
5 Reasons Why You Need a Eleclean Disinfectant Device

We are not new to disinfectant. In fact, disinfectant has become a daily must have since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. I believe many of us have been trying out many different brands of disinfectant. Are you still using chemical disinfectant that is toxic and can harm your skin?
As a mother of two young girls, I am glad that I have found the BEST Disinfectant Device in the market. I am excited to share with you Eleclean, a portable device that transforms water into high reactive oxygen disinfectant is here for us!
Made in Taiwan, Eleclean device employs more than 34 patents and is the World's First Nano-catalysis electrochemical technology to convert water molecules into high reactive oxygen disinfectant in just 15 minutes!
Eleclean Disinfectant Device is every household must have, let me tell you why below.

1. Safe

It is chemical-free and alcohol-free. Through the oxidation method, we can eliminate viruses and bacteria such as H1N1 influenza virus, Escherichia Coli, Salmonellosis and others.

Without adding chemicals, the device alleviates the need for preservatives, stabilizers, alcohol or scents that are common in conventional disinfectants, and thus will not result in cancer, skin allergies or dermatitis.

It is effective and safe to use even for the new born baby.
2. Scientifically Proven by World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed Eleclean as an innovation technology in the global fight against COVID-19. Eleclean is proven for clinical efficacy and safety to be use for home, in the office or on the move.

3. Convenient & Portable

Almost instant generating process, the disinfectant is ready in just 15 minutes. The compact design makes it easy to carry everyday, everywhere. It is easy to spray and disinfect whenever we need it. Oh, we can also store it in smaller container to use if you want to.
4. Economical

Eleclean Disinfectant Device are classified as household electrical appliances, it can be used for many years and is low cost in long term use especially all it needs is only water.

5. Environmental-Friendly

After eliminate bacteria and viruses, it will convert back into water and does not contain any poison or secondary pollution. It is safe for the environment and eco system.
With the ever rising Coronavirus cases in Malaysia, let's protect our loved ones and ourselves from the harmful bacteria and germs with Eleclean Disinfectant Device.
The best part is, my followers can get 15% discount code using my SPECIAL CODE: RANE15%

To buy, just visit now.


  1. Wow......this is a good device to have at home. I like the size of this device. It is small. You can tag it along for traveling. Thank you so much for sharing. Will check it out.

  2. Bagus ni especially di zaman pandemik. Kita kena extra care

  3. Sekarang semua orang kena ada satu alat macam ni kan.. i punya anak i dah amik, so i pakai besar pu ya sikit..nnanti nak try laa tengok, ada diskaun kann

  4. Thanks for sharing about your user experience with this disinfectant, am gonna check out to own one in taking care my little niece. cheers, siennylovesdrawing
