
Tasty & Crunchy Cornflake Cookies Recipe

There's nothing like a batch of homemade cornflakes cookies to lift our mood at this MCO. Staying at home can be fun too, by making Kellogg’s Corn Flakes cookies with my kids at our home sweet home.
My family love cornflakes because it is healthy, very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Vitamin A, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12 and Iron. In fact, cornflakes can be a quick breakfast cereal as well as an ingredients for many other food.
Today, I am sharing the Kellogg’s Corn Flakes cookies recipe here with you so that you can have some fun baking this tasty and crunchy cookies at home too.

Cornflakes Cookies Recipe (Make approximately 15 large cookies)


130 gram multi-purpose flour
1 Egg
80 gram 
125 gram 
70 gram cornflakes

  1. Mixed Butter & Sugar until light and fluffy.
  2. Add in egg and mix.
  3. Add in sifted flour & mix well.
  4. Stir in cornflakes & mix well.
  5. Shape & place on lined paper.
  6. Bake it on 175 degree Celsius for 15-20 minutes until the Cookies are golden brown.(depending on how big the cookies are and the oven)

This Cornflakes Cookies is easy to make, and delicious to eat! Try it out and let me know your thought.


  1. Wowww so fast u buat kuih raya.. Hehe.. I kalau kuih raya berasaskan cornflakes semuanya i suka tau.. Senang nak dibuat & sedap!

  2. Wow!!! So yummylicious... I don't expect that it was indeed easy-peasy to make this cookies... I will indeed put this cookies within my kuih raya list... hehehehe... the ingredients are easy to be obtained and the steps are simple to be followed... thanks for the recipe Rane...

  3. biskut conflakes memang kegemaran ramai, i ingat nk buat juga cuma bahan conflakes je tkde..yg lain2 bahan memang dh ada kt rumah
