
Garnier Malaysia Kick-start Nationwide School Education Programme Under its Green Beauty campaign

Garnier Malaysia, whom has started their Green Beauty campaign sometime ago has kick-started its nationwide school education programme as part of their green initiativeThe official launch event was held at SMK Darul Ehsan, Selayang Baru in the lovely morning on 29 June 2022. The event was graced by Puan Hajah Marpuaton binti Sastero, Deputy Director of School Management Sector, Selangor State Education Department and I.S.Shanmugaraj Subramaniam, Executive Director of the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS). This initiative is part of Garnier Malaysia’s commitment to cultivate and nurture the next generation of Green Heroes through education.
In fact, Green Beauty is Garnier’s global initiative of an end-to-end approach to sustainability. This commitment has ambitious 2025 targets to dramatically reduce Garnier’s overall environmental impact.
An art piece made with recycle materials by SMK Darul Ehsan

Garnier’s 2025 sustainability goals include:
- Ensuring all products to be made with zero virgin plastic
- Changes to packaging to ensure that all materials are reusable, recyclable, or compostable.
- Taking green measures at all steps of the brand’s value chain, Garnier commits to having 100% of their industrial sites to be carbon neutral by 2025. 
- Garnier also aims to empower 1,000 communities through their Solidarity Sourcing program.

To amplify this locally, Garnier Malaysia in partnership with MNS will carry out educational school programme with aims to educate up to 1,000 teachers and thousands of students on recycling, upcycling, and ways to tackle plastic pollution. The students are also empowered to practice their newfound recycling knowledge with recycling bins provided by Garnier.
The initiative kicked off with an interactive roadshow with fun activities and educational workshops held at SK Bestari 2 and SMK Seksyen 4 which received positive feedback from students and teachers.

“Plastic pollution is and has been an ongoing issue in Malaysia. Through our Garnier Green Beauty initiative, we hope to make an impact, regardless of how big or small to ensure that we too, as a sustainable beauty brand do our part for the environment in the long run. And we believe in the power of education and that this nationwide school programme will nurture and cultivate little environmentalists who will be our next generation Green Heroes for a cleaner, greener Malaysia.” 
Chris Chan, Head of Garnier Malaysia shared.

“Garnier is also pleased to have MNS join us on this journey as our partner for this initiative as they bring vast knowledge and experience to further add depth and results to achieving our overall goals together,” Chan added.
Known for championing many green initiatives amongst their students and community, SMK Darul Ehsan school has various green initiatives such as a green house, rainwater harvesting system, agriculture and horticulture classes, collection hub for used cooking oil and fabric. The school is also well known for championing Eco-Bricks, where plastic bottles are packed tightly with non-biodegradable waste to use as building materials to create insulated walls or outdoor furniture.

I.S. Shanmugaraj, Executive Director of Malaysian Nature Society said that “This nationwide school education programme is in line with our direction and ambition towards educating students to spark their interest towards recycling and plastic waste management. These workshops are a fun and interactive way to introduce such topics to school children and we are pleased to have Garnier Malaysia onboard with us towards realizing a greener environment and sustainable future.”
Aside from this nationwide school programme, Garnier Malaysia and MNS also has plans to organize five beach clean-ups at selected locations in the country. The first beach cleanup was held on 25th of May at Pantai Remis in Kuala Selangor with 80 participants coming together to clean the long stretch of beach.
With this great Go Green initiative by Garnier Malaysia and MNS, the future generations will ultimately benefit from improved air and water quality, fewer landfills and more renewable energy sources. Let's start to practice 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) together!

For more information on the Garnier Green Beauty campaign, visit or follow Garnier Malaysia on Facebook or Instagram.


  1. Mesti best involvement Garnier kat sekolah tu. Nanti mesti student tu dapat free sample dari Garnier Malaysia.

  2. Wow... this is fun! Innisfree is doing it too. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Great initiative by Garnier Malaysia ya! We need more industry player like this to promote Go Green campaign! Together we can make a difference bah! Support them!

  4. Tahniah Garnier! Semoga aktivti sebegini dapat memupuk semangat cintakan alam sekitar buat pelajar sekolah dan semua orang :)

  5. Great event..bagus buat program macam ni utk cintai alam sekitar. Good Job garnier

  6. Bagusnya Inisiatif Go Green oleh Garnier Malaysia dan MNS. Generasi akan datang akhirnya akan mendapat manfaat daripada peningkatan kualiti udara dan air, kurangnya tapak pelupusan sampah dan lebih banyak sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui.

  7. Bagusnya, buat pendedahan kempen Hijau di sekolah macam ni, satu idea yang bagus.. sambil tu remaja tai penjagaan wajah mana yang bagus untuknya..

  8. wow this is great sharing. Keep it up. Will buy Garnier product to support.

  9. terbaik Garnier.. satu usaha yang dapat membantu melestarikan alam agar kekal sejahtera

  10. Good job Garnier for having the program, and please include more states and schools and people to join this amazing program.

  11. Congrats Garnier, Go Green inisiatif yang bagus. Semoga aktiviti begini dapat diteruskan

  12. Bagus ada kempen macam ni.... ia dapat melatih seseorang itu supaya lebih mencintai alam sekitar

  13. This is a good initiative and sustainability lifestyle is the way forward
