OOTD.

I like to wear cotton t-shirt on non working day because I can enjoy myself freely in it. From doing house chores, to going out for a coffee date with friends. However, it is boring to wear the same t-shirt with everyone so I have tried to personalized my own cotton t-shirt this time, thanks to Printcious.
Printcious has come a long way, from what started off as a small ordinary gift shop has blossomed into something that they could only dream off. It was a lifelong dream of aspiring brothers that has now become a reality. They offer all sort of personalised gifts on their website.
I used to think personalised gifts is only for designer with design knowledge but it proof that I am wrong. In fact, if you do not have an idea on how to design your own, you can use Printcious' free and beautiful templates too. It was my first time designed my own t-shirts, but the process was simple and fast.
Just choose the color and size of the t-shirt, then start designing by adding image and words. It's that straight forward!

Chinese New Year 2020 Celebration @ SOULed OUT Kuala Lumpur

My family and I had ring in a prosperous Chinese New Year 2020 at SOULed OUT Kuala Lumpur on Sat, 7th Feb 2020.
It was a full house that day, where everyone had enjoyed the sumptuous Chinese buffet, soothing Chinese Instrumental tunes, sensational acrobatic stunts from The Beijing Acrobatic Troupe, SOULed OUT's very own face changer, Lucky mandarins from the God of Prosperity, SO Gaya dancers with a Ong Ong Jive. My girls have enjoyed the great shows all night long.

浪漫土耳其之旅 Part 2

超过24小时舟车劳顿后,我们终于到达浪漫土耳其之旅的第一个景点 - Cappadocia 卡帕多奇亚。这里可是闻名世界的历史古迹,拥有奇特的岩石构造,岩洞,半隐居人群。
一到达这里,我就知道为什么它被美国国家地理杂志社选为世界上最美丽的地方之一了。这里我们看到来自世界各地的旅客坐热气球,骑马,玩 ATV,或在岩洞酒店里享受宁静的片刻。 

这次我们下榻 Cappadocia 的小镇 – Goreme 格雷梅的岩洞酒店。

Check-in 酒店后,我们就步行到附近的巴士站购买两天后从Goreme 到Pamukkale的夜车票。刚好Kamil Koç的车符合我们的时间所以我们便选了它。

Get Ready to Go Far, #GoNaeloFar

Naelofar, founded by prominent Malaysian celebrity and entrepreneur, Neelofa is on a mission this 2020, to continue to empower women by their decision to choose modest wear and go the distance.

To kick start this mission, Naelofar will be going through an exciting relaunch and in conjunction with this, a new collection will be released to encourage women to go forth and go far with Naelofar this 16 February 2020.

The exciting launch that will take place at Level 1 @ Menara Ken will include an array of interactive areas!

1) Instagrammable Photo Area

Get your Instagram-worthy photos taken at our creative and inspirational photo area at the event. Be sure to come in your best outfit because there’s nothing better than filling your Instagram grid with new and inspiring OOTDs! Remember to hashtag us #GoNaelofar

2) Creative Branded Sculpture

Want to get in touch with your artsy side and truly admire art? Get immersed in really cool visual art at our creative branded sculpture brought to you by abdulra[shade] bringing the Go Far Campaign to life.

3) Engaging Installations

What would a product launch be if you couldn’t get your hands on the latest, right? Well, we’ve got news for you - a really cool experience just waiting for you as you’ll be one of the first to don awesome pieces from Naelofar’s latest collection!

