
AmLife Ropes in International Experts & Introduces Frequency Therapy Sleep Device On World Mental Health Day 2020

The annual World Mental Health Day(WMHD) fall on 10 October this year. It is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. In conjunction with WMHD 2020, renowned sleep health specialist AmLife International Sdn. Bhd rolled out its WMHD showcase themed “Sleep Well For Mental Health” across six key countries; from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong to Taiwan. The showcase comes in the forms of workshops- both online and offline - to educate the mass public on current mental health conditions in the region.
Mr Lew and Elizabeth launching the AmLife World Mental Health Day 2020 campaign

In fact, year 2020 looks grim with the Covid-19 pandemic. Faced with threatening realities of health and life, loss of jobs, lack of social interactions, all these take a toll on everyone’s mental health, as well as adverse physical and emotional repercussions.
According to a survey by The Ministry of Health Malaysia showed that by 2020, mental health conditions are expected to be the second biggest health problem affecting Malaysians after heart diseases. One in three Malaysian adults aged 16 years and above (29.2 percent) have a mental health condition, nearly triple from 11.2 percent in 2006. Amongst Malaysian youth aged 13 to 17, one in five has depression, two in five have anxiety and one in 10 has stress.

On the mental well-being of Malaysian households during MCO (Movement Control Order / Lockdown), the latest health survey conducted by Malaysian think tank The Centre with 1084 respondents in Malaysia indicated:

· 45% of the respondents reported experiencing negative mental well-being during the MCO, with different levels of severity.
· 22% reported experiencing severe and extremely severe anxiety, with 20% and 15% of the respondents reporting severe and extremely severe depression and stress respectively.
· Women and those below the age of 35, reported experiencing higher levels of negative emotions. 18-26% of women stated that they experienced severe and extremely severe depression, anxiety, and stress.

Abroad, according to the International Association for Suicide Prevention, USA (IASP), one billion people across the world are thought to have a mental or substance use disorder and anyone, anywhere, can be affected. Depression alone is on track to be the leading disease burden in the next 10 years.
Mr. Lew Mun Yee, Founder & President of AmLife said good quality sleep improves our psychological and mental health and vice versa. Physiological health and psychological issues are escalating globally. One in five persons has a type of mental health issue. Therefore AmLife stresses sleep education which is part of our business philosophy,” explained Lew.
Dr. Luke Wang

AmLife has engaged Ms. Elizabeth Huxtable, a certified Sound Therapist with over 30 years of holistic therapy (Globe Sound & Consciousness Institute, San Francisco, USA) and Dr. Luke Wang - a Taiwan Specialist in Psychiatric, Sleep Medicine, and Geriatrics & Dean of Rafah Sleep Clinic in Taiwan to share some insights into mental health.

Dr. Luke shared, “One needs to sleep well to improve mental health, which in turn gives rise to a healthier body. Disrupted sleep impairs the brain plasticity and alters the stress and inflammatory system. Clinical tests point to poor sleep quality leading to Alzheimer's Disease besides long-term stress that will increase high blood glucose, poor metabolic and increase in obesity thus impacting mental stress level and affect overall health ” he elaborated.
Frequency To the Rescue! Studies found that sound frequency can affect the nervous system and can have a positive healing effect on the mind and body. Elizabeth, “Sound therapy helps relax people’s stress. This naturally reduces their blood pressure and helps the vascular system to relax the blood vessels allowing the blood to flow more easily. Each organ and cell in our body has a resonant frequency. Sometimes, due to stress, toxins in the environment, disease, etc, the organs start to vibrate at the wrong frequency, the healing sound vibrations can help to reset them to their natural frequency and relaxes the body,” she elaborated.

Taking the cue from Ms. Elizabeth, AmLife introduced its DeepZleep Amsonic solutions - a regenerative sleep technology from Japan which combines Electric Potential Therapy, Thermal Therapy and AmSonic Frequency Therapy – all in a bedding form. AmSonic Frequency Therapy is the latest brand new Japanese technology which harnesses the frequency of nature and spiritual healing frequency to harmonize the body frequency and sync it with the natural environment to enable the body to relax, relieve tension and goes into deep slumber so your body can experience recuperative and health rejuvenation capabilities.
The DeepZleep Amsonic is available in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Hong Kong.

A study by the Northwestern University School of Medicine found that low-decibel frequency therapy can help improve deep sleep especially in the elderly. The health expert believes that the deep sleep phase is important for memory integration and smarter thought processes.

They found that people who fell asleep while listening to low-decibel frequency therapy scored three times higher than those without background music in memory tests the next morning, meaning that they literally became smarter overnight.

“Therefore, AmLife will continue its mission and business direction to lead the world’s first regenerative sleep technology for an all-rounded physical and spiritual well-being. We hope that everyone can naturally recharge your physical and mental health in sleep,” added Lew.

Now, let's sleep and improve our physical and mental health with AmLife DeepZleep Amsonic solutions. For more information, please visit


  1. Ya, setuju sgt. Tidur sangat penting utk kesihatan mental. Kalo x cukup tidur yg bkualiti, mmg bole buat mood baik klaut dalam 😅

  2. Last night, I sleep late and my day was like very stress. Me too when I sleep late at night, I will be so stress. Sleep is very important

  3. In most Asian countries, mental illness is still stigmatized. This is a good way to start small in spreading awareness, and encouraging people to take care of their mental health.

  4. Pentingkan untuk kawal stress... Sebab tu kita kena dapatkan tido yang berkualiti

  5. Iyaaa betul.. kalau rasa tak selesa, buat sleep test macam Sis, bila dah buat baru tau ada tonsil.. kena alert, sebab tidur yang cukup, barulah hidup dan perjalanan kita tu produktif dan sihat..

  6. Tidur memg kene cukup.. Kalau tak boleh sakit kepala. Bestnya tengok amlife ni.. Kalau ade mesti lena tidur

  7. Tidur sangat penting untuk menstabilkan emosi dan hormon dalam badan kerana ia yang menjadikan kita cepat stress selain daripada faktor luarankan. Kalau dapat tilam ni best juga hehehehe tengok harga boleh tahan juga yer...

  8. Totally agree. We need a quality sleep so that both our body and mental become healthier. A good bedding is important to achieve that.

  9. Recently I couldnt sleep well maybe due to the biological clock adjustment! Hurm.. Seriously it affect our performance as well especilly in the morning at work..!this DeepZleep AmSonic product looks interesting lorh..

  10. To be honest tidur memang sangat penting especially for mental health. Kadang bila tidur tak berkualiti mula la ada yang tak kena 1 hari.

  11. A good sleep will contributes good health. Thanks AmLife to look serious in this factor and beneficial to us!
