
Jadikan GBC Jodoh Anda with The Chicken Rice Shop Grilled Butter Chicken 2020

Calling all butter chicken lovers, the popular Grilled Butter Chicken is back by popular demand at The Chicken Rice Shop (TCRS). Since it is available for a limited time only, hence we took the chance to visit TCRS and indulge the Grilled Butter Chicken, a tender, boneless chicken thigh topped with golden buttery sauce.
The Grilled Butter Chicken Meal A set comes with grilled butter chicken, pak choy with oyster sauce, 1 bowl of rice and 1 bowl of soup of the day. We like the creamy rich and flavourful Grilled Butter Chicken. Crispy outside and juicy inside, every bite is satisfaction. There is also Meal B or Meal C for larger portion and you can also choose to order a la carte.
The Chicken Rice Shop Grilled Butter Chicken is available from now until 17th Jan 2021.
In conjunction with the return of Grilled Butter ChickenTCRS is having a Jadikan GBC Jodoh Anda” Instagram Filter Contest from 16 Nov to 20 Dec 2020.

To join, just follow the steps below;

1. purchase Grilled Butter Chicken from The Chicken Rice Shop, and take a photo of it. 
2. Open Instagram Stories and search for “fake video call” filters. 
3. Choose any “fake video call” filter and select the “Add Media” option. 
4. Add the photo of Grilled Butter Chicken. Using the “fake video call” filter, tell Grilled Butter Chicken how much you love it. 
5. Upload the video on your Facebook/Instagram feed/stories, or TikTok (Profile with higher following) 
6. Tag @thechickenriceshop and hashtag #JadikanGBCJodohAnda #TCRS #GrilledButter Chicken on your post/stories. 
7. Set your profile/post to public. 
8. Your submission must not contain Nudity, Racism, Sexism or any other Sensitive or Discriminatory Content. 
9. TEN (10) winners with the most creative video will be selected. 

Each winner will receive 1x e-voucher for Grilled Butter Chicken Meal A.
Oh, take note that to be eligible for the contest, participants must be a fan of The Chicken Rice Shop’s Official Facebook, Instagram, and/or TikTok pages. Those who are not fans of The Chicken Rice Shop’s Official Facebook, Instagram and/or TikTok pages are NOT eligible to participate in the Contest (“Eligible Participants”).
Join me and win this delicious meal now!
For more information of TCRS, visit;


  1. It looks really delicious to say the least. Would love to try this new promo from Chicken Rice Shop. Ouh there are also boba milk tea.

  2. Butter chicken loveršŸ„° Thank you for the sharing..looks yummy

  3. sedapnya makan butter grill chicken then minum boba! Perfect Jodoh la I must say hihi

  4. kalau bawa jodoh bertemu jodoh kat sini pun ok kan ....memariklah tawaran dia lagipun GBC tu memang sedap. Ni ada kombo2 senang nak pilih ...saya pun suka makan kat CRS ni sebab banyak pilihan menu ayam dia ....

  5. Dah lama tak masuk The Chixken Tixe Shop ini sejak PKP huhu so blm rasa grilled butter chicken ni... nampak sedap..

  6. I’ve actually tasted the chicken. It was very fulfilling hehe. Nak cari jodoh gak la.

  7. Agak lama juga tak pi makan sini.. makin hari bertambah menu dia yaa.. terliur nengoknya.. esok nak pujuk anak teman Maknya makan GBC laaa

  8. Last sebelum pkpp. Pastu tak pergi lagi makna the Chicken Rice Shop.. Sedap grilled butter dia.. Wah ade hadiah meal

  9. I'm a fan of butter chicken. Must try every different version I come across. This GCB by TCRS will be next.

  10. pernah rasa butter chicken ni memang sedap sangat...tak rugi cuba

  11. TCRC memang kesukaan kami satu keluarga, nanti nak cuba menu baru ni grill butter chicken nih namoak sedap sangat.

  12. This is my favorite dish at The Chicken Rice Shop and always looking forward annually. can try to join the contest also hor.. so cute..

  13. Butyer chicken dia mmh sedap giler. Xleh move in dengan rasa lemak2 dan pedas

  14. Nampak menyelerakan GBC tu. Anak-anak memang suka tapi kami belum sempat pergi lagi. Nanti bawa mereka ke sana makan GBC

  15. Butter chicken tu sedap, semalam nak makan kat Upperstar tapi sold out katanya...tapi GBC ni pun macam best nanti nak try makan

  16. wuu-- sedapnya !! i memang takkan lepaskan peluang kalau TCRS buat promo butter chicken ni.. hee~ tapau, bawa balik makan dengan family..

  17. CRS always came up with great menus. ive never tried this one but looking forward to

  18. Look so delicious with creamy sauce. will try this meal this weekend. thanks sharing your review

  19. Menu butter chicken tu TB belum pernah cuba lagi.. Mesti sedap kan! Nanti boleh la ajak hubby makan kat situ time sah habis pkp nanti..