4) Games & Activities

A Trip to SEA LIFE Malaysia @ LEGOLAND® Theme Park

I remember this scene in Aquaman movie where he was visiting the aquarium and talked to the fishes on a school trip. In fact, the ocean makes up most of our planet. The creatures that dwell in the ocean are enchanting and endlessly fascinating. That’s why I love to bring my kids to aquarium too.
I am glad that SEA LIFE Malaysia, the first interactive LEGO® themed aquarium in Malaysia has opened its doors to the public on 9th May 2019. Located next to LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort, it features unique local marine life in an exclusive Malaysian habitat and local themes such as the Wanli shipwreck alongside LEGO® elements.
“We are thrilled to welcome all our local and international guests to SEA LIFE Malaysia. Our team of experts and aquarists have been working tirelessly to ensure that all our marine friends are settled into their new homes and aquarium offerings meet the international SEA LIFE brand standard. With the opening of SEA LIFE Malaysia, we are able to provide families a complete fun and educational experience alongside our water park, theme park and hotel. LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort will continue to be one of the region’s best family destinations,” said Kurt Stocks, General Manager of LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort.
“We wanted to celebrate this journey with our annual pass holders by inviting them to be one of the first to experience SEA LIFE Malaysia before our doors open to the public. Unlike with movies, we are hoping that they share all the amazing spoilers from their visit to SEA LIFE Malaysia because it is a truly unique and educational experience that is not so easily replicated elsewhere,” Kurt added.

浪漫土耳其之旅 Part 1

就在一个新世纪来临前的 2019 年,我们俩踏上了浪漫土耳其之旅。很多人问我们,为什么去土耳其?其实我也不知道,只知道我们的好朋友刚好要去土耳其,而我们刚好也没有计划, 所以就跟着一起去了。 

这一趟长途之旅我们选择了乘坐星加坡航空,所以必须从 KLIA 搭飞机去 Changi airport transit。启程之前我已经期待 Changi Jewel Vortex 的演出所以我们选择了停留在Changi 5个多小时。我们甚至兴奋到忘了在 KLIA 领取一早预定了的便捷式 wifi! 真是的!还好的是之前在吉隆玻租借了另一个便捷式 wifi,不然我可是成了罪人(这次的土耳其自助旅行便捷式 wifi是我负责的)了。 

The Best Family Hotel @ Ipoh, Perak - Putrade Allsuites at RPGC

The fourth largest city in the country, Ipoh has been gaining steady recognition as a tourism destination in recent years. A confluence of factors – including the city’s deep-rooted colonial and cultural heritage, the abundance of natural attractions in and around Ipoh, as well as convenient tourist access enabled by its own international airport – has increased Ipoh’s allure and popularity with domestic and international travallers alike. The city’s tourism is expected to get a further boost as the Perak administration starts rolling out various initiatives under the ‘Visit Malaysia Year 2020’ campaign.
In supporting the ‘Visit Malaysia Year 2020’ campaign, I took the chance to bring my whole family to Ipoh, Perak for a visit-visit Malaysia weekend getaway. As a family of 2 parents and 2 young kids, we need more than a normal hotel room to cater our stay. Luckily, we have found the best family hotel Ipoh has to offers.
Located in the Royal Perak Golf Club, Putrade Allsuites offers greater convenience that meets the needs of its guest with various accesses to hot tourist spots, entertainment and shopping convenience such as Concubine Lane, Lost World of Tambun, Perak Tong Cave Temple, and Gunung Lang.
Gunung Lang

The Healthy Pomegranate Rejuvenation Guide by Mamonde

The new year very often signifies a new start and a new chapter in life. For some, it will be just making some lifestyle changes which include overhauling one’s body with a healthier diet, going green to save the planet and choosing to use products that contain natural ingredients over synthetic ones. Taking the first step to making a change is always a challenge.
Therefore, Mamonde has put together a Pomegranate Rejuvenation Guide to help you kickstart that change towards living a healthier life. A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet that gives you a healthy skin – And Pomegranate is the way to go! Packed with a multitude of vitamins and antioxidants, pomegranates are known for their many health benefits. Getting the recommended daily dose of vitamins is important for our immune system to stay healthy and strong, which in turn helps us stay in the pink of health.
Here are the three essential steps in the Mamonde Pomegranate Rejuvenation Guide

1. Eat A Pomegranate Rich Diet

Often touted as a popular superfood, pomegranates are not only rich in vitamins and antioxidants but also delicious! Incorporating pomegranate into everyday recipes is a quick and easy way to give your meals a nutritional boost. Some of the essential vitamins that we need daily are Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin K, which are all found in pomegranates. These vitamins play a key role in ensuring that our body stays healthy. Pomegranates are also high in fibre and potassium, which helps promote a healthy digestive system.