
Start right with the New Enfagrow A+ MindPro

Leveraging over more than 100 years of expertise in children nutrition and being the pioneer to launch DHA in the market more than a decade ago, Enfagrow A+ continues to revolutionise their offering by introducing the new Enfagrow A+ MindPro formulation, the only brand with Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) & highest level of DHA*.
“At Enfagrow A+, our goal is to nourish the best start in all the growing up children in Malaysia. As parents strive to find balance between staying healthy and safe, whilst keeping their children active and on track with their overall development, Enfagrow A+ is committed to supporting them with the right nutritional products that gives them peace of mind & help their children to unleash their learning potential.” Said Mr. Oguzhan Silivrili, General Manager of RB (Health) Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Mr. Oguzhan Silivrili, General Manager of RB (Health) Malaysia Sdn Bhd.

“Today, we are very excited to kick start the New Year 2021 with the launch of this new formula. We believe that parents should not have to choose between immune health and intellectual development, and this is very much reflected in our efforts to continuously innovate the best possible nutritional formula, incorporating scientifically backed ingredients such as MFGM & DHA.” Mr Silivrili explained.


90% of a child’s brain development happens before the age of 5 [1]. During this rapid developmental period, a child’s learning ability may be impacted even from simple illnesses as children beyond the age of 1-year old are yet to be fully equipped to have defenses to protect themselves from the world [2]. “Immunity building begins with proper nutrition. Over 70 to 80 per cent of immune cells are found in our gut and a diet with the right nutrients can help modulate immune function, reduce the risk of infection and amplify the inflammatory responses when attacked by pathogen or viruses.[3-4]” Said Dr. Rakhee Yadav, Consultant Pediatrician, Ara Damansara Medical Centre.
Dr. Rakhee Yadav, Consultant Pediatrician, Ara Damansara Medical Centre

Being the only brand with MFGM & highest level of DHA*, the launch of Enfagrow A+ Mindpro’s new growing up milk formulation is timely. Research shows that the consumption of MFGM enriched milk by young children was found to have a protective effect against gastrointestinal infections, producing a 35% decrease in the number of short febrile episodes (symptoms of fever) [5]. Coupled with DHA, MFGM works synergistically to provide dual benefits in supporting a child’s brain cell connections [6- 7].

“Having fewer sick days simply mean the child is healthy, active and alert, with more learning time and increased brain cell connections to support their learning process. In addition to nutrition, parents can continue to guide their children in developing healthy lifestyle habits such as adequate rest, physical activity and proper hygiene to build strong immune system.” Dr Rakhee added.
Debbie Goh and Anzalna Nasir, who were present at the virtual launch shared, “As a parent, my child’s immune health and intellectual development are my priorities. Enfagrow A+ has been my trusted growing up milk brand for my child. I am confident that with the right nutrition and environment, my child will be able to meet his development milestones.”

The launch kicks off the month-long VR roadshow which was organised in conjunction with the introduction of the new formulation and will be accessible by all Malaysians. The VR approach was intended to allow both parents and children to take part in the games and potentially win the many amazing prizes starting from 19 January to 18 Feb 2021 from the safety of their homes. A lively and engaging moderated discussion, featuring one of Malaysia’s leading paediatrician, Dr. Rakhee Yadav Ara Damansara Medical Centre, popular actor-mothers-influencers, Debbie Goh and Anzalna Nasir, marked the beginning of the roadshow.

Enfagrow A+ MindPro is now widely available in all major super and hypermarkets, Chinese medical halls, baby stores and major Enfagrow A+ official online stores including Lazada. Experience the first ever virtual reality children nutrition show by Enfagrow A+ MindPro here To learn and find out more, please visit and Enfagrow Facebook.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational and communication purposes for children above one (1) year old only. It should not be construed as personal medical advice, nor for diagnosis or treatment. At all times, please ensure you seek the advice of a healthcare professional when you require medical advice and do so immediately when there is an emergency

* Compared to key growing up milk brands in the market as of August 2020. Enfagrow A+ provides 120mg DHA in 3 servings per day. Applicable to Step 3 & Step 4 brands only. 
1. Kuratko CN, et al. The Relationship of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) with Learning and Behavior in Healthy Children: A Review. Nutrients. 2013;5(7):2777–2810
3. Vighi G, Marcucci G, SensiL et al. Allergy and the gastrointestinal system. Clin Exp Immunol 2008; 153:3-6.
4. McKenzie C, Tan J, Macia L et al. The nutrition gut microbiome physiology axis and allergic diseases. Immunol Rev 2017, 278:277-295.
5. Veereman-Wauters G et al. Milk fat globule membrane (INPULSE) enriched formula milk decreases febrile episodes and may improve behavioural regulation in young children. Nutrition.2012;28:749-752. Available at: 3Dihub 
6. Connye N. Kuratko, Erin Cernkovich Barrett, Edward B. Nelson, and Salem Norman, Jr. The Relationship of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) with Learning and Behavior in Healthy Children: A Review. Nutrients, 5(7): 2777–2810 (2013).
7. Hussain, G., Wang, J., Rasul, A. et al. Role of cholesterol and sphingolipids in brain development and neurological diseases. Lipids Health Dis 18, 26 (2019).

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