
Where's the New Normal at Petaling Jaya?

Today marked the last day of May 2020. According to Malaysia's government, the Conditional Movement Control Order will soon be lifted in another 2 weeks. I have seen my friend's post about my favourite restaurant in Petaling Jaya has re-open for dine-in, hence I decided to pay a visit to enjoy some good food.

But, I felt sick with what I seen today. Are we all too comfortable and forgot how to live the new normal?
Let's see, the crowd inside 1 Utama New Wing is really crazy, especially at JD sports, Starbucks, H&M, Baskin Robbins. I don't see social distancing nor sanitiser around the shopping mall. It was really bad and I felt really unsafe.

I was there to collect item that I have reserved since April and today is the last day to collect it hence the visit. I have left the mall as soon as I have done.
Then, we headed to Starling Mall wanted to have a nice lunch there. Too bad, the restaurant only has 1 big table to accommodate 4 persons. I can't be sitting with husband and let the 2 kids sitting another table, right. So, we canceled the plan and opt for other food.
It was not too bad at Starling Mall as the guard will asked us to check-in with the Selangor 'SElangkah' app for Covid-19 contact tracing, then checked our temperature and sanitise before entered the shopping mall.
We spent quite some time in Bookxcess because it is having a 10% off storewide from 30th May to 2nd June. My girls have picked their favourite books to read in the following weeks.
Oh, we also bought the blue color Guardian x Tokidoki thermal set for my younger girl. Unlike other girls, her favourite color is blue so I had promise her to buy her one set when I gifted the pink one to my elder daughter.

We headed home as soon as we finished our shopping. I felt so uneasy to go out so I guess we will stay at home until the situation is better.

今天是2020年5月最后一天。因为看见朋友去了我们喜欢的餐厅用餐,知道它重新开发了。所以打算一家人去享用美食。没想到,八打灵再也的朋友们真勇敢。所好的保持社交距离,和用洗手液洗手也不用了。在1 Utama 我看见大家一窝蜂聚在一起排队去血拼和吃东西。真的很恐怖一下。


然后我们去了 Starling Mall 。那里还好,不会有一堆人聚在一起。进去商场前还有人检查体温,叫我们登记名字和电话号码,和提供免洗洗手液给我们消毒。所以,我们在那里逛了书店买书,还买了一些东西才回家去。


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