
Auspicious Celebrations in The Year of The Dragon at Lai Ching Yuen, Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur

Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur ushers in the Year of the Wood Dragon with a sumptuous selection of offerings at its non-halal Chinese restaurant Lai Ching Yuen, featuring exciting selections of Chinese New Year set menus and Yee Sang, as well as exclusive a la carte and Dim Sum specials from 2 January to 25 February 2024.
Exquisite Prosperity Set Menus

Weaving in Chinese New Year traditions while honouring classic Cantonese cuisine, Executive Chinese Chef, Chef Thye Yoon Kong and his team have curated a selection of 3 different 9-course Prosperity Set Menus available from 2 January to 25 February 2024*. Whether it is for a corporate gathering or family reunion, diners are well-catered a sumptuous feast steeped in auspiciousness to ring in a prosperous year ahead.
The Bejewelled Prosperity Set (珠光宝气宴) priced at RM2,288++ for a table of 10 persons comprises a Yee Sang with Jelly Fish and Crispy Fish Skin (大展鸿图其捞生 - 海蜇脆鱼皮捞生) to kickstart the meal, followed by a nourishing Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Dry Scallop, Sea Cucumber and Cordyceps Flower (喜气洋洋 - 虫草花干贝海参炖鸡汤) and Steamed Green Eye Grouper in Hot Oil (如意吉祥 - 油泡青眼斑). The star dish of the menu championed by Barbecue and Roast Chef, Chef Lam is his signature Roasted Crispy Duck in Hong Kong Style (心想事成 - 港式烧鸭), continued by Salt and Pepper Slipper Lobster with Crispy Enoki Mushroom (嘻哈大笑 - 椒盐金菇虾婆), Stir-fried Hong Kong Kai Lan with Garlic (福贵荣华 - 蒜蓉炒芥兰) and a Chinese New Year must-have rice dish, the Chinese Wax Meat Rice wrapped in Lotus Leaf (一帆风顺 - 腊味芋粒荷叶饭). The meal ends with a classic treat, Crispy Yam Nian Gao (步步高升 - 香芋炸年糕) and Chilled Sweetened Longan and Sea Coconut (团团圆圆 - 冻龙眼雪耳海底椰).
Welcome a year filled with peace and joy with the Seasons of Harmony Set (四季平安宴) priced at RM2,888++ which promises a lavish feast, including Yee Sang with Sliced Norwegian Salmon and Crispy Fish Skin (鸿运当 头齐捞生 - 三文鱼脆鱼皮捞生). After wholesome servings of Double Boiled Chicken Soup with Dry Scallop, Sea Cucumber and Agaricus Blazei (大战鸿运 - 松茸干贝海参炖鸡汤) and the Steamed Red Star Grouper in Hot Oil (年年有余 - 油泡红星斑), indulge in Lai Ching Yuen’s signature Baked Iberico Pork Ribs(龙精虎猛 - 西班牙排骨) that is crispy yet juicy. The highlight of thisset is the Wok-fried King Prawn in “Bei Fong Tong” Style (荣华富贵 - 避风塘大生虾), followed by Chinese Wax Meat Rice Wrapped in Lotus Leaf (一团和气 - 腊味荷叶饭). Desserts for this set also includes Crispy Yam Nian Gao (步步高升 - 香芋炸年糕) accompanied by the satisfying Sweetened Red Bean Soup with Glutinous Rice Ball (金枝玉叶 - 红豆沙汤圆).
For those seeking to indulge in a more extravagant feast, the Golden Abundance Set (金玉满堂宴) at RM3,888++ will not disappoint. The set entails Yee Sang with Soft Shell Crab and Sliced Norwegian Salmon (财运亨通齐捞生 -炸软壳蟹三文鱼捞生) and Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Dried Scallop, Mini Abalone (1 nos) and Chinese Cabbage (遍地黄金 - 菜胆干贝鲍鱼仔炖鸡汤). The crowning jewel of the set is the Barbecued Whole Suckling Pig (龙晶虎猛 - 大红片全体乳猪) prepared with the traditional method of using charcoal. The meal continues with Steamed Red Star Grouper with Light Soy Sauce (年年有余 - 清蒸深海红星斑), Pan-friend Fresh Water King Prawn in Light Soy Sauce (大展 鸿运 - 干煎豉油王大明虾), Stuffed Sea Cucumber with Sea Moss, Dried Oyster and Broccoli (好市发 财 - 蚝豉发菜西兰花酿海参) and Traditional Chinese Wax Meat Rice Served in Clay Pot (多财满家 - 古法砂煲腊味饭). Desserts include a duo of Pan-fried and Deep-fried Nian Gao (富贵双全 - 煎炸鸳 鸯年糕) to be enjoyed with Sweetened Mango Cream with Sago (甜甜蜜蜜 - 香芒西米露).
For bookings and enquiries, please contact Lai Ching Yuen via WhatsApp at +6012-204 6217 or call +603-2117 4180.
*Each set caters for 10 persons per table. Bookings are required to be made at least 1 day in advance. Bookings for Prosperity Set Menus on 9 February 2024 are available for dinner only.

