I find that cooking and baking is actually destressing. It keeps us physically active within the confines of our home, in addition to cooking healthy meals for ourselves and/or our families.
Now, we can buy Professional and Affordable Cookware, Bakeware and Kitchen Knives at really affordable price at My Cooking Story.
Look at their 1111 hot offers below;
Midas 20cm Stockpot + 16cm Saucepan + 1 Detachable Handle + 1 Lid Combo for just RM 88 (Originally worth RM 727)
Langen (4pc Set) for just RM 99 (Originally worth RM 360)
I almost can't believe it myself when I get to know about this! I quickly chose the items that I need and placed the order. And my parcel got delivered the next day with FREE DELIVERY! Wow, I am impressed! That's why I am sharing with you on this blogpost.
I almost can't believe it myself when I get to know about this! I quickly chose the items that I need and placed the order. And my parcel got delivered the next day with FREE DELIVERY! Wow, I am impressed! That's why I am sharing with you on this blogpost.
Last but not least, don't forget to use my unique code 'MCSRANE' to get additional 10% discount when you purchase from My Cooking Story.
Enjoy your cooking and backing at home. You can thank me later. 😉
Rajinnyaaaa dia buat artikel hehe..btw i sempat beli pisau tu yeayyy..then i beli bekas oval. Memang puas hati hehe
These cookware look visually pleasing and they are affordable too. Thanks for sharing the promo code. Will check them out soon.
waaa..murah sangat dah ni harga promo ni. Kalo sisyat belum beli yang viral tu, confirm terjebak juga dengan yang ni :-)
banyak betul promo lani. sampai taktau mana nak beli dulu haha thanks for sharing
Wow......these are good kitchen tools that everyone should have. Thank you for sharing.
Why do I only know about this now? I was looking for good cooking ware as farewell presents for my staff. If I know about this earlier, she would have got more items hehehe
Aduhhhh lately ramai betul kenalan nur yang cerita pasal cookware yang cantik & harga affordable. Pening kepala nak pilih
wahh ni kalau mak saya nampak ni, mesti dia suruh saya belikan macam2. bestnya ada promo. okay nnti saya share dengan mak saya :)
Murah juga ye i tengok.. Memang best ni kalau ade satu dekat rumah.. Pisau tu mcam tajam je.. Hehehe. Haishh why tunjukkan ni.. Dahla kita memag jenis memasak je
Menarik offer barang dapur ni. Kena check kat dapur ni kalau ada apa perlu ditambah. Boleh guna diskaun kod tu nanti. TQ share!
Baru je beli periuk KayuHome hahahaha..bahaya juga lee kalau kang Sis ko bukak weii.. kang ada berkotak=kotak sampai umaaa..
Tapi, pstt piuk tu lawa le pulakk hahahaa
Ini yang buat nak shopping ni. Cookware tu seperti memanggil manggil minta dibeli
I need to give this article for my mom to read. She really loves all these pots, saucepan and anything realting to bake.
Thank you for sharing these products. I think the MCO has transformed most of us into 'chefs' at home. 😆
these cookware and knives look really good and durable. will check them out after this! :)
Allahu ni kejam ni... kalau la kakak or mak tgok ni boleh licin akaun bank ni. haha
wahh i nak beli untuk my mum..my mum memang suka kumpul ccokware ni..
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