
The Antioxidant Superfood - California Blueberries

It's the season of California Blueberries now! Do you know that a one-cup serving of these antioxidant superfood contains 80 calories and virtually no fat, it is a good source of fiber in maintaining digestive health and delivers almost 25% of one’s requirement of vitamin C, which helps the body maintain a healthy immune system.
My family and I love to eat California Blueberries. These small and mighty super food are full of nutrients, vitamins & antioxidants and can be enjoyed in many versatile ways. California blueberries can be incorporated into making a wide range of dishes, desserts or even beverage. From blueberries pie, blueberries cake, ice cream, pancake, smoothies, overnight oat or by eating on it's own! I especially love to enjoy it by topping on yoghurt. It's very fast and easy to prepare and it brings many health benefits.
Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, California blueberries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory.
California is one of the top six blueberry-producing states in North America. California Blueberries are not only bigger and delicious but also low in fat and a good source of fiber in maintaining digestive health and reducing the risk of heart disease. Hence, when it comes to blueberries, I only choose California Blueberries. They are juicy, with a slightly sweet taste.
Grab the California blueberries at key selective supermarkets now!

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