
U.S. potatoes Help Power Up Soh Wai Ching in Scaling Up a New Guinness World Records

It's a glory day of Malaysia as our very own champion towerrunner (World No. 2 and Asia No. 1 towerrunner) has attained a new Guinness World Records (GWR) by clinching the title of “Greatest Vertical Height Stair Climbing in One Hour (Male)”. Soh Wai Ching has successfully beat previous record holder Mr David Robles Tapia from Spain and got his name recorded in Guinness World Records.
The GWR record attempt was held at the Four Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 18 Nov 2020. Soh broke the record by climbing 3 full climbs from the Ground Floor to 66th Floor of the building plus one full climb up from Ground Floor to 65th plus one floor with a total elevation of 1,295.95m. The total distance covered was 1,295.95m, equivalent to 399 floors. The previous record by David Robles Tapia (Spain) was 1.227km, which was equivalent to about 378 floors (3.25m per floor - as a standard height per floor).
It was truly a magnificent achievement for Soh and a proud moment for us. In fact, U.S. potatoes has played an important part to this record-breaking feat. Potatoes are a proven functional food for nutritious diets / meal regimes for fuelling high performances, and Soh’s climb was fueled by various U.S. potato foods and drinks such as U.S. Potatoes Enduro Drink, U.S. Potato Wrap, U.S. Potato Protein Rosti and Roasted Cajun U.S. Potato Wedges. This would mark the third time U.S. potatoes were used to fuel Soh performance after two other tower-runs at KL Tower and TM Tower last year.
“Prior to attempting the Guinness World Records, I had loaded up with various types of dishes made with U.S. potatoes. I took the U.S. Potato Enduro Drink during my lunch frequently on my training sessions running up the stairs of Four Seasons Hotel. During the GWR attempt, I had the U.S Potato power drink during my descent from 65th floor to Ground Floor before my next climb as this would continue to power up my performance,” Soh elaborated.
Reigning record holder Soh shared, ”My main goal of attempting this GWR is to inspire sportsmen, sportswomen and youths in Malaysia to be outstanding, creative, constantly chase their dreams and making it happen. It’s my dream to aspire to do something to bring the Malaysia name onto the international stage.”
We wish Soh the very best in his future endeavors. Meanwhile, it's time to consume more U. S. potatoes as they are natural, functional, energy-packed foods. Potatoes are a great source for nutrition as it is easily digestible and more nutrient-dense than any other popular vegetable. A medium (148 gm) skin-on potato contains 110 calories for energy. Potatoes are a good choice to fuel the demand of various athletic events.


  1. hebatnya.. bukan sembarangan orang boleh buat ni.. tahniahlah..

  2. Us potatoes antara bahan mentah wajib ada kat rumah kita. Anak-anak suka makan. Biasanya kita goreng gitu jer sebab rasa semulajadi taste potatoes yang sedap.

  3. Wow i didn't know there's a record for towerrunners. Good job and congrats to Mr Soh!

  4. Peegh hebat la dia ni.. Bagusnyaa.. Berjaya naik setinghi tu.. Lepas ni kena makan potato juga la.. Kita memg suka makan potato

  5. Congrats for your achievement. And good luck!

  6. I have seen him in a marathon held in Universiti Malaya before when I was a student there. So inspired by successful Malaysian like him

  7. Nak kena makan kentang juga kee acaner ni hahahaha..
    Tapi rumah Sis memang kerap goreng kentang, lepas ni kena pilih plak kentang USA gini kann... hebat betul laaa..

  8. jarang makan kentang us ni sebab kentang malaysia lagi manis dan lembut. Tak sangka khasiat dia tinggi rupanya. Kena tukar lah nampak gaya

  9. Wow... Not easy to create Guinness World Record wor... So inspiring and congratulation bah...

  10. He is such an inspiration for all of us. Thanks for sharing his amazing story which is now surely a worldwide news.
