
A Champion’s Start with the Lasting Energy from MILO®

For over 70 years, MILO® has nourished generations of Malaysians and become a well-cherished household brand. MILO® seeks to continue energising all Malaysians with the “champion-spirit” and reinforcing the breakfast message. Have a nutritious start to the year by simply enjoying the goodness of MILO every day for long-lasting energy.
2023, is the year to bring out the champion in all Malaysians! As life regained normalcy, many would have set goals to accomplish and dreams to pursue. So much so that, the hustle and bustle of life will be kicking in full swing again after a few years of being confined at home. Most adults will be returning to the physical workspace after rushing their children to school.

Breakfast is widely regarded as the most important meal of the day, yet findings from MyBreakfast Study showed that approximately 1 out of 4 school-going children in Malaysia are skipping breakfast.1

Wong Mei Ching, Nestlé Group Corporate Nutrition Manager, said “Most parents are not aware that their children lose their energy reserves after a night's sleep. A recent study has shown that approximately 1/4 of our body’s energy stores are depleted every night after an overnight sleep, therefore it is important for them to replenish the energy first thing in the morning with a nutritious and balanced breakfast in restoring their vitality".2

Preparing a healthy, balanced and yet wholesome breakfast may be daunting and tedious for many, especially full-time working parents. However, as responsible, and loving parents, we always prioritise giving our children the best in everything possible.
With that, starting the day with a warm cup of MILO® is the perfect choice for your child’s mornings. Not only helps meeting their daily nutritional needs, but also provides the long-lasting energy to take on the day to focus better in school!

Each cup of MILO® is made with the natural goodness of specially selected ingredients including Malt Barley, Milk and Cocoa, with a unique blend of vitamins and minerals which has been shown by experts that this unique concoction provides you with the long-lasting energy in the morning and gives your child the right start to the day.2

MILO® is also certified with the Healthier Choice Logo (HCL) from the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH).

"Every morning, no matter how busy I am, I will at the very least prepare a hot mug of MILO® for my son so that he starts his day right with the energy needed to stay active and be focused in school before recess time," said the local artist, Shuib Sepahtu who is a single father of 4 children.

Radio announcer, Gan Mei Yan also mentioned that she always tries her best to prepare a nutritious breakfast for her son every morning without fail like how her parents used to do for her when she was in school. “Back in the days, my parents always prepare a warm cup of MILO® in the morning for me before I head to school. That cup of MILO® was so important for me to stay energised in school, which is why that now I have become a parent, it is my turn to provide MILO® for my son” she added.

Start this year right by starting your champion’s day with the goodness of MILO® to have the lasting energy to go further and achieve greater heights! With a cup of MILO® every morning, every champion is ready to seize the day! A message for Malaysians to go further, #MILOSiapSediaJuara.

1 ES Tee et al. Breakfast consumption among Malaysian primary and secondary school children and relationship with body weight status - Findings from the MyBreakfast Study. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2018;27(2):421-432.

2 EJ Simpson, et al. Abstract presentation at The UK Nutrition Society’s Irish Section Conference, 15th-17th June 2022.

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