
Sparkle and Shine Eyes with Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream

The eyes tell a lot about us, including our age. Hence, I take good care of my eyes to maintain healthy eyes. Healthy, shine and sparkle eyes are seen as a sign of beauty, vigor and wisdom. I am happy that I can achieve this easily with the new Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream.
Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream is a limited edition luxurious, illuminating eye cream with 23K gold flakes to impart a warm glow and bring calm to stressed skin. It is also infused with Vinanza Grape and Vitamin C from New Zealand superfruit, kiwifruit to helps moisturise and soften fine lines.
The key Ingredients of Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream are;

Kiwi Seed Oil: High in Omega 3 as well as Vitamins C and E, to help improve skin elasticity and reduce fine lines.
Vinanza Grape & Kiwi: Helps improve the appearance of skin by targeting redness and pigmentation.
23k gold: Soothes and calms stressed skin.
Once you open up the jar, you will see the luxurious 23K gold flakes in the cream. I like that Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream has a lightweight and non-sticky formula that absorbs quickly by the delicate skin around my eye area. It moisture, replenish, and refine skin texture around my eye area, made it look revitalised, sparkle and shine!
To use, just smooth into the area around your eyes using clean fingertips after cleansing and toning every day and night.
Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream 30ml is retail at RM268. It is packs in a luxury golden and yellow paper box and glass jar. It is very affordable because a little goes a long way, hence 1 jar can last you for months.

The more you take care of yourself and protect your eyes, the brighter they'll shine! Let's treat your eyes with the exceptional 
Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream now.

To buy Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Luminous Eye Cream, logon to TNS skin lab or visit their outlets.


  1. wow nampak best je produk ni! bolehlah try nanti! i love kiwi too. btw can guys use this product? keen to try! lol

  2. Thanks for sharing ya! Nampak macam produk yang bagus. Bolehlah saya share dan suggest produk ni untuk mak & kakak saya. :)

  3. Great timing. I'm looking for an eye cream. Do you reckon it can help with my eye bags?

  4. I suka laaa skin you, nampak macam-macam produk you pakai tau, tapi tetap serasi dan sesuai dengan skin you...suka i nengok...

  5. First time i dengar pasal brand ni. And not bad.. kebetulan i mmg ada eye bag sekarang ni

  6. Sejak 2 menjak ni keliling mata nampak tak berapa nak cantik laaa. Boleh laaa masuk dlm list eye cream ni. Tq share

  7. tak pernah lagi dengar nama brand ni and tak pernah juga tahu kiwi boleh dibuat skincare. It's amazing how it works wonder to you!

  8. kebetulan memang nina tengah search pasal eye cream. Bila umur dah gini, kawasan mata dah mula nampak wrinkle. Huhuuu.. Nanti nak try this one

  9. TB pun tengah masalah lingkaran bawah mata ni.. boleh la try produk ni nanti
