
A Peace of Mind for Nanotechnology Consumers

With the consumer’s best interests at the forefront, NanoVerify has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association (FOMCA), in order to establish confidence in consumers when purchasing nano-verified products on 2nd Dec 2021. With wide-spread fraud claims in nanotechnology goods, NanoVerify has become the reassuring solution to consumers as the authority in certification and safety.
The MoU, which was signed by Ybhg. Datuk Fadilah Baharin, FASc, Chairperson of NanoVerify, and Ybhg. Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Marimuthu Nadason, President of FOMCA, will allow FOMCA to become an additional avenue for consumers to direct their product enquiries on product certification.
NanoVerify is leading the way in efforts to develop Malaysia into a certification hub for nanotechnology, much like the country has positioned itself as a key player in Halal certification. A wholly owned company under NanoMalaysia Berhad, an agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), NanoVerify moderates and facilitates nanotechnology development and commercialisation in Malaysia. There are currently 716 nanotechnology products in the Malaysian market, with 148 certified under the NanoVerify Programme.
Ybhg. Datuk Fadilah Baharin, Chairperson of NanoVerify

“NanoVerify is an important structure to facilitate the authentication of nanotechnology products in Malaysia,” said Ybhg. Datuk Fadilah Baharin, Chairperson of NanoVerify. “We hope that with the MoU in agreement with FOMCA, customers will be further able to identify fraudulent products available on the market with ease, and ensure that they are only purchasing quality products.”
NanoVerify seeks to educate consumers on the proper certification for nanotechnology goods, which includes a logo seal on verified SKUs. As it stands, customers can have difficulty in differentiating unverified nanotechnology products from authentic ones - unverified nanotechnology products are dangerous as counterfeiters do not conduct consumer testing beforehand, or may not contain nano elements at all.
The logo gives assurance to consumers that the product does indeed include nano elements, and has passed the rigid quality assurance that NanoVerify has set in place. A list of nano-verified products are available on NanoVerify’s website, which enables consumers to cross-check against products they are considering purchasing. Consumers will be able to rely on FOMCA’s customer service channels to lodge complaints about fraudulent certification, ensuring that they are protected from unverified merchandise.
Ybhg. Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Marimuthu Nadason, President of FOMCA

Ybhg. Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Marimuthu Nadason, President of FOMCA, echoed Datuk Fadhilah’s sentiments. “Through this memorandum of understanding, FOMCA and NanoVerify will work together to increase consumer awareness on the importance of Nanotechnology and also how consumers can benefit from the monitoring, development and commercialization of nanotechnology in Malaysia.”
With the recently launched National Nanotechnology Policy 2021-2030, the government has shown firm belief that nanotechnology is the way forward to ensure progress in science, technology, and innovation, while supporting research and development in these areas. The policy plans to further assist NanoVerify in the commercialisation of the technology, alongside standards and certification of the industry. The National Nanotechnology Initiative, which was introduced in 2006, has since created over 2,000 high value jobs, and contributed RM3 billion of company revenue in the first five years of its announcement.

To find out more, please visit NanoVerify’s social media pages at Facebook NanoVerify or Instagram @nanoverify, or


  1. Interesting article on NanoTechnology. It is important for consumers to know about nanotechnology. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Sememangnya Penggunaan Nano Technologi memberi impak kepada sains, teknologi dan Inovasi.. Harap diteruskan dan diperluaskan dlm pelbagai sektor..

  3. Love the advancement of technology in the nanotechnology area. Especially having an endorsement from the government is a real boost in credibility. Thanks for sharing the tips and also information regarding the technology.

  4. Thanks for sharing to this piece of informative story about nano tech, learnt it more here. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  5. Wow, lepas ni lebih yakin la nk beli product yg dilabel nanotechnology kalau ada nanoverify ni.

  6. menarik ni bila ada nanotechnology.. makin mudah dan yakin.. yq sharing this

  7. Thanks for sharing about this NanoVerify, will look out for products with it.