Toss to Prosperity

To complement auspicious celebrations, Lai Ching Yuen is also serving 6 delectable choices of Yee Sang available from 2 January until 25 February 2024 for lunch and dinner*. For a refreshed beginnings for the year ahead, try the Vegetarian Yee Sang (逢莱仙岛捞生 - 健康素食捞生, RM88++ (half) and RM138++ (full)) prepared with fresh fruits and vegetables. The selection also includes Yee Sang with Jelly Fish (大展鸿图齐捞生 - 海蜇捞生, RM98++ (half) and RM158++ (full)) and Yee Sang with Crispy Fish Skin (发财齐捞生 - 脆鱼皮捞生, RM108++ (half) and RM158++ (full)), as well as more premium options comprising Yee Sang with Soft Shell Crab (丰收年年齐捞生 - 炸软壳蟹捞生, RM118++ (half) and RM188++ (full)), Yee Sang with Sliced Norwegian Salmon (鸿运当头齐捞生 - 三文鱼捞生, RM118++ (half) and RM188++ (full)) and Yee Sang with Sliced Abalone (大富大贵齐捞生 - 鲍鱼片捞 生, RM268++ (half) and RM498++ (full)).

*Bookings for Yee Sang on 9 February 2024 are available for dinner only. Yee Sang is prepared in servings for up to 6 persons (half portion) or 12 persons (full portion).
Exclusive Chinese New Year and Dim Sum Specials

Elevate Chinese New Year festivities with the accompaniment of Chef Kong’s a la carte Chinese New Year Specials and Dim Sum Specials crafted specially for this season, available from 2 January to 25 February 2024.
With 10 dishes to choose from, the Chinese New Year Specials entail must-tries like the Braised Pork Knuckle with Sea Moss and Oyster Sauce (红烧发财猪手, RM188++), Marinated Chinese Wine Chicken with Minced Ginger and Spring Onions (姜蓉花雕鸡, RM168++) and Salt and Pepper Slipper Lobster with Crispy Enoki Mushroom (金菇椒盐琵琶虾, RM98++) which are available this Chinese New Year season only. A highlight to not miss out is the Barbecued Whole Suckling Pig (大红片全体乳猪) which is available at a special price of RM688++.

Lunch diners and Dim Sum lovers can delight in 3 speciality dishes, which are Steamed Prawn Dumpling with Black Truffle (黑松露海鲜虾饺, RM33++), Steamed Siew Mai topped with Mini Abalone (发财鲍 鱼烧卖, RM33++) and Baked Yam Puff with Custard (炭烧流沙球, RM22++).
Early-Bird Discounts for Advanced Bookings

Book early for your reunion feasts to enjoy our early-bird discount. Diners will receive 20% off on Prosperity Set Menus for bookings made by 1 February 2024. Members of Millennium Classic Dining Card are also treated to a 20% discount on Prosperity Set Menus (except 9 February to 12 February 2024) booked by 28 January 2024. Full deposit is required to secure bookings for the early-bird discount.

For bookings and enquiries, please contact Lai Ching Yuen via WhatsApp Message at +6012-204 6217 or call +603-2117 4180.

All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia, subject to 10% service charge and prevailing taxes.
For the latest happenings and special offers, check out:
Facebook: (Lai Ching Yuen) 
Instagram: @laichingyuen.kl
Hashtags: #laichingyuen #grandmillenniumkl

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