
Best Skincare Device Worth Your Money - Foreo UFO Review

Year 2020 is a historical year. Not only our lifestyle has changed due to COVID-19 pandemic, it is also the year that I am stepping into the big 40's! Honestly speaking, I have not thought about turning 40's before. But now that I am in my 40's, I know that my life does begin and I really need to take good care of my health, body and my skin.
I notice that my metabolism starts to decrease, and my skin starts showing aging sign lately. Hence, I need more than just my usual skincare regime. Besides deep cleansing, tone, and moisture my skin, I have decided to add on the skincare device for more effective result. Then, I have discovered the best skincare device recently, which is the renowned Foreo UFO. I decided to give it a try because I have read many rave reviews about it.
I am happy that my decision is right. I have been using Foreo UFO for weeks now, and I really love how it improves my skin in a short period of time. It is the best masking device that I have ever tried. My skin is recharged and glowing, lesser fine lines, pores also appear smaller. Let me share more about my Foreo UFO review from Malaysia.
I like the feeling of mini spa at home with Foreo UFO. The effective LED light therapy and advanced Hyper-Infusion Technology with UFO Activated Masks gives me a complete facial treatment at home.
In fact, I fell in love with LED light therapy ever since I tried it once at an aesthetic clinic. Now I can pamper and treat my skin with LED light therapy at the comfort of my home, all thanks to Foreo UFO. Foreo UFO using Hyper-Infusion Technology which combines heating, cooling & T-Sonic pulsations. It has 3 different LED lights - red, green, and blue to provide targeted photofacials to rejuvenate skin.

(1) Thermo-Therapy Mode - preps skin and enhances skin’s absorption of UFO Power Activated Masks’ ingredients.
(2) Cryo-Therapy - refreshes, and instantly lifts and firms skin, shrinking the appearance of pores and puffiness.
(3) T-Sonic Pulsations - stimulate blood microcirculation and better absorption of products, facilitating skin renewal.
Left: Before - discoloration, sagging and dull skin.
Right: After - soft, glowing and lifted skin.

It takes only 90 seconds to do its magic. 
I bet you will like the warm sensation like I do. Foreo UFO deliver intensive burst of nourishing to my skin and treats my discoloration, sagging and dull skin effectively. My skin becomes so soft, glowing and lifted almost instantly.
Left: Before - skin's moisture level was only 32%.
Right: After - skin's moisture level increased to 45%.

Foreo UFO comes in a beautiful, transparent case. Once open up, gently insert the USB cable that comes in the package into your device's charging port. When the device is fully charged (after approximately 1 hour) the LED will emit a steady glow.
Next, download the Foreo app on your phone. Then, pair the Foreo UFO with the phone and it's ready to start the masking regime. Scans the UFO-activated treatment mask that you selected, and then remove UFO's transparent ring, secure the circle-shaped, UFO-sized mask with said ring, and massage the device all over your face.
Once done, you can choose to repeat the treatment or stop and wash the device under running water.
UFO-activated treatment mask is developed & sourced in South Korea and made from ultra-soft microfiber and drenched in premium skincare formulas. There are a wide range of Masks to choose from - starting set of Daily Duo, Advanced Collection (5 types of masks, developed to target specific needs of your skin), Based on natural ingredients Farm To Face collection.
Sometimes I use Foreo UFO on its own with my serum and eye cream. It does help to penetrate them to the deepest layer of my skin. Foreo UFO is so compact size, made it easy to bring around everywhere and enjoy masking anytime.
Although Foreo UFO is a bit on the expensive side, but it is value for its money! Coz' I don't need to go to the salon anymore. Foreo UFO is available in Malaysia at Sephora. If you're interested in purchasing the UFO, shop on Sephora here.


  1. Didn't know that there is a device to measure skin moisture level. Thanks for sharing this beauty product.

  2. Foreo is wellknown brand and the quality is the best. That how the price is expensive. But it worth of it!

  3. Best tengok orang yang dah guna Foreo ni. Belum berkesempatan lagi nak guna. Salam perkenalan dari Eiza. Jemput follow back blog Eiza ye.

  4. i know this brand and it is in my wishlist. need to save more. its really good for your skin

  5. I've seen this brand around but haven't occurred to try yet thanks for sharing now I have more interest.

  6. dah lama teringin nak beli device skincare ni. wah cantik la design die..tengok senang je kan nak bersihkan die

  7. Foreo mmg best tool utk skin. Tapi sisytt blm ada rezeki nak guna dia. Tapi bagus betul dia jaga skin kta kan 😊

  8. Selalu dengar Foreo tapi tahu jugak memang harga dia agak tinggi.. Padan la pun dengan function dia yang serba canggih kan.. Siap boleh check moisture level lagi.. Kulit saya ni pun selalu kering

  9. Been heard about Foreo since then. It was a high-end brand but looking at its function, no wonder the price also been that high. The function to measure skin moisture level is so nice as my skin also too dry and oily sometimes. Thanks for sharing this product, will try when there's chance.

  10. You certainly don't look a day over 30! Is this your fountain of youth then?

  11. Bagusnya, berbaloi dengan harga.. Rasa macam kalau kat Korea pun dia di jual dalam kedai skincare yang besar..macam ada Sis nampak.. cuma kita tak tau, kalau tau memang Sis beli, mesti sana murah kann...

  12. Bentuknya cantik.. Warna pink.. Memang elok la pakai furio ni. Rasa bersih muka.. Siap ade led light. Selamat digunakan.. Siap boleh basuh.. Tengok skin you pun lawa je

  13. Wah, quite fast jugak result dia kan. Ni yg buat rasa nak beli. Ok, weekend leh usha kat Sephora.. 🤗🤗

  14. have spent many days looking for a skincare device and this brand seems to be amazing. thanks for sharing this!

  15. So cute and very great devices. Reading your review makes me wanna buy one, I wish to smaller my pores too!

  16. It looks so beautiful! Would love to have this as my Christmas gift! Too cute & by looking your review, I want one!

  17. Cantiknya device from foreo ni. Nmpk mcm speaker pun ada. Best gift for Christmas or birthday nih

  18. Sekarang ni mcm2 product baru utk kulit wajah, firts time tau psl device skincare ni, l pun nak juga tray nanti.
