
CTOS SecureID - The First Dark Web Monitoring Service to Safeguard Malaysian Consumers from Fraud and Scams in S.E.A

We are always Online in this Digital era, that make us expose to Cyberthieves that can use the Internet as a tool to rip us off easily. Hence, we should be cautious when using the Internet and most importantly, install security app to prevent us from fraud and scams.

Just recently, CTOS launches CTOS SecureID, a fraud protection and credit monitoring service to combat the growing problem of identity theft, fraud and scams, as well to help monitor a consumer’s credit health. The new version of CTOS SecureID includes Dark Web monitoring service which is the first of its kind to be launched by a credit reporting agency in South East Asia.
From left to Right: Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab, CEO of Cybersecurity Malaysia, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd (CTOS), Captain CTOS, a well-known film and TV star, Hisyam Hamid.

I was honoured to be invited to the grand launch of CTOS SecureID on 18 Feb 2020. Officiated by Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab, CEO of Cybersecurity Malaysia, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd (CTOS), Malaysia’s largest credit reporting agency, unveiled the service to the public, along with Captain CTOS, a well-known film and TV star, Hisyam Hamid.

CTOS SecureID's subscribers will get alerted for any changes in their credit profiles such as new credit applications, missed payments, credit limit changes, closure of credit facilities, bankruptcy, litigation cases and also alerts for personal information found in the dark web. This enables consumers to be more proactive instead of reactive in safeguarding their identity and managing their credit health.
“With the numerous data breaches occurring not just in Malaysia, but worldwide, and with the growth of online transactions and digital footprints on social media using multiple platforms, there are more ways than ever for our identities and data to be stolen,” said Dennis Martin, Group CEO of CTOS. “In the first six months of 2019 alone, 4.1 billion personal records were leaked globally due to data breaches.1 Many criminal elements use the Dark Web for the sale and purchase of people’s data, and our new monitoring tool allows us to alert consumers if their personal information is detected on the Dark Web. Additionally, the included Takaful coverage that's up to RM20,000 which provides peace of mind if you become a victim of fraud.”

According to Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab, CEO of Cybersecurity Malaysia, the numbers of Internet crimes is increasing yearly. In recent years, the Dark Web has become a hotbed of Cyber criminal activities as it contains shockingly valuable information. All this Internet fraud and scams are done without the knowledge of the victims, Hence, it is important for us to protect ourselves with security software such as CTOS SecureID.
The new features of CTOS SecureID will be spearheaded by a special campaign featuring Hisyam Hamid, over the coming months across broadcast channels.
“Today’s evolution of CTOS SecureID means that we have a market leading service which can help safeguard consumers against fraud and scams and also help improve financial literacy, in line with government’s mission to promote financial education and inclusion,” explained Dennis Martin, Group CEO of CTOS.
Consumer who subscribed to CTOS SecureID service will also receive support in the form of the latest information on scams and fraud prevention tips, support for issues related to identity theft and four MyCTOS Score Reports a year.
CTOS SecureID safeguard Malaysian consumers from fraud and scams with affordable price. For only RM9.90 a month or RM99 a year, anyone can now enjoy CTOS SecureID protection and the peace of mind that comes with it. 

Learn more and subscribe to CTOS SecureID at today. 
CTOS SecureID is also available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.


  1. It is a necessity to be protected from all angles as one can never be too careful in guarding one’s life. Thanks for this information - will certainly check the product out later

  2. Not bad bila ctos dia ada upgrade. At least we can avoid fraud etc

  3. OMG... this CTOS SecureID interesting! Yeah.. I agree with Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab regarding increasing of internet crimes nowadays. I hope this CTOS SecureID really help.

  4. In this modern age, everything is revolving with technologies. Its good that CTOS is upgrading the their system security. Everyone needs to be careful and take precaution especially with our personal data from scammers. Thanks for sharing this info..will check the product later. :)

  5. This is a really interesting topic. Many of us expose to cybercrimes every day.

  6. Good move to eliminate fraud.At least with the program we would feel quite safe from bad intentions by unknown individuals.

  7. Nak kena subscribe la aplikasi ni. Yes zaman siber sekarang memang perlukan aplikasi begini. Bila everything semakin maju, nak mencuri dsb juga ada cara lebih maju.

  8. First of all, kuddos to the company for creating good security for the web. It's absolutely necessary to own this CTOS in monitoring the web

  9. baguslah ada benda ni, at least ada protection and take precautionlah ada macam-macam hal zaman ni

  10. Bagus jugak ada apps ctos ni ya. Sekurangnya terjaga kebajikan kita dari fraud yg berleluasa

  11. Very good initiative to prevent fraud and scam in Malaysia. I want it too, may all of us will be safe from becoming the victim of irresponsible fraud people
