
Hada Labo Announces Upcoming Launch for ‘We Care’ Campaign to Celebrate its 10th Anniversary

Happy 10th anniversary to Hada Labo! In conjunction with its 10th anniversary celebration, Hada Labo has announced the upcoming launch of the ‘We Care’ campaignThe campaign, which is also part of the brand’s Corporate Social Responsibility effort will witness collaboration with Non-governmental Organisations and Watsons in its contribution to society and environment.
The Hada Labo ‘We Care’ campaign covers three pillars, namely ‘Care for You’, ‘Care for Society’ and ‘Care for Nature’The ‘Care for You’ campaign focuses on providing skincare education to the public in caring for their skin, while the ‘Care for Society’ campaign is aimed at reaching out to the underprivileged community. The ‘Care for Nature’ campaign, on the other hand, will see the brand’s involvement in helping to create a sustainable environment. These series of campaigns are set to be kicking off in July, August, and September, respectively.
“As a skincare brand that aspires to bring beauty back to the basics - perfect, simple, and confident, Hada Labo is well-received by our local beauty enthusiasts and we are honoured to be one of the leading skincare brands for the past decade. The Hada Labo ‘We Care’ campaign will be launched in celebration of this significant milestone and also to thank the public for their continuous support. In celebrating this success, we would also like to remember the less fortunate and give back to society,” said Lim Mei Yuen, General Manager of RohtoMentholatum Malaysia.

Come July, the public can look forward to the month-long Hada Labo ‘Care for You’ campaign that includes educating customers on the various tips and ways to maintain beautiful and healthy skin. Customers will also be receiving two complimentary bottles of Hada Labo Lotion (9ml) when they fill up their details on a microsite which can be accessed via Hada Labo Malaysia Website and Hada Labo Malaysia FB page.
Fundraising in conjunction with the ‘We Care for Society’ and ‘We Care for Nature’ will also be held where proceeds from the sale of Hada Labo products in Watsons will go to the fund. Hado Labo aims to raise a total of RM100,000 for both the campaigns. The ‘We Care’ campaign will culminate in Hada Labo’s 10th Anniversary celebration this coming October. The celebration will involve the participation of stakeholders, including the beneficiaries of the CSR campaigns as well as customers.

For more information or to support Hada Labo’s ‘We Care’ campaign, the public can log on to or follow their facebook page: MyHadaLabo.

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